#### {% title "MongoDB" %} # [MongoDB] [mongodb] MongoDB can be thought of as the goodness that erupts when a traditional key-value store collides with a relational database management system, mixing their essences into something that’s not quite either, but rather something novel and fascinating. MongoDB is written in C++ and offers the following features: * Collection oriented storage: easy storage of object/JSON-style data * Dynamic queries * Full index support, including on inner objects and embedded arrays * Query profiling * Replication and fail-over support * Efficient storage of binary data including large objects (e.g. photos and videos) * Auto-sharding for cloud-level scalability (currently in alpha) MongoDB is a document-oriented database. Zob. też [Ruby driver for MongoDB] [mongodb ruby]. [MongoDB: A Light in the Darkness!] [mongodb-light] [MongoDB Example: centralized logging](http://blog.mongodb.org/post/172254834/mongodb-is-fantastic-for-logging) [MongoDB Blog] [mongodb-blog] [Getting Started With MongoMapper and Rails](http://railstips.org/2009/7/23/getting-started-with-mongomapper-and-rails) [MongoMapper Indy.rb Presentation](http://railstips.org/2009/8/19/mongomapper-indy-rb-presentation) [What If A Key/Value Store Mated With A Relational Database System?](http://railstips.org/2009/6/3/what-if-a-key-value-store-mated-with-a-relational-database-system) [mongodb-light]: http://www.engineyard.com/blog/2009/mongodb-a-light-in-the-darkness-key-value-stores-part-5/ "A Light in the Darkness" [mongodb-blog]: http://blog.mongodb.org/ "MongoDB Blog" [mongodb]: http://www.engineyard.com/blog/2009/mongodb-a-light-in-the-darkness-key-value-stores-part-5/ "A Light in the Darkness" [mongodb ruby]: "http://github.com/mongodb/mongo-ruby-driver" "Ruby driver for the 10gen MongoDB"