{ "__comment" : "entities are already there, just add the transport from location id, transport to location id attributes.", "locations" : [ { "_id" : "5b04851f421aa910c46a01a2", "geom" : [58.22,27.45], "location_categories" : ["5"], "minutes" : [ { "minute" : 2, "consumables" : [ { "product_id" : "first_product", "quantity" : 2.4 }, { "product_id" : "second_product", "quantity" : 0 } ], "categories" : [ { "category" : "a", "max_free_duration" : 500000, "capacity" : 2, "entities" : [ { "duration" : 10, "booked" : true, "arrives_at_location_coordinates" : [22.0,10.5 ] }, { "duration" : 10, "booked" : false, "departs_from_location_id" : "5b04851f421aa910c46a01a2", "arrives_at_location_id" : "5b04851f421aa910c46a01a2", "arrives_at_location_coordinates" : [22.0,10.5 ], "arrives_at_location_categories" : ["l1"], "transport_capacity" : 100 }, { "duration" : 9, "booked" : false, "arrives_at_location_coordinates" : [22.0,10.5 ] } ] }, { "category" : "b", "max_free_duration" : 500000, "capacity" : 2, "entities" : [ { "duration" : 10, "booked" : true, "arrives_at_location_coordinates" : [22.0,10.5 ] }, { "duration" : 10, "booked" : false, "arrives_at_location_coordinates" : [22.0,10.5 ] }, { "duration" : 9, "booked" : false, "arrives_at_location_coordinates" : [22.0,10.5 ] } ] }, { "category" : "c", "max_free_duration" : 500000, "capacity" : 2, "entities" : [ { "duration" : 10, "booked" : true, "arrives_at_location_coordinates" : [22.0,10.5 ] }, { "duration" : 10, "booked" : false, "arrives_at_location_coordinates" : [22.0,10.5 ] }, { "duration" : 9, "booked" : false, "arrives_at_location_coordinates" : [22.0,10.5 ] } ] } ] }, { "minute" : 20, "consumables" : [ { "product_id" : "first_product", "quantity" : 2.4 }, { "product_id" : "second_product", "quantity" : 0 } ], "categories" : [ { "category" : "a", "max_free_duration" : 500000, "capacity" : 2, "entities" : [ { "duration" : 10, "booked" : true, "arrives_at_location_coordinates" : [22.0,10.5 ] }, { "duration" : 10, "booked" : false, "arrives_at_location_coordinates" : [22.0,10.5 ] }, { "duration" : 9, "booked" : false, "arrives_at_location_coordinates" : [22.0,10.5 ] } ] }, { "category" : "b", "max_free_duration" : 500000, "capacity" : 2, "entities" : [ { "duration" : 10, "booked" : true, "arrives_at_location_coordinates" : [22.0,10.5 ] }, { "duration" : 10, "booked" : false, "arrives_at_location_coordinates" : [22.0,10.5 ] }, { "duration" : 9, "booked" : false, "arrives_at_location_coordinates" : [22.0,10.5 ] } ] }, { "category" : "c", "max_free_duration" : 500000, "capacity" : 2, "entities" : [ { "duration" : 10, "booked" : true, "arrives_at_location_coordinates" : [22.0,10.5 ] }, { "duration" : 10, "booked" : false, "arrives_at_location_coordinates" : [22.0,10.5 ] }, { "duration" : 9, "booked" : false, "arrives_at_location_coordinates" : [22.0,10.5 ] } ] } ] } ] }, { "_id" : "5b048531421aa910c46a01a3", "geom" : [58.23,27.43], "location_categories" : ["1","2","3"], "minutes" : [ { "minute" : 7, "consumables" : [ { "product_id" : "first_product", "quantity" : 2.4 }, { "product_id" : "second_product", "quantity" : 0 } ], "categories" : [ { "category" : "a", "max_free_duration" : 500000, "capacity" : 2, "entities" : [ { "duration" : 10, "booked" : true }, { "duration" : 10, "booked" : false }, { "duration" : 9, "booked" : false } ] }, { "category" : "b", "max_free_duration" : 500000, "capacity" : 2, "entities" : [ { "duration" : 10, "booked" : true }, { "duration" : 10, "booked" : false }, { "duration" : 9, "booked" : false } ] }, { "category" : "c", "max_free_duration" : 500000, "capacity" : 2, "entities" : [ { "duration" : 10, "booked" : true }, { "duration" : 10, "booked" : false }, { "duration" : 9, "booked" : false } ] } ] }, { "minute" : 27, "consumables" : [ { "product_id" : "first_product", "quantity" : 2.4 }, { "product_id" : "second_product", "quantity" : 0 } ], "categories" : [ { "category" : "a", "max_free_duration" : 500000, "capacity" : 2, "entities" : [ { "duration" : 10, "booked" : true }, { "duration" : 10, "booked" : false }, { "duration" : 9, "booked" : false } ] }, { "category" : "b", "max_free_duration" : 500000, "capacity" : 2, "entities" : [ { "duration" : 10, "booked" : true }, { "duration" : 10, "booked" : false }, { "duration" : 9, "booked" : false } ] }, { "category" : "c", "max_free_duration" : 500000, "capacity" : 2, "entities" : [ { "duration" : 10, "booked" : true }, { "duration" : 10, "booked" : false }, { "duration" : 9, "booked" : false } ] } ] } ] } ] }