require 'erb' require 'fileutils' require 'optparse' require 'rollbar' require 'singleton' require 'yaml' # CLI runner class PushmiPullyu::CLI include Singleton include PushmiPullyu::Logging COMMANDS = ['start', 'stop', 'restart', 'reload', 'run', 'zap', 'status'].freeze def initialize PushmiPullyu.server_running = true # set to false by interrupt signal trap PushmiPullyu.reset_logger = false # set to true by SIGHUP trap end def parse(argv = ARGV) opts = parse_options(argv) opts[:daemonize] = true if COMMANDS.include? argv[0] opts = parse_config(opts[:config_file]).merge(opts) if opts[:config_file] PushmiPullyu.options = opts end def run configure_rollbar begin if options[:daemonize] start_server_as_daemon else # If we're running in the foreground sync the output. $stdout.sync = $stderr.sync = true start_server end # rubocop:disable Lint/RescueException rescue Exception => e Rollbar.error(e) raise e end # rubocop:enable Lint/RescueException end def start_server setup_signal_traps setup_log print_banner run_tick_loop end private def configure_rollbar Rollbar.configure do |config| config.enabled = false unless options[:rollbar][:token].present? config.access_token = options[:rollbar][:token] if options[:rollbar][:proxy_host].present? config.proxy = {} config.proxy[:host] = options[:rollbar][:proxy_host] config.proxy[:port] = options[:rollbar][:proxy_port] if options[:rollbar][:proxy_port].present? config.proxy[:user] = options[:rollbar][:proxy_user] if options[:rollbar][:proxy_user].present? config.proxy[:password] = options[:rollbar][:proxy_password] if options[:rollbar][:proxy_password].present? end end end def options PushmiPullyu.options end def parse_config(config_file) if File.exist?(config_file) YAML.safe_load( || {} else {} end end # Parse the options. def parse_options(argv) opts = {} @parsed_opts = do |o| o.banner = 'Usage: pushmi_pullyu [options] [start|stop|restart|run]' o.separator '' o.separator 'Specific options:' o.on('-a', '--minimum-age AGE', Float, 'Minimum amount of time an item must spend in the queue, in seconds.') do |minimum_age| opts[:minimum_age] = minimum_age end o.on('-d', '--debug', 'Enable debug logging') do opts[:debug] = true end o.on('-r', '--rollbar-token TOKEN', 'Enable error reporting to Rollbar') do |token| if token.present? opts[:rollbar] = {} opts[:rollbar][:token] = token end end o.on '-C', '--config PATH', 'Path for YAML config file' do |config_file| opts[:config_file] = config_file end o.on('-L', '--logdir PATH', 'Path for directory to store log files') do |logdir| opts[:logdir] = logdir end o.on('-D', '--piddir PATH', 'Path for directory to store pid files') do |piddir| opts[:piddir] = piddir end o.on('-W', '--workdir PATH', 'Path for directory where AIP creation work takes place in') do |workdir| opts[:workdir] = workdir end o.on('-N', '--process_name NAME', 'Name of the application process') do |process_name| opts[:process_name] = process_name end o.on('-m', '--monitor', 'Start monitor process for a deamon') do opts[:monitor] = true end o.on('-q', '--queue NAME', 'Name of the queue to read from') do |queue| opts[:queue_name] = queue end o.separator '' o.separator 'Common options:' o.on_tail('-v', '--version', 'Show version') do puts "PushmiPullyu version: #{PushmiPullyu::VERSION}" exit end o.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'Show this message') do puts o exit end end.parse!(argv) ['config/pushmi_pullyu.yml', 'config/pushmi_pullyu.yml.erb'].each do |filename| opts[:config_file] ||= filename if File.exist?(filename) end opts end def print_banner "Loading PushmiPullyu #{PushmiPullyu::VERSION}" "Running in #{RUBY_DESCRIPTION}" 'Starting processing, hit Ctrl-C to stop' unless options[:daemonize] end def rotate_logs PushmiPullyu::Logging.reopen Daemonize.redirect_io(PushmiPullyu.application_log_file) if options[:daemonize] PushmiPullyu.reset_logger = false end def run_preservation_cycle item = queue.wait_next_item # add additional information about the error context to errors that occur while processing this item. Rollbar.scoped(noid: item) do begin # Download AIP from Fedora, bag and tar AIP directory and cleanup after block code PushmiPullyu::AIP.create(item) do |aip_filename, aip_directory| # Push tarred AIP to swift API deposited_file = swift.deposit_file(aip_filename, options[:swift][:container]) # Log successful preservation event to the log files PushmiPullyu::Logging.log_preservation_event(deposited_file, aip_directory) end # rubocop:disable Lint/RescueException rescue Exception => e Rollbar.error(e) logger.error(e) # TODO: we could re-raise here and let the daemon die on any preservation error, or just log the issue and # move on to the next item. end # rubocop:enable Lint/RescueException end end def run_tick_loop while PushmiPullyu.server_running? run_preservation_cycle rotate_logs if PushmiPullyu.reset_logger? end end def setup_log if options[:daemonize] PushmiPullyu::Logging.initialize_logger(PushmiPullyu.application_log_file) else logger.formatter = end logger.level = ::Logger::DEBUG if options[:debug] end def setup_signal_traps Signal.trap('INT') { shutdown } Signal.trap('TERM') { shutdown } Signal.trap('HUP') { PushmiPullyu.reset_logger = true } end def queue @queue ||= options[:redis][:url], queue_name: options[:queue_name], age_at_least: options[:minimum_age]) end def swift @swift ||= options[:swift][:username], password: options[:swift][:password], tenant: options[:swift][:tenant], project_name: options[:swift][:project_name], project_domain_name: options[:swift][:project_domain_name], auth_url: options[:swift][:auth_url]) end # On first call of shutdown, this will gracefully close the main run loop # which let's the program exit itself. Calling shutdown again will force shutdown the program def shutdown if !PushmiPullyu.server_running? exit!(1) else # using stderr instead of logger as it uses an underlying mutex which is not allowed inside trap contexts. warn 'Exiting... Interrupt again to force quit.' PushmiPullyu.server_running = false end end def start_server_as_daemon require 'daemons' pwd = Dir.pwd # Current directory is changed during daemonization, so store it opts = { ARGV: @parsed_opts, dir: options[:piddir], dir_mode: :normal, monitor: options[:monitor], log_output: true, log_dir: File.expand_path(options[:logdir]), logfilename: File.basename(PushmiPullyu.application_log_file), output_logfilename: File.basename(PushmiPullyu.application_log_file) } Daemons.run_proc(options[:process_name], opts) do |*_argv| Dir.chdir(pwd) start_server end end end