require 'spec_helper' require 'byebug' describe SimpleCommander do include SimpleCommander::Methods before :each do $stderr = mock_terminal create_test_command end describe '#program' do it 'should set / get program information' do program :name, 'test' expect(program(:name)).to eq('test') end it 'should allow arbitrary blocks of global help documentation' do program :help, 'Copyright', 'TJ Holowaychuk' expect(program(:help)['Copyright']).to eq('TJ Holowaychuk') end it 'should raise an error when required info has not been set' do new_command_runner '--help' program :version, '' expect { run! }.to raise_error(SimpleCommander::Runner::CommandError) end it 'should allow aliases of help formatters' do program :help_formatter, :compact expect(program(:help_formatter)).to eq(SimpleCommander::HelpFormatter::TerminalCompact) end end describe '#command' do it 'should return a command instance when only the name is passed' do expect(command(:test)).to be_instance_of(SimpleCommander::Command) end it 'should return nil when the command does not exist' do expect(command(:im_not_real)).to be_nil end end describe '#helpers' do it 'should add module mixins to the runner class' do runner = new_command_runner { helpers 'IO' } expect(runner.methods.include?(:copy)).to be true end it 'raise an exeption if a module is not defined' do expect do new_command_runner { helpers 'ABC' } raise_error(SimpleCommander::Runner::UndefinedHelperError) end end describe '#separate_switches_from_description' do it 'should seperate switches and description returning both' do switches, description = *SimpleCommander::Runner.separate_switches_from_description('-h', '--help', 'display help') expect(switches).to eq(['-h', '--help']) expect(description).to eq('display help') end end describe '#switch_to_sym' do it 'should return a symbol based on the switch name' do expect(SimpleCommander::Runner.switch_to_sym('--trace')).to eq(:trace) expect(SimpleCommander::Runner.switch_to_sym('--foo-bar')).to eq(:foo_bar) expect(SimpleCommander::Runner.switch_to_sym('--[no-]feature"')).to eq(:feature) expect(SimpleCommander::Runner.switch_to_sym('--[no-]feature ARG')).to eq(:feature) expect(SimpleCommander::Runner.switch_to_sym('--file [ARG]')).to eq(:file) expect(SimpleCommander::Runner.switch_to_sym('--colors colors')).to eq(:colors) end end describe '#alias_command' do it 'should alias a command' do alias_command :foo, :test expect(command(:foo)).to eq(command(:test)) end it 'should pass arguments passed to the alias when called' do gem_name = '' new_command_runner 'install', 'gem', 'commander' do command :install do |c| c.option '--gem-name NAME', 'Install a gem' c.when_called { |_, options| gem_name = options.gem_name } end alias_command :'install gem', :install, '--gem-name'! expect(gem_name).to eq('commander') end end describe '#global_option' do it 'should be invoked when used in the args list' do file = '' new_command_runner 'test', '--config', 'foo' do global_option('--config FILE') { |f| file = f }! expect(file).to eq('foo') end it 'should be inherited by commands' do quiet = nil new_command_runner 'foo', '--quiet' do global_option('--quiet', 'Suppress output') command :foo do |c| c.when_called { |_, options| quiet = options.quiet } end! expect(quiet).to be true end it 'should be inherited by commands even when a block is present' do quiet = nil new_command_runner 'foo', '--quiet' do global_option('--quiet', 'Suppress output') {} command :foo do |c| c.when_called { |_, options| quiet = options.quiet } end! expect(quiet).to be true end it 'should be inherited by commands when the positive form of a [no-] option' do quiet = nil new_command_runner 'foo', '--quiet' do global_option('--[no-]quiet', 'Suppress output') {} command :foo do |c| c.when_called { |_, options| quiet = options.quiet } end! expect(quiet).to be true end it 'should be inherited by commands when the negative form of a [no-] option' do quiet = nil new_command_runner 'foo', '--no-quiet' do global_option('--[no-]quiet', 'Suppress output') {} command :foo do |c| c.when_called { |_, options| quiet = options.quiet } end! expect(quiet).to be false end end describe '#parse_global_options' do it 'should parse global options before command' do global_option = nil new_command_runner('--testing-global', 'foo') do global_option('--testing-global') { global_option = 'MAGIC' } command :foo do |c| c.when_called {} end! expect(global_option).to eq('MAGIC') end it 'should parse global options after command' do global_option = nil new_command_runner('foo', '--testing-global') do global_option('--testing-global') { global_option = 'MAGIC' } command :foo do |c| c.when_called {} end! expect(global_option).to eq('MAGIC') end it 'should parse global options placed before command options' do global_option = nil new_command_runner('foo', '--testing-global', '--testing-command') do global_option('--testing-global') { global_option = 'MAGIC' } command :foo do |c| c.option('--testing-command') {} c.when_called {} end! expect(global_option).to eq('MAGIC') end it 'should parse global options placed after command options' do global_option = nil new_command_runner('foo', '--testing-command', '--testing-global') do global_option('--testing-global') { global_option = 'MAGIC' } command :foo do |c| c.option('--testing-command') {} c.when_called {} end! expect(global_option).to eq('MAGIC') end it 'should parse global options surrounded by command options' do global_option = nil new_command_runner('foo', '--testing-command', '--testing-global', '--other-command') do global_option('--testing-global') { global_option = 'MAGIC' } command :foo do |c| c.option('--testing-command') {} c.option('--other-command') {} c.when_called {} end! expect(global_option).to eq('MAGIC') end it 'should not parse command options' do global_option = nil command_option = nil new_command_runner('foo', '--testing-command', '--testing-global') do global_option('--testing-global') { global_option = 'MAGIC' } command :foo do |c| c.option('--testing-command') { command_option = 'NO!' } c.when_called {} end end.parse_global_options expect(command_option).to be_nil expect(global_option).to eq('MAGIC') end it 'should not affect command arguments with values' do global_option = nil command_option = nil new_command_runner('foo', '--testing-command', 'bar', '--testing-global') do global_option('--testing-global') { global_option = 'MAGIC' } command :foo do |c| c.option('--testing-command VALUE') { |v| command_option = v } c.when_called {} end! expect(command_option).to eq('bar') expect(global_option).to eq('MAGIC') end it 'should not affect global arguments with values' do global_option = nil new_command_runner('foo', '--testing-command', '--testing-global', 'bar') do global_option('--testing-global VALUE') { |v| global_option = v } command :foo do |c| c.option('--testing-command') {} c.when_called {} end! expect(global_option).to eq('bar') end it 'should allow global arguments with values before command arguments (github issue #8)' do global_option = nil command_option = nil new_command_runner('foo', '--config', 'path', 'bar') do global_option('--config VALUE') { |v| global_option = v } command :foo do |c| c.option('bar') { command_option = 'bar' } c.when_called {} end! expect(global_option).to eq('path') expect(command_option).to eq('bar') end end describe '#remove_global_options' do it 'should remove only specified switches' do options, args = [], [] options << { switches: ['-t', '--trace'] } options << { switches: ['--help'] } options << { switches: ['--paths PATHS'] } args << '-t' args << '--help' args << '--command' args << '--command-with-arg' << 'rawr' args << '--paths' << '"lib/**/*.js","spec/**/*.js"' command_runner.remove_global_options options, args expect(args).to eq(['--command', '--command-with-arg', 'rawr']) end it 'should not swallow an argument unless it expects an argument' do options, args = [], [] options << { switches: ['-n', '--no-arg'] } options << { switches: ['-y', '--yes ARG'] } options << { switches: ['-a', '--alternative=ARG'] } args << '-n' << 'alpha' args << '--yes' << 'deleted' args << '-a' << 'deleted' args << 'beta' command_runner.remove_global_options options, args expect(args).to eq(%w(alpha beta)) end it 'should remove a switch that is the positive form of the [no-] option' do options, args = [], [] options << { switches: ['-g', '--[no-]good'] } options << { switches: ['-y', '--yes ARG'] } options << { switches: ['-a', '--alternative=ARG'] } args << '--good' << 'alpha' args << '--yes' << 'deleted' args << '-a' << 'deleted' args << 'beta' command_runner.remove_global_options options, args expect(args).to eq(%w(alpha beta)) end it 'should remove a switch that is the negative form of the [no-] option' do options, args = [], [] options << { switches: ['-g', '--[no-]good'] } options << { switches: ['-y', '--yes ARG'] } options << { switches: ['-a', '--alternative=ARG'] } args << '--no-good' << 'alpha' args << '--yes' << 'deleted' args << '-a' << 'deleted' args << 'beta' command_runner.remove_global_options options, args expect(args).to eq(%w(alpha beta)) end it 'should not remove options that start with a global option name' do options, args = [], [] options << { switches: ['-v', '--version'] } args << '--versionCode' << 'something' command_runner.remove_global_options options, args expect(args).to eq(%w(--versionCode something)) end end describe '--trace' do it 'should display pretty errors by default' do expect do new_command_runner 'foo' do command(:foo) { |c| c.when_called { fail 'cookies!' } }! raise_error(SystemExit, /error: cookies!. Use --trace/) end it 'should display callstack when using this switch' do expect do new_command_runner 'foo', '--trace' do command(:foo) { |c| c.when_called { fail 'cookies!' } }! raise_error(RuntimeError) end end describe '#always_trace!' do it 'should enable tracing globally, regardless of whether --trace was passed or not' do expect do new_command_runner 'foo' do always_trace! command(:foo) { |c| c.when_called { fail 'cookies!' } }! raise_error(RuntimeError) end end describe '#never_trace!' do it 'should disable tracing globally, regardless of whether --trace was passed or not' do expect do new_command_runner 'help', '--trace' do never_trace!! raise_error(SystemExit, /invalid option: --trace/) end it 'should not prompt to use --trace switch on errors' do msg = nil begin new_command_runner 'foo' do never_trace! command(:foo) { |c| c.when_called { fail 'cookies!' } }! rescue SystemExit => e msg = e.message end expect(msg).to match(/error: cookies!/) expect(msg).not_to match(/--trace/) end end context 'conflict between #always_trace! and #never_trace!' do it 'respects the last used command' do expect do new_command_runner 'foo' do never_trace! always_trace! command(:foo) { |c| c.when_called { fail 'cookies!' } }! raise_error(RuntimeError) end end describe '--version' do it 'should output program version' do expect(run('--version')).to eq("test 1.2.3\n") end end describe '--help' do it 'should not output an invalid command message' do expect(run('--help')).not_to eq("invalid command. Use --help for more information\n") end it 'can be used before or after the command and options' do expect(run('test', '--help')).to eq("Implement help for test here\n") end end describe 'with invalid options' do it 'should output an invalid option message' do expect do run('test', '--invalid-option') raise_error(SystemExit, /invalid option: --invalid-option/) end end describe 'with invalid command passed' do it 'should output an invalid command message' do expect do run('foo') raise_error(SystemExit, /invalid command. Use --help for more information/) end end describe 'with nested commands' do it 'should run nested command' do new_command_runner('parent', 'child') do command :parent do command :child do action do |args, options| say 'nested child' end end end! expect(@output.string).to eq ("nested child\n") end end describe 'with invalid command passed to help' do it 'should output an invalid command message' do expect do run('help', 'does_not_exist') raise_error(SystemExit, /invalid command. Use --help for more information/) end end describe 'with invalid command passed to --help' do it 'should output an invalid command message' do expect do run('--help', 'does_not_exist') raise_error(SystemExit, /invalid command. Use --help for more information/) end end describe 'with invalid option passed to --help' do it 'should output an invalid option message' do expect do run('--help', 'test', '--invalid-option') raise_error(SystemExit, /invalid option: --invalid-option/) end end describe '#valid_command_names_from' do it 'should return array of valid command names' do new_command_runner do command('foo bar') {} command('foo bar foo') {} expect(command_runner.valid_command_names_from('foo', 'bar', 'foo').sort).to eq(['foo bar', 'foo bar foo']) end end it 'should return empty array when no possible command names exist' do new_command_runner do expect(command_runner.valid_command_names_from('fake', 'command', 'name')).to eq([]) end end it 'should match exact commands only' do new_command_runner do command('foo') {} expect(command_runner.valid_command_names_from('foobar')).to eq([]) end end end describe '#command_name_from_args' do it 'should locate command within arbitrary arguments passed' do new_command_runner '--help', '--arbitrary', 'test' expect(command_runner.command_name_from_args).to eq('test') end it 'should support multi-word commands' do new_command_runner '--help', '--arbitrary', 'some', 'long', 'command', 'foo' command('some long command') {} expect(command_runner.command_name_from_args).to eq('some long command') end it 'should match the longest possible command' do new_command_runner '--help', '--arbitrary', 'foo', 'bar', 'foo' command('foo bar') {} command('foo bar foo') {} expect(command_runner.command_name_from_args).to eq('foo bar foo') end it 'should use the left-most command name when multiple are present' do new_command_runner 'help', 'test' expect(command_runner.command_name_from_args).to eq('help') end end describe '#active_command' do it 'should resolve the active command' do new_command_runner '--help', 'test' expect(command_runner.active_command).to be_instance_of(SimpleCommander::Command) end it 'should resolve active command when invalid options are passed' do new_command_runner '--help', 'test', '--arbitrary' expect(command_runner.active_command).to be_instance_of(SimpleCommander::Command) end it 'should return nil when the command is not found' do new_command_runner 'foo' expect(command_runner.active_command).to be_nil end end describe '#default_command' do it 'should allow you to default any command when one is not explicitly passed' do new_command_runner '--trace' do default_command :test expect(command(:test)).to receive(:run).once expect(command_runner.active_command).to eq(command(:test))! end it 'should not prevent other commands from being called' do new_command_runner 'foo', 'bar', '--trace' do default_command :test command(:'foo bar') {} expect(command(:'foo bar')).to receive(:run).once expect(command_runner.active_command).to eq(command(:'foo bar'))! end it 'should not prevent longer commands to use the same words as the default' do new_command_runner 'foo', 'bar', 'something' default_command :'foo bar' command(:'foo bar') {} command(:'foo bar something') {} expect(command_runner.active_command).to eq(command(:'foo bar something')) end it 'should allow defaulting of command aliases' do new_command_runner '--trace' do default_command :foobar alias_command :foobar, :test expect(command(:test)).to receive(:run).once! end end describe 'should function correctly' do it 'when options are passed before the command name' do new_command_runner '--verbose', 'test', 'foo', 'bar' do @command.when_called do |args, options| expect(args).to eq(%w(foo bar)) expect(options.verbose).to be true end! end it 'when options are passed after the command name' do new_command_runner 'test', '--verbose', 'foo', 'bar' do @command.when_called do |args, options| expect(args).to eq(%w(foo bar)) expect(options.verbose).to be true end! end it 'when an argument passed is the same name as the command' do new_command_runner 'test', '--verbose', 'foo', 'test', 'bar' do @command.when_called do |args, options| expect(args).to eq(%w(foo test bar)) expect(options.verbose).to be true end! end it 'when using multi-word commands' do new_command_runner '--verbose', 'my', 'command', 'something', 'foo', 'bar' do command('my command') { |c| c.option('--verbose') } expect(command_runner.command_name_from_args).to eq('my command') expect(command_runner.args_without_command_name).to eq(['--verbose', 'something', 'foo', 'bar'])! end it 'when using multi-word commands with parts of the command name as arguments' do new_command_runner '--verbose', 'my', 'command', 'something', 'my', 'command' do command('my command') { |c| c.option('--verbose') } expect(command_runner.command_name_from_args).to eq('my command') expect(command_runner.args_without_command_name).to eq(['--verbose', 'something', 'my', 'command'])! end it 'when using multi-word commands with other commands using the same words' do new_command_runner '--verbose', 'my', 'command', 'something', 'my', 'command' do command('my command') {} command('my command something') { |c| c.option('--verbose') } expect(command_runner.command_name_from_args).to eq('my command something') expect(command_runner.args_without_command_name).to eq(['--verbose', 'my', 'command'])! end end describe 'options with optional arguments' do it 'should return the argument when it is specified' do new_command_runner 'foo', '--optional', 'arg1' do command('foo') do |c| c.option('--optional [argument]') c.when_called do |_, options| expect(options.optional).to eq('arg1') end end! end it 'should return true when no argument is specified for the option' do new_command_runner 'foo', '--optional' do command('foo') do |c| c.option('--optional [argument]') c.when_called do |_, options| expect(options.optional).to be true end end! end end end