/* * * Copyright 2015, Google Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ /** Round Robin Policy. * * This policy keeps: * - A circular list of ready (connected) subchannels, the *readylist*. An empty * readylist consists solely of its root (dummy) node. * - A pointer to the last element picked from the readylist, the *lastpick*. * Initially set to point to the readylist's root. * * Behavior: * - When a subchannel connects, it's *prepended* to the readylist's root node. * Ie, if readylist = A <-> B <-> ROOT <-> C * ^ ^ * |____________________| * and subchannel D becomes connected, the addition of D to the readylist * results in readylist = A <-> B <-> D <-> ROOT <-> C * ^ ^ * |__________________________| * - When a subchannel disconnects, it's removed from the readylist. If the * subchannel being removed was the most recently picked, the *lastpick* * pointer moves to the removed node's previous element. Note that if the * readylist only had one element, this is still legal, as the lastpick would * point to the dummy root node, for an empty readylist. * - Upon picking, *lastpick* is updated to point to the returned (connected) * subchannel. Note that it's possible that the selected subchannel becomes * disconnected in the interim between the selection and the actual usage of * the subchannel by the caller. */ #include #include #include "src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/lb_policy_registry.h" #include "src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/subchannel.h" #include "src/core/lib/channel/channel_args.h" #include "src/core/lib/debug/trace.h" #include "src/core/lib/iomgr/combiner.h" #include "src/core/lib/iomgr/sockaddr_utils.h" #include "src/core/lib/transport/connectivity_state.h" #include "src/core/lib/transport/static_metadata.h" typedef struct round_robin_lb_policy round_robin_lb_policy; grpc_tracer_flag grpc_lb_round_robin_trace = GRPC_TRACER_INITIALIZER(false); /** List of entities waiting for a pick. * * Once a pick is available, \a target is updated and \a on_complete called. */ typedef struct pending_pick { struct pending_pick *next; /* output argument where to store the pick()ed user_data. It'll be NULL if no * such data is present or there's an error (the definite test for errors is * \a target being NULL). */ void **user_data; /* bitmask passed to pick() and used for selective cancelling. See * grpc_lb_policy_cancel_picks() */ uint32_t initial_metadata_flags; /* output argument where to store the pick()ed connected subchannel, or NULL * upon error. */ grpc_connected_subchannel **target; /* to be invoked once the pick() has completed (regardless of success) */ grpc_closure *on_complete; } pending_pick; typedef struct { /** backpointer to owning policy */ round_robin_lb_policy *policy; /** subchannel itself */ grpc_subchannel *subchannel; /** notification that connectivity has changed on subchannel */ grpc_closure connectivity_changed_closure; /** last observed connectivity. Not updated by * \a grpc_subchannel_notify_on_state_change. Used to determine the previous * state while processing the new state in \a rr_connectivity_changed */ grpc_connectivity_state prev_connectivity_state; /** current connectivity state. Updated by \a * grpc_subchannel_notify_on_state_change */ grpc_connectivity_state curr_connectivity_state; /** connectivity state to be updated by the watcher, not guarded by * the combiner. Will be moved to curr_connectivity_state inside of * the combiner by rr_connectivity_changed_locked(). */ grpc_connectivity_state pending_connectivity_state_unsafe; /** the subchannel's target user data */ void *user_data; /** vtable to operate over \a user_data */ const grpc_lb_user_data_vtable *user_data_vtable; } subchannel_data; struct round_robin_lb_policy { /** base policy: must be first */ grpc_lb_policy base; /** total number of addresses received at creation time */ size_t num_addresses; /** all our subchannels */ size_t num_subchannels; subchannel_data *subchannels; /** how many subchannels are in state READY */ size_t num_ready; /** how many subchannels are in state TRANSIENT_FAILURE */ size_t num_transient_failures; /** how many subchannels are in state SHUTDOWN */ size_t num_shutdown; /** how many subchannels are in state IDLE */ size_t num_idle; /** have we started picking? */ bool started_picking; /** are we shutting down? */ bool shutdown; /** List of picks that are waiting on connectivity */ pending_pick *pending_picks; /** our connectivity state tracker */ grpc_connectivity_state_tracker state_tracker; // Index into subchannels for last pick. size_t last_ready_subchannel_index; }; /** Returns the index into p->subchannels of the next subchannel in * READY state, or p->num_subchannels if no subchannel is READY. * * Note that this function does *not* update p->last_ready_subchannel_index. * The caller must do that if it returns a pick. */ static size_t get_next_ready_subchannel_index_locked( const round_robin_lb_policy *p) { if (GRPC_TRACER_ON(grpc_lb_round_robin_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "[RR: %p] getting next ready subchannel, " "last_ready_subchannel_index=%lu", p, (unsigned long)p->last_ready_subchannel_index); } for (size_t i = 0; i < p->num_subchannels; ++i) { const size_t index = (i + p->last_ready_subchannel_index + 1) % p->num_subchannels; if (GRPC_TRACER_ON(grpc_lb_round_robin_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "[RR %p] checking index %lu: state=%d", p, (unsigned long)index, p->subchannels[index].curr_connectivity_state); } if (p->subchannels[index].curr_connectivity_state == GRPC_CHANNEL_READY) { if (GRPC_TRACER_ON(grpc_lb_round_robin_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "[RR %p] found next ready subchannel at index %lu", p, (unsigned long)index); } return index; } } if (GRPC_TRACER_ON(grpc_lb_round_robin_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "[RR %p] no subchannels in ready state", p); } return p->num_subchannels; } // Sets p->last_ready_subchannel_index to last_ready_index. static void update_last_ready_subchannel_index_locked(round_robin_lb_policy *p, size_t last_ready_index) { GPR_ASSERT(last_ready_index < p->num_subchannels); p->last_ready_subchannel_index = last_ready_index; if (GRPC_TRACER_ON(grpc_lb_round_robin_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "[RR: %p] setting last_ready_subchannel_index=%lu (SC %p, CSC %p)", (void *)p, (unsigned long)last_ready_index, (void *)p->subchannels[last_ready_index].subchannel, (void *)grpc_subchannel_get_connected_subchannel( p->subchannels[last_ready_index].subchannel)); } } static void rr_destroy(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_lb_policy *pol) { round_robin_lb_policy *p = (round_robin_lb_policy *)pol; if (GRPC_TRACER_ON(grpc_lb_round_robin_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "Destroying Round Robin policy at %p", (void *)pol); } for (size_t i = 0; i < p->num_subchannels; i++) { subchannel_data *sd = &p->subchannels[i]; if (sd->subchannel != NULL) { GRPC_SUBCHANNEL_UNREF(exec_ctx, sd->subchannel, "rr_destroy"); if (sd->user_data != NULL) { GPR_ASSERT(sd->user_data_vtable != NULL); sd->user_data_vtable->destroy(exec_ctx, sd->user_data); } } } grpc_connectivity_state_destroy(exec_ctx, &p->state_tracker); gpr_free(p->subchannels); gpr_free(p); } static void rr_shutdown_locked(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_lb_policy *pol) { round_robin_lb_policy *p = (round_robin_lb_policy *)pol; if (GRPC_TRACER_ON(grpc_lb_round_robin_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "Shutting down Round Robin policy at %p", (void *)pol); } p->shutdown = true; pending_pick *pp; while ((pp = p->pending_picks)) { p->pending_picks = pp->next; *pp->target = NULL; grpc_closure_sched( exec_ctx, pp->on_complete, GRPC_ERROR_CREATE_FROM_STATIC_STRING("Channel Shutdown")); gpr_free(pp); } grpc_connectivity_state_set( exec_ctx, &p->state_tracker, GRPC_CHANNEL_SHUTDOWN, GRPC_ERROR_CREATE_FROM_STATIC_STRING("Channel Shutdown"), "rr_shutdown"); for (size_t i = 0; i < p->num_subchannels; i++) { subchannel_data *sd = &p->subchannels[i]; if (sd->subchannel != NULL) { grpc_subchannel_notify_on_state_change(exec_ctx, sd->subchannel, NULL, NULL, &sd->connectivity_changed_closure); } } } static void rr_cancel_pick_locked(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_lb_policy *pol, grpc_connected_subchannel **target, grpc_error *error) { round_robin_lb_policy *p = (round_robin_lb_policy *)pol; pending_pick *pp = p->pending_picks; p->pending_picks = NULL; while (pp != NULL) { pending_pick *next = pp->next; if (pp->target == target) { *target = NULL; grpc_closure_sched(exec_ctx, pp->on_complete, GRPC_ERROR_CREATE_REFERENCING_FROM_STATIC_STRING( "Pick cancelled", &error, 1)); gpr_free(pp); } else { pp->next = p->pending_picks; p->pending_picks = pp; } pp = next; } GRPC_ERROR_UNREF(error); } static void rr_cancel_picks_locked(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_lb_policy *pol, uint32_t initial_metadata_flags_mask, uint32_t initial_metadata_flags_eq, grpc_error *error) { round_robin_lb_policy *p = (round_robin_lb_policy *)pol; pending_pick *pp = p->pending_picks; p->pending_picks = NULL; while (pp != NULL) { pending_pick *next = pp->next; if ((pp->initial_metadata_flags & initial_metadata_flags_mask) == initial_metadata_flags_eq) { *pp->target = NULL; grpc_closure_sched(exec_ctx, pp->on_complete, GRPC_ERROR_CREATE_REFERENCING_FROM_STATIC_STRING( "Pick cancelled", &error, 1)); gpr_free(pp); } else { pp->next = p->pending_picks; p->pending_picks = pp; } pp = next; } GRPC_ERROR_UNREF(error); } static void start_picking_locked(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, round_robin_lb_policy *p) { p->started_picking = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < p->num_subchannels; i++) { subchannel_data *sd = &p->subchannels[i]; if (sd->subchannel != NULL) { GRPC_LB_POLICY_WEAK_REF(&p->base, "rr_connectivity"); grpc_subchannel_notify_on_state_change( exec_ctx, sd->subchannel, p->base.interested_parties, &sd->pending_connectivity_state_unsafe, &sd->connectivity_changed_closure); } } } static void rr_exit_idle_locked(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_lb_policy *pol) { round_robin_lb_policy *p = (round_robin_lb_policy *)pol; if (!p->started_picking) { start_picking_locked(exec_ctx, p); } } static int rr_pick_locked(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_lb_policy *pol, const grpc_lb_policy_pick_args *pick_args, grpc_connected_subchannel **target, grpc_call_context_element *context, void **user_data, grpc_closure *on_complete) { round_robin_lb_policy *p = (round_robin_lb_policy *)pol; if (GRPC_TRACER_ON(grpc_lb_round_robin_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "Round Robin %p trying to pick", (void *)pol); } const size_t next_ready_index = get_next_ready_subchannel_index_locked(p); if (next_ready_index < p->num_subchannels) { /* readily available, report right away */ subchannel_data *sd = &p->subchannels[next_ready_index]; *target = GRPC_CONNECTED_SUBCHANNEL_REF( grpc_subchannel_get_connected_subchannel(sd->subchannel), "rr_picked"); if (user_data != NULL) { *user_data = sd->user_data; } if (GRPC_TRACER_ON(grpc_lb_round_robin_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "[RR PICK] TARGET <-- CONNECTED SUBCHANNEL %p (INDEX %lu)", (void *)*target, (unsigned long)next_ready_index); } /* only advance the last picked pointer if the selection was used */ update_last_ready_subchannel_index_locked(p, next_ready_index); return 1; } else { /* no pick currently available. Save for later in list of pending picks */ if (!p->started_picking) { start_picking_locked(exec_ctx, p); } pending_pick *pp = gpr_malloc(sizeof(*pp)); pp->next = p->pending_picks; pp->target = target; pp->on_complete = on_complete; pp->initial_metadata_flags = pick_args->initial_metadata_flags; pp->user_data = user_data; p->pending_picks = pp; return 0; } } static void update_state_counters_locked(subchannel_data *sd) { round_robin_lb_policy *p = sd->policy; if (sd->prev_connectivity_state == GRPC_CHANNEL_READY) { GPR_ASSERT(p->num_ready > 0); --p->num_ready; } else if (sd->prev_connectivity_state == GRPC_CHANNEL_TRANSIENT_FAILURE) { GPR_ASSERT(p->num_transient_failures > 0); --p->num_transient_failures; } else if (sd->prev_connectivity_state == GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE) { GPR_ASSERT(p->num_idle > 0); --p->num_idle; } if (sd->curr_connectivity_state == GRPC_CHANNEL_READY) { ++p->num_ready; } else if (sd->curr_connectivity_state == GRPC_CHANNEL_TRANSIENT_FAILURE) { ++p->num_transient_failures; } else if (sd->curr_connectivity_state == GRPC_CHANNEL_SHUTDOWN) { ++p->num_shutdown; } else if (sd->curr_connectivity_state == GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE) { ++p->num_idle; } } /* sd is the subchannel_data associted with the updated subchannel. * shutdown_error will only be used upon policy transition to TRANSIENT_FAILURE * or SHUTDOWN */ static grpc_connectivity_state update_lb_connectivity_status_locked( grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, subchannel_data *sd, grpc_error *error) { /* In priority order. The first rule to match terminates the search (ie, if we * are on rule n, all previous rules were unfulfilled). * * 1) RULE: ANY subchannel is READY => policy is READY. * CHECK: At least one subchannel is ready iff p->ready_list is NOT empty. * * 2) RULE: ANY subchannel is CONNECTING => policy is CONNECTING. * CHECK: sd->curr_connectivity_state == CONNECTING. * * 3) RULE: ALL subchannels are SHUTDOWN => policy is SHUTDOWN. * CHECK: p->num_shutdown == p->num_subchannels. * * 4) RULE: ALL subchannels are TRANSIENT_FAILURE => policy is * TRANSIENT_FAILURE. * CHECK: p->num_transient_failures == p->num_subchannels. * * 5) RULE: ALL subchannels are IDLE => policy is IDLE. * CHECK: p->num_idle == p->num_subchannels. */ round_robin_lb_policy *p = sd->policy; grpc_connectivity_state new_state = sd->curr_connectivity_state; if (p->num_ready > 0) { /* 1) READY */ grpc_connectivity_state_set(exec_ctx, &p->state_tracker, GRPC_CHANNEL_READY, GRPC_ERROR_NONE, "rr_ready"); new_state = GRPC_CHANNEL_READY; } else if (sd->curr_connectivity_state == GRPC_CHANNEL_CONNECTING) { /* 2) CONNECTING */ grpc_connectivity_state_set(exec_ctx, &p->state_tracker, GRPC_CHANNEL_CONNECTING, GRPC_ERROR_NONE, "rr_connecting"); new_state = GRPC_CHANNEL_CONNECTING; } else if (p->num_shutdown == p->num_subchannels) { /* 3) SHUTDOWN */ grpc_connectivity_state_set(exec_ctx, &p->state_tracker, GRPC_CHANNEL_SHUTDOWN, GRPC_ERROR_REF(error), "rr_shutdown"); new_state = GRPC_CHANNEL_SHUTDOWN; } else if (p->num_transient_failures == p->num_subchannels) { /* 4) TRANSIENT_FAILURE */ grpc_connectivity_state_set(exec_ctx, &p->state_tracker, GRPC_CHANNEL_TRANSIENT_FAILURE, GRPC_ERROR_REF(error), "rr_transient_failure"); new_state = GRPC_CHANNEL_TRANSIENT_FAILURE; } else if (p->num_idle == p->num_subchannels) { /* 5) IDLE */ grpc_connectivity_state_set(exec_ctx, &p->state_tracker, GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE, GRPC_ERROR_NONE, "rr_idle"); new_state = GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE; } GRPC_ERROR_UNREF(error); return new_state; } static void rr_connectivity_changed_locked(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, void *arg, grpc_error *error) { subchannel_data *sd = arg; round_robin_lb_policy *p = sd->policy; // Now that we're inside the combiner, copy the pending connectivity // state (which was set by the connectivity state watcher) to // curr_connectivity_state, which is what we use inside of the combiner. sd->curr_connectivity_state = sd->pending_connectivity_state_unsafe; if (GRPC_TRACER_ON(grpc_lb_round_robin_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "[RR %p] connectivity changed for subchannel %p: " "prev_state=%d new_state=%d", p, sd->subchannel, sd->prev_connectivity_state, sd->curr_connectivity_state); } // If we're shutting down, unref and return. if (p->shutdown) { GRPC_LB_POLICY_WEAK_UNREF(exec_ctx, &p->base, "rr_connectivity"); return; } // Update state counters and determine new overall state. update_state_counters_locked(sd); sd->prev_connectivity_state = sd->curr_connectivity_state; grpc_connectivity_state new_connectivity_state = update_lb_connectivity_status_locked(exec_ctx, sd, GRPC_ERROR_REF(error)); // If the new state is SHUTDOWN, unref the subchannel, and if the new // overall state is SHUTDOWN, clean up. if (sd->curr_connectivity_state == GRPC_CHANNEL_SHUTDOWN) { GRPC_SUBCHANNEL_UNREF(exec_ctx, sd->subchannel, "rr_subchannel_shutdown"); sd->subchannel = NULL; if (sd->user_data != NULL) { GPR_ASSERT(sd->user_data_vtable != NULL); sd->user_data_vtable->destroy(exec_ctx, sd->user_data); } if (new_connectivity_state == GRPC_CHANNEL_SHUTDOWN) { /* the policy is shutting down. Flush all the pending picks... */ pending_pick *pp; while ((pp = p->pending_picks)) { p->pending_picks = pp->next; *pp->target = NULL; grpc_closure_sched(exec_ctx, pp->on_complete, GRPC_ERROR_NONE); gpr_free(pp); } } /* unref the "rr_connectivity" weak ref from start_picking */ GRPC_LB_POLICY_WEAK_UNREF(exec_ctx, &p->base, "rr_connectivity"); } else { if (sd->curr_connectivity_state == GRPC_CHANNEL_READY) { /* at this point we know there's at least one suitable subchannel. Go * ahead and pick one and notify the pending suitors in * p->pending_picks. This preemtively replicates rr_pick()'s actions. */ const size_t next_ready_index = get_next_ready_subchannel_index_locked(p); GPR_ASSERT(next_ready_index < p->num_subchannels); subchannel_data *selected = &p->subchannels[next_ready_index]; if (p->pending_picks != NULL) { /* if the selected subchannel is going to be used for the pending * picks, update the last picked pointer */ update_last_ready_subchannel_index_locked(p, next_ready_index); } pending_pick *pp; while ((pp = p->pending_picks)) { p->pending_picks = pp->next; *pp->target = GRPC_CONNECTED_SUBCHANNEL_REF( grpc_subchannel_get_connected_subchannel(selected->subchannel), "rr_picked"); if (pp->user_data != NULL) { *pp->user_data = selected->user_data; } if (GRPC_TRACER_ON(grpc_lb_round_robin_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "[RR CONN CHANGED] TARGET <-- SUBCHANNEL %p (INDEX %lu)", (void *)selected->subchannel, (unsigned long)next_ready_index); } grpc_closure_sched(exec_ctx, pp->on_complete, GRPC_ERROR_NONE); gpr_free(pp); } } /* renew notification: reuses the "rr_connectivity" weak ref */ grpc_subchannel_notify_on_state_change( exec_ctx, sd->subchannel, p->base.interested_parties, &sd->pending_connectivity_state_unsafe, &sd->connectivity_changed_closure); } } static grpc_connectivity_state rr_check_connectivity_locked( grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_lb_policy *pol, grpc_error **error) { round_robin_lb_policy *p = (round_robin_lb_policy *)pol; return grpc_connectivity_state_get(&p->state_tracker, error); } static void rr_notify_on_state_change_locked(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_lb_policy *pol, grpc_connectivity_state *current, grpc_closure *notify) { round_robin_lb_policy *p = (round_robin_lb_policy *)pol; grpc_connectivity_state_notify_on_state_change(exec_ctx, &p->state_tracker, current, notify); } static void rr_ping_one_locked(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_lb_policy *pol, grpc_closure *closure) { round_robin_lb_policy *p = (round_robin_lb_policy *)pol; const size_t next_ready_index = get_next_ready_subchannel_index_locked(p); if (next_ready_index < p->num_subchannels) { subchannel_data *selected = &p->subchannels[next_ready_index]; grpc_connected_subchannel *target = GRPC_CONNECTED_SUBCHANNEL_REF( grpc_subchannel_get_connected_subchannel(selected->subchannel), "rr_picked"); grpc_connected_subchannel_ping(exec_ctx, target, closure); GRPC_CONNECTED_SUBCHANNEL_UNREF(exec_ctx, target, "rr_picked"); } else { grpc_closure_sched(exec_ctx, closure, GRPC_ERROR_CREATE_FROM_STATIC_STRING( "Round Robin not connected")); } } static const grpc_lb_policy_vtable round_robin_lb_policy_vtable = { rr_destroy, rr_shutdown_locked, rr_pick_locked, rr_cancel_pick_locked, rr_cancel_picks_locked, rr_ping_one_locked, rr_exit_idle_locked, rr_check_connectivity_locked, rr_notify_on_state_change_locked}; static void round_robin_factory_ref(grpc_lb_policy_factory *factory) {} static void round_robin_factory_unref(grpc_lb_policy_factory *factory) {} static grpc_lb_policy *round_robin_create(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_lb_policy_factory *factory, grpc_lb_policy_args *args) { GPR_ASSERT(args->client_channel_factory != NULL); /* Find the number of backend addresses. We ignore balancer * addresses, since we don't know how to handle them. */ const grpc_arg *arg = grpc_channel_args_find(args->args, GRPC_ARG_LB_ADDRESSES); if (arg == NULL || arg->type != GRPC_ARG_POINTER) { return NULL; } grpc_lb_addresses *addresses = arg->value.pointer.p; size_t num_addrs = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < addresses->num_addresses; i++) { if (!addresses->addresses[i].is_balancer) ++num_addrs; } if (num_addrs == 0) return NULL; round_robin_lb_policy *p = gpr_zalloc(sizeof(*p)); p->num_addresses = num_addrs; p->subchannels = gpr_zalloc(sizeof(*p->subchannels) * num_addrs); grpc_subchannel_args sc_args; size_t subchannel_index = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < addresses->num_addresses; i++) { /* Skip balancer addresses, since we only know how to handle backends. */ if (addresses->addresses[i].is_balancer) continue; static const char *keys_to_remove[] = {GRPC_ARG_SUBCHANNEL_ADDRESS}; memset(&sc_args, 0, sizeof(grpc_subchannel_args)); grpc_arg addr_arg = grpc_create_subchannel_address_arg(&addresses->addresses[i].address); grpc_channel_args *new_args = grpc_channel_args_copy_and_add_and_remove( args->args, keys_to_remove, GPR_ARRAY_SIZE(keys_to_remove), &addr_arg, 1); gpr_free(addr_arg.value.string); sc_args.args = new_args; grpc_subchannel *subchannel = grpc_client_channel_factory_create_subchannel( exec_ctx, args->client_channel_factory, &sc_args); if (GRPC_TRACER_ON(grpc_lb_round_robin_trace)) { char *address_uri = grpc_sockaddr_to_uri(&addresses->addresses[i].address); gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "index %lu: Created subchannel %p for address uri %s", (unsigned long)subchannel_index, (void *)subchannel, address_uri); gpr_free(address_uri); } grpc_channel_args_destroy(exec_ctx, new_args); if (subchannel != NULL) { subchannel_data *sd = &p->subchannels[subchannel_index]; sd->policy = p; sd->subchannel = subchannel; /* use some sentinel value outside of the range of grpc_connectivity_state * to signal an undefined previous state. We won't be referring to this * value again and it'll be overwritten after the first call to * rr_connectivity_changed */ sd->prev_connectivity_state = GRPC_CHANNEL_INIT; sd->curr_connectivity_state = GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE; sd->user_data_vtable = addresses->user_data_vtable; if (sd->user_data_vtable != NULL) { sd->user_data = sd->user_data_vtable->copy(addresses->addresses[i].user_data); } grpc_closure_init(&sd->connectivity_changed_closure, rr_connectivity_changed_locked, sd, grpc_combiner_scheduler(args->combiner, false)); ++subchannel_index; } } if (subchannel_index == 0) { /* couldn't create any subchannel. Bail out */ gpr_free(p->subchannels); gpr_free(p); return NULL; } p->num_subchannels = subchannel_index; // Initialize the last pick index to the last subchannel, so that the // first pick will start at the beginning of the list. p->last_ready_subchannel_index = subchannel_index - 1; grpc_lb_policy_init(&p->base, &round_robin_lb_policy_vtable, args->combiner); grpc_connectivity_state_init(&p->state_tracker, GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE, "round_robin"); if (GRPC_TRACER_ON(grpc_lb_round_robin_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "Created RR policy at %p with %lu subchannels", (void *)p, (unsigned long)p->num_subchannels); } return &p->base; } static const grpc_lb_policy_factory_vtable round_robin_factory_vtable = { round_robin_factory_ref, round_robin_factory_unref, round_robin_create, "round_robin"}; static grpc_lb_policy_factory round_robin_lb_policy_factory = { &round_robin_factory_vtable}; static grpc_lb_policy_factory *round_robin_lb_factory_create() { return &round_robin_lb_policy_factory; } /* Plugin registration */ void grpc_lb_policy_round_robin_init() { grpc_register_lb_policy(round_robin_lb_factory_create()); grpc_register_tracer("round_robin", &grpc_lb_round_robin_trace); } void grpc_lb_policy_round_robin_shutdown() {}