module Spree class InventoryUnit < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :variant belongs_to :order belongs_to :shipment belongs_to :return_authorization scope :backorder, where(:state => 'backordered') # state machine (see for details) state_machine :initial => 'on_hand' do event :fill_backorder do transition :to => 'sold', :from => 'backordered' end event :ship do transition :to => 'shipped', :if => :allow_ship? end event :return do transition :to => 'returned', :from => 'shipped' end after_transition :on => :fill_backorder, :do => :update_order after_transition :to => 'returned', :do => :restock_variant end # Assigns inventory to a newly completed order. # Should only be called once during the life-cycle of an order, on transition to completed. # def self.assign_opening_inventory(order) return [] unless order.completed? #increase inventory to meet initial requirements order.line_items.each do |line_item| increase(order, line_item.variant, line_item.quantity) end end # manages both variant.count_on_hand and inventory unit creation # def self.increase(order, variant, quantity) back_order = determine_backorder(order, variant, quantity) sold = quantity - back_order #set on_hand if configured if Spree::Config[:track_inventory_levels] variant.decrement!(:count_on_hand, quantity) end #create units if configured if Spree::Config[:create_inventory_units] create_units(order, variant, sold, back_order) end end def self.decrease(order, variant, quantity) if Spree::Config[:track_inventory_levels] variant.increment!(:count_on_hand, quantity) end if Spree::Config[:create_inventory_units] destroy_units(order, variant, quantity) end end # find the specified quantity of units with the specified status def self.find_by_status(variant, quantity, status) variant.inventory_units.where(:status => status).limit(quantity) end private def allow_ship? Spree::Config[:allow_backorder_shipping] || self.sold? end def self.determine_backorder(order, variant, quantity) if variant.on_hand == 0 quantity elsif variant.on_hand.present? and variant.on_hand < quantity quantity - (variant.on_hand < 0 ? 0 : variant.on_hand) else 0 end end def self.destroy_units(order, variant, quantity) variant_units = order.inventory_units.group_by(&:variant_id) return unless variant_units.include? variant_units = variant_units[].sort_by(&:state) quantity.times do inventory_unit = variant_units.shift inventory_unit.destroy end end def self.create_units(order, variant, sold, back_order) return if back_order > 0 && !Spree::Config[:allow_backorders] shipment = order.shipments.detect { |shipment| !shipment.shipped? } attr_accessible :shipment sold.times { order.inventory_units.create({:variant => variant, :state => 'sold', :shipment => shipment}, :without_protection => true) } back_order.times { order.inventory_units.create({:variant => variant, :state => 'backordered', :shipment => shipment}, :without_protection => true) } end def update_order order.update! end def restock_variant variant.on_hand = (variant.on_hand + 1) end end end