module Locomotive module Concerns module Asset module Vignette def vignette_url if self.image? # In some case (like an invalid extension) the height, width can be nill # In that case we should directly return the url if self.width && self.height && self.width < 85 && self.height < 85 self.source.url else Locomotive::Dragonfly.resize_url(self.source, '85x85#', self.updated_at.to_i) end elsif self.pdf? Locomotive::Dragonfly.thumbnail_pdf(self.source, '85x85#', self.updated_at.to_i) end end def alternative_vignette_url format = if self.image? && self.width && self.height '190x120>' elsif self.pdf? '190x120#' end Locomotive::Dragonfly.thumbnail_pdf(self.source, format, self.updated_at.to_i) if format end def big_vignette_url format = if self.image? || self.pdf? '200x200#' end Locomotive::Dragonfly.thumbnail_pdf(self.source, format, self.updated_at.to_i) if format end end end end end