require 'delegate'

module Dio
  # Allows for Pattern Matching against arbitrary objects by wrapping them
  # in an interface that understands methods of deconstructing objects.
  # **Approximating Deconstruction**
  # As Ruby does not, by default, define `deconstruct` and `deconstruct_keys` on
  # objects this class attempts to approximate them.
  # This class does, however, do something unique in treating `deconstruct_keys`
  # as a series of calls to sent to the class and its "nested" values.
  # **Demonstrating Nested Values**
  # Consider an integer:
  # ```ruby
  # Dio[1] in { succ: { succ: { succ: 4 } } }
  # # => true
  # ```
  # It has no concept of deconstruction, except in that its `succ` method returns
  # a "nested" value we can match against, allowing us to "dive into" the
  # object, diving us our namesake Dio, or "Dive Into Object"
  # **Delegation**
  # As with most monadic-like design patterns that add additional behavior by
  # wrapping objects we need to extract the value at the end to do anything
  # particularly useful.
  # By adding delegation to this class we have a cheat around this in that
  # any method called on the nested DiveForwarder instances will call through
  # to the associated base object instead.
  # I am not 100% sold on this approach, and will consider it more in the
  # future.
  # @author [baweaver]
  class DiveForwarder < ::Delegator
    # Wrapper for creating a new DiveForwarder
    NEW_DIVE = -> v { }

    # Creates a new delegator that understands the pattern matching interface
    # @param base_object [Any]
    #   Any object that does not necessarily understand pattern matching
    # @return [DiveForwarder]
    def initialize(base_object)
      @base_object = base_object

    # Approximation of an Array deconstruction:
    # ```ruby
    # [1, 2, 3] in [*, 2, *]
    # ```
    # Attempts to find a reasonable interface by which to extract values
    # to be matched. If an object that knows how to match already is sent
    # through wrap its child values for deeper matching.
    # Current interface will work with `to_a`, `to_ary`, `map`, and values
    # that can already `deconstruct`. If others are desired please submit a PR
    # to add them
    # @raises [Dio::Errors::NoDeconstructionMethod]
    #   If no method of deconstruction exists, an exception is raised to
    #   communicate the proper interface and note the abscense of a current one.
    # @return [Array[DiveForwarder]]
    #   Values lifted into a Dio context for further matching
    def deconstruct
      return!(&NEW_DIVE) if @base_object.respond_to?(:deconstruct)

      return!(&NEW_DIVE) if @base_object.respond_to?(:to_a)
      return!(&NEW_DIVE) if @base_object.respond_to?(:to_ary)
      return if @base_object.respond_to?(:map)

      raise Dio::Errors::NoDeconstructionMethod

    # Approximates `deconstruct_keys` for Hashes, except in adding `Qo`-like
    # behavior that allows to treat objects as "nested values" through their
    # method calls.
    # **Deconstructing an Object**
    # In `Qo` one could match against an object by calling to its methods using
    # `public_send`. This allowed one to "dive into" an object through a series
    # of method calls, approximating a Hash pattern match.
    # **Native Behavior**
    # If the object already responds to `deconstruct_keys` this method will
    # behave similarly to `deconstruct` and wrap its values as new
    # `DiveForwarder` contexts.
    # @param keys [Array]
    #   Keys to be extracted from the object
    # @return [Hash]
    #   Deconstructed keys pointing to associated values extracted from a Hash
    #   or an Object. Note that these values are matched against using `===`.
    def deconstruct_keys(keys)
      if @base_object.respond_to?(:deconstruct_keys)
        keys.to_h { |k| @base_object.public_send(k).then { |v| [k, NEW_DIVE[v]] } }

    # Unwrapped context, aliased afterwards to use Ruby's delegator interface
    # @return [Any]
    #   Originally wrapped object
    def value

    alias_method :__getobj__, :value