= EotB Gem
Rails plugin which allow you easily track and observe your apps.
== Installation
=== Bundler
For rails3 you just want to add this line to the Gemfile
gem 'eotb'
and run
$ bundle install
=== RubyGems
Install gem in traditional way
$ gem install eotb
=== GitHub
Install gem from GitHub repository
$ git clone git://github.com/Quirke/eotb_rails_plugin.git
$ cd eotb_rails_plugin
$ rake build
$ gem install ./pkg/eotb-0.5.11.gem
== Getting API Key
Create new account on Beholder website and add new application by clicking "Applications ยป Add application".
As a result you will get API Key of your application.
== Configure eotb in you app
=== Rails 3
To configure your rails 3 app just run the generator with your_api_key and optional number of events sent in one package to Beholder:
rails generate eotb --api-key=your_api_key
=== Rails 2
To configure your rails 2 app just run the generator with your_api_key and optional number of events sent in one package to Beholder:
script/generate eotb --api-key=your_api_key
=== Configuration file
If you didn't use rails generator you can manualy create a file eotb.rb in directory config/initializers in your rails application with content:
require 'Eotb'
== Using in your apps
Register events by:
Eotb.register_event("user", "did_sth", {:username => "John", :time => "12:39:00"}) # actor, action, subject
=== Examples
Register actor and his action
Eotb.register_event("user", "registered")
Register subject of event
Eotb.register_event("user", "registered", {:username => "John", :when => "today"})
Use symbols instead of strings
Eotb.register_event(:admin, :deleted, {:what => "News", :category => "Ruby"})
Register hashes and nested hashes
Eotb.register_event({:username => "John", :mail => "john@example.com"}, :connected, {:with_values => {:a => 20, :b => 30}, :when => "Now"})
You can register any type of objects
Eotb.register_event(Object.new, :fed, {:pet => Dog.new})
== Copyright
Copyright (c) 2010 Ragnarson. See LICENSE for details.