require 'spec_helper' # Fixes missing method tempfile error class Rack::Test::UploadedFile attr_reader :tempfile end module Alchemy describe PicturesController do let(:public_page) { FactoryGirl.create(:public_page, restricted: false) } let(:restricted_page) { FactoryGirl.create(:public_page, restricted: true) } let(:element) { FactoryGirl.create(:element, page: public_page, name: 'bild', create_contents_after_create: true) } let(:restricted_element) { FactoryGirl.create(:element, page: restricted_page, name: 'bild', create_contents_after_create: true) } let(:picture) { Picture.create(image_file: fixture_file_upload(File.expand_path('../../fixtures/image.png', __FILE__), 'image/png')) } describe '#zoom' do let(:picture) { Picture.create(image_file: fixture_file_upload(File.expand_path('../../fixtures/80x60.png', __FILE__), 'image/png')) } before { sign_in(editor_user) } it "renders the original image without any resizing" do get :zoom, id:, format: :png, sh: picture.security_token response.body[0x10..0x18].unpack('NN').should == [80, 60] end end context "Requesting a picture with tempared security token" do it "should render status 400" do get :show, id:, format: :png, sh: '14m4b4dh4ck3r' response.status.should == 400 end end context "Requesting a picture with another format then the original image" do it "should convert the picture format" do get :show, id:, format: :jpeg, sh: picture.security_token response.content_type.should == 'image/jpeg' end end context "Requesting a picture with not allowed format" do it "should raise error" do expect { get :show, id:, format: :wim, sh: picture.security_token }.to raise_error(ActionController::UnknownFormat) end end describe '#thumbnail' do let(:picture) { Picture.create(image_file: fixture_file_upload(File.expand_path('../../fixtures/500x500.png', __FILE__), 'image/png')) } before { sign_in(author_user) } context 'with size param set to small' do it "resizes the image to 80x60 while maintaining aspect ratio" do get :thumbnail, id:, size: 'small', format: :png, sh: picture.security_token(size: 'small') response.body[0x10..0x18].unpack('NN').should == [60, 60] end end context 'with size param set to medium' do it "resizes the image to 160x120 while maintaining aspect ratio" do get :thumbnail, id:, size: 'medium', format: :png, sh: picture.security_token(size: 'medium') response.body[0x10..0x18].unpack('NN').should == [120, 120] end end context 'with size param set to large' do it "resizes the image to 240x180 while maintaining aspect ratio" do get :thumbnail, id:, size: 'large', format: :png, sh: picture.security_token(size: 'large') response.body[0x10..0x18].unpack('NN').should == [180, 180] end end context 'with size param set to nil' do it "resizes the image to 111x93 while maintaining aspect ratio" do get :thumbnail, id:, format: :png, sh: picture.security_token response.body[0x10..0x18].unpack('NN').should == [93, 93] end end context 'with size param set to another value' do it "resizes the image to the given size while maintaining aspect ratio" do get :thumbnail, id:, size: '33x33', format: :png, sh: picture.security_token(size: '33x33') response.body[0x10..0x18].unpack('NN').should == [33, 33] end end end context "Requesting a picture that has no image file attached" do before do picture.stub(image_file: nil) Picture.stub(find: picture) end it "raises missing file error" do expect { get :show, id:, format: :png, sh: picture.security_token }.to raise_error(Alchemy::MissingImageFileError) end end context "Requesting a picture with crop_from and crop_size parameters" do let(:picture) { Picture.create(image_file: fixture_file_upload(File.expand_path('../../fixtures/500x500.png', __FILE__), 'image/png')) } it "renders the cropped picture" do get :show, id:, crop: 'crop', size: '123x44', crop_size: '123x44', crop_from: '0x0', format: :png, sh: picture.security_token(crop_size: '123x44', crop_from: '0x0', crop: true, size: '123x44') response.body[0x10..0x18].unpack('NN').should == [123, 44] end end context "Requesting a picture that is not assigned with any page" do it "should render the picture" do get :show, id:, format: :png, sh: picture.security_token response.status.should == 200 end end context "Requesting a picture that is assigned on restricted and non-restricted pages" do before do essence = element.contents.where(name: 'image').first.essence essence.picture_id = essence = restricted_element.contents.where(name: 'image').first.essence essence.picture_id = end context "as guest user" do it "should render the picture" do get :show, id:, format: :png, sh: picture.security_token response.status.should == 200 end end end context "Requesting a picture that is assigned with restricted pages only" do before do essence = restricted_element.contents.where(name: 'image').first.essence essence.picture_id = end context "as guest user" do it "should not render the picture, but redirect to login path" do get :show, id:, sh: picture.security_token response.status.should == 302 response.should redirect_to(Alchemy.login_path) end end context "as member user" do before do sign_in(member_user) end it "should render the picture" do get :show, id:, format: :png, sh: picture.security_token response.status.should == 200 end end end describe 'Picture processing' do context "with crop and size parameters" do let(:big_picture) { Picture.create(image_file: fixture_file_upload(File.expand_path('../../fixtures/80x60.png', __FILE__), 'image/png')) } it "should return a cropped image." do options = { crop: 'crop', size: '10x10', format: 'png' } get :show, options.merge(id:, sh: big_picture.security_token(options)) response.body[0x10..0x18].unpack('NN').should == [10,10] end context "without upsample parameter" do it "should not upsample the image." do options = { crop: 'crop', size: '10x10', format: 'png' } get :show, options.merge(id:, sh: picture.security_token(options)) response.body[0x10..0x18].unpack('NN').should == [1,1] end end context "and with upsample true" do it "should return an upsampled image." do options = { crop: 'crop', size: '10x10', upsample: 'true', format: 'png' } get :show, options.merge(id:, sh: picture.security_token(options)) response.body[0x10..0x18].unpack('NN').should == [10,10] end end end end end end