# Vos - Virtual Operating System Small abstraction over Operating System, mainly it should be used in conjunction with [Virtual File System][vos] tool. Kind of Capistrano but without extra stuff and more universal, not forcing You to follow 'The Rails Way'. Currently, there are following implementations available: - local os - remote os (over ssh) ## Installation $ gem install vos ## Code samples: gem 'vos' # Virtual Operating System require 'vos' server = Box.new('cool_app.com') # it will use id_rsa, or You can add {user: 'me', password: 'secret'} server.bash 'ls' # ls / server['apps/cool_app'].bash 'rails production' # cd /apps/cool_app && rails production For more details look also to [Virtual File System][vfs] project. Or checkout configuration I use to control my production servers [My Cluster][my_cluster] in conjunction with small configuration tool [Cluster Management][cluster_management]. ## TODO ### v 0.1 (all done) - bash - some handy shortcuts for ubuntu - integration with Vos ### v 0.2 - add :host/:user/:port attributes to box - process management (find/kill/filters/attributes) - other os resources management (disk) [vfs]: http://github.com/alexeypetrushin/vfs [cluster_management]: http://github.com/alexeypetrushin/cluster_management [my_cluster]: http://github.com/alexeypetrushin/my_cluster