3.1.0 / 2013-05-25 ================== * removed; forceNew opt, not used * fixed; try catch for ie8 filter issue when gradient filter used * fixed; prevent accessing property of null/undefined objects * fixed; appendChild of null error GH #36 * added; component.json * added new param: timeoutAfterMove : bool. Adds additional timeout after user action before closing 3.0.6 / 2013-01-04 ================== * updated; modified styles for themes * fixed; timeout of 0 not working GH #35 * fixed; font typo in jackedup.css * added; note about amd and commonjs to readme * added; ability to set container element when creating new humane instance 3.0.5 / 2012-09-03 ================== * fixed; loading humane lib after dom ready GH #30 3.0.4 / 2012-07-21 ================== * updated; build process * updated; attribution, sample * added; support Asynchronous Module Definition [tahu] * added; make spawn actions chainable 3.0.3 / 2012-07-06 ================== * fixed; queued notification overwrites previous [JensRoland] * fixed; height declaration in themes [FileTrek] 3.0.1 / 2012-06-04 ================== * updated; humane location in index * fixed; notification not showing up in ie8 onload GH #23 3.0.0 / 2012-05-07 ================== * updated; documentation * removed; info, success, error (use spawn instead) * fixed; js error when no cb on remove * fixed; flicker bug in ie9 * fixed; demo page not working in ie7,8 * added; unique instance support * added; spawn support * added; options per notification * added; custom class support 2.8.1 / 2012-04-24 ================== * added; callback to remove function GH #22 2.8.0 / 2012-02-21 ================== * added; custom notifier support GH #19 2.7.2 / 2012-02-10 ================== * fixed; IE 7/8 display issue * updated; docs page 2.7.1 / 2012-01-26 ================== * fixed; display:none humane when not in use Fixes #18 * added; exposed remove() 2.7.0 / 2012-01-12 ================== * updated; improved support for iOS 4+, Android 2+ 2.6.0 / 2012-01-02 ================== * added; event support * fixed; bug w/ transEnd firing multiple times 2.5.0 / 2011-12-23 ================== * removed; forceNew (breaking change), hacky solution that didn't work very well * updated; code cleanup and refactor * updated; using transitionend for end events instead of timeout * added; waitForMove by type 2.2.8 / 2011-12-22 ================== * added; timeout and clickToClose by type 2.2.7 / 2011-12-10 ================== * added; ability to set the timeout to 0 (no timeout) 2.2.6 / 2011-12-08 ================== * added; 'original' theme 2.2.5 / 2011-12-02 ================== * added; click to close option 2.2.0 / 2011-12-02 ================== * added; callback support @OiNutter * fixed; jackedup to support IE<9 2.1.1 / 2011-11-28 ================== * fixed; restore original class after completion * added; jackedup theme * fixed; some IE fixes 2.1.0 / 2011-11-28 ================== * added; stylus support, updated themes * added; bigbox theme * added; message types (log, info, error, success) 2.0.0 / 2011-07-12 ================== * mobile support for iOS / Android * ie z-index fix * switched to z-index instead of visibility