This class is used for getting the comments from the wordpress database
The above will find the user with id of 1 and retrieve all of the comments they have ever made
The above will find the post with id of 1 and retrieve all of the comments from that post
The above will find the comment with id of 1
Retrieves the comment with the sepcified id
Retrieves all of the comments in the database
The comments id
The post id where the comment was posted
The above returns the Post that the comment belongs to
The name of the auther (could be stored in, User#name)
The email of the author (could be stored in, User#email)
The url of the author (could be stored in user.url, User#url)
The ip of the author
The date the comment was posted
The date the comment was posted in gmt/utc time
The content of the comment
The comment karma
If the comment has been approved or not
The agent of the comment
The type of comment
The parent comment id if any
The user id of the author (0 if not registered user)
The above returns the User that posted the comment if user_id isn’t 0
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Generated with the Darkfish Rdoc Generator 1.1.6.