/* * http.js: Macros for proxying HTTP requests * * (C) 2010 Nodejitsu Inc. * MIT LICENCE * */ var assert = require('assert'), fs = require('fs'), async = require('async'), net = require('net'), request = require('request'), helpers = require('../helpers/index'); // // ### function assertRequest (options) // #### @options {Object} Options for this request assertion. // #### @request {Object} Options to use for `request`. // #### @assert {Object} Test assertions against the response. // // Makes a request using `options.request` and then asserts the response // and body against anything in `options.assert`. // exports.assertRequest = function (options) { return { topic: function () { // // Now make the HTTP request and assert. // options.request.rejectUnauthorized = false; request(options.request, this.callback); }, "should succeed": function (err, res, body) { assert.isNull(err); if (options.assert.headers) { Object.keys(options.assert.headers).forEach(function(header){ assert.equal(res.headers[header], options.assert.headers[header]); }); } if (options.assert.body) { assert.equal(body, options.assert.body); } if (options.assert.statusCode) { assert.equal(res.statusCode, options.assert.statusCode); } } }; }; // // ### function assertFailedRequest (options) // #### @options {Object} Options for this failed request assertion. // #### @request {Object} Options to use for `request`. // #### @assert {Object} Test assertions against the response. // // Makes a request using `options.request` and then asserts the response // and body against anything in `options.assert`. // exports.assertFailedRequest = function (options) { return { topic: function () { // // Now make the HTTP request and assert. // options.request.rejectUnauthorized = false; request(options.request, this.callback); }, "should not succeed": function (err, res, body) { assert.notStrictEqual(err,null); } }; }; // // ### function assertProxied (options) // #### @options {Object} Options for this test // #### @latency {number} Latency in milliseconds for the proxy server. // #### @ports {Object} Ports for the request (target, proxy). // #### @output {string} Output to assert from. // #### @forward {Object} Options for forward proxying. // // Creates a complete end-to-end test for requesting against an // http proxy. // exports.assertProxied = function (options) { options = options || {}; var ports = options.ports || helpers.nextPortPair, output = options.output || 'hello world from ' + ports.target, outputHeaders = options.outputHeaders, targetHeaders = options.targetHeaders, proxyHeaders = options.proxyHeaders, protocol = helpers.protocols.proxy, req = options.request || {}, timeout = options.timeout || null, assertFn = options.shouldFail ? exports.assertFailedRequest : exports.assertRequest; req.uri = req.uri || protocol + '://' + ports.proxy; return { topic: function () { // // Create a target server and a proxy server // using the `options` supplied. // helpers.http.createServerPair({ target: { output: output, outputHeaders: targetHeaders, port: ports.target, headers: req.headers, latency: options.requestLatency }, proxy: { latency: options.latency, port: ports.proxy, outputHeaders: proxyHeaders, proxy: { forward: options.forward, target: { https: helpers.protocols.target === 'https', host: '', port: ports.target }, timeout: timeout } } }, this.callback); }, "the proxy request": assertFn({ request: req, assert: { headers: outputHeaders, body: output } }) }; }; // // ### function assertRawHttpProxied (options) // #### @options {Object} Options for this test // #### @rawRequest {string} Raw HTTP request to perform. // #### @match {RegExp} Output to match in the response. // #### @latency {number} Latency in milliseconds for the proxy server. // #### @ports {Object} Ports for the request (target, proxy). // #### @output {string} Output to assert from. // #### @forward {Object} Options for forward proxying. // // Creates a complete end-to-end test for requesting against an // http proxy. // exports.assertRawHttpProxied = function (options) { // Don't test raw requests over HTTPS since options.rawRequest won't be // encrypted. if(helpers.protocols.proxy == 'https') { return true; } options = options || {}; var ports = options.ports || helpers.nextPortPair, output = options.output || 'hello world from ' + ports.target, outputHeaders = options.outputHeaders, targetHeaders = options.targetHeaders, proxyHeaders = options.proxyHeaders, protocol = helpers.protocols.proxy, timeout = options.timeout || null, assertFn = options.shouldFail ? exports.assertFailedRequest : exports.assertRequest; return { topic: function () { var topicCallback = this.callback; // // Create a target server and a proxy server // using the `options` supplied. // helpers.http.createServerPair({ target: { output: output, outputHeaders: targetHeaders, port: ports.target, latency: options.requestLatency }, proxy: { latency: options.latency, port: ports.proxy, outputHeaders: proxyHeaders, proxy: { forward: options.forward, target: { https: helpers.protocols.target === 'https', host: '', port: ports.target }, timeout: timeout } } }, function() { var response = ''; var client = net.connect(ports.proxy, '', function() { client.write(options.rawRequest); }); client.on('data', function(data) { response += data.toString(); }); client.on('end', function() { topicCallback(null, options.match, response); }); }); }, "should succeed": function(err, match, response) { assert.match(response, match); } }; }; // // ### function assertInvalidProxy (options) // #### @options {Object} Options for this test // #### @latency {number} Latency in milliseconds for the proxy server // #### @ports {Object} Ports for the request (target, proxy) // // Creates a complete end-to-end test for requesting against an // http proxy with no target server. // exports.assertInvalidProxy = function (options) { options = options || {}; var ports = options.ports || helpers.nextPortPair, req = options.request || {}, protocol = helpers.protocols.proxy; req.uri = req.uri || protocol + '://' + ports.proxy; return { topic: function () { // // Only create the proxy server, simulating a reverse-proxy // to an invalid location. // helpers.http.createProxyServer({ latency: options.latency, port: ports.proxy, proxy: { target: { host: '', port: ports.target } } }, this.callback); }, "the proxy request": exports.assertRequest({ request: req, assert: { statusCode: 500 } }) }; }; // // ### function assertForwardProxied (options) // #### @options {Object} Options for this test. // // Creates a complete end-to-end test for requesting against an // http proxy with both a valid and invalid forward target. // exports.assertForwardProxied = function (options) { var forwardPort = helpers.nextPort; return { topic: function () { helpers.http.createServer({ output: 'hello from forward', port: forwardPort }, this.callback); }, "and a valid forward target": exports.assertProxied({ forward: { port: forwardPort, host: '' } }), "and an invalid forward target": exports.assertProxied({ forward: { port: 9898, host: '' } }) }; }; // // ### function assertProxiedtoRoutes (options, nested) // #### @options {Object} Options for this ProxyTable-based test // #### @routes {Object|string} Routes to use for the proxy. // #### @hostnameOnly {boolean} Enables hostnameOnly routing. // #### @nested {Object} Nested vows to add to the returned context. // // Creates a complete end-to-end test for requesting against an // http proxy using `options.routes`: // // 1. Creates target servers for all routes in `options.routes.` // 2. Creates a proxy server. // 3. Ensure requests to the proxy server for all route targets // returns the unique expected output. // exports.assertProxiedToRoutes = function (options, nested) { // // Assign dynamic ports to the routes to use. // options.routes = helpers.http.assignPortsToRoutes(options.routes); // // Parse locations from routes for making assertion requests. // var locations = helpers.http.parseRoutes(options), port = options.pport || helpers.nextPort, protocol = helpers.protocols.proxy, context, proxy; if (options.filename) { // // If we've been passed a filename write the routes to it // and setup the proxy options to use that file. // fs.writeFileSync(options.filename, JSON.stringify({ router: options.routes })); proxy = { router: options.filename }; } else { // // Otherwise just use the routes themselves. // proxy = { hostnameOnly: options.hostnameOnly, pathnameOnly: options.pathnameOnly, router: options.routes }; } // // Set the https options if necessary // if (helpers.protocols.target === 'https') { proxy.target = { https: true }; } // // Create the test context which creates all target // servers for all routes and a proxy server. // context = { topic: function () { var that = this; async.waterfall([ // // 1. Create all the target servers // async.apply( async.forEach, locations, function createRouteTarget(location, next) { helpers.http.createServer({ port: location.target.port, output: 'hello from ' + location.source.href }, next); } ), // // 2. Create the proxy server // async.apply( helpers.http.createProxyServer, { port: port, latency: options.latency, routing: true, proxy: proxy } ) ], function (_, server) { // // 3. Set the proxy server for later use // that.proxyServer = server; that.callback(); }); // // 4. Assign the port to the context for later use // this.port = port; }, // // Add an extra assertion to a route which // should respond with 404 // "a request to unknown.com": exports.assertRequest({ assert: { statusCode: 404 }, request: { uri: protocol + '://' + port, headers: { host: 'unknown.com' } } }) }; // // Add test assertions for each of the route locations. // locations.forEach(function (location) { context[location.source.href] = exports.assertRequest({ request: { uri: protocol + '://' + port + location.source.path, headers: { host: location.source.hostname } }, assert: { body: 'hello from ' + location.source.href } }); }); // // If there are any nested vows to add to the context // add them before returning the full context. // if (nested) { Object.keys(nested).forEach(function (key) { context[key] = nested[key]; }); } return context; }; // // ### function assertDynamicProxy (static, dynamic) // Asserts that after the `static` routes have been tested // and the `dynamic` routes are added / removed the appropriate // proxy responses are received. // exports.assertDynamicProxy = function (static, dynamic) { var proxyPort = helpers.nextPort, protocol = helpers.protocols.proxy, context; if (dynamic.add) { dynamic.add = dynamic.add.map(function (dyn) { dyn.port = helpers.nextPort; dyn.target = dyn.target + dyn.port; return dyn; }); } context = { topic: function () { var that = this; setTimeout(function () { if (dynamic.drop) { dynamic.drop.forEach(function (dropHost) { that.proxyServer.proxy.removeHost(dropHost); }); } if (dynamic.add) { async.forEachSeries(dynamic.add, function addOne (dyn, next) { that.proxyServer.proxy.addHost(dyn.host, dyn.target); helpers.http.createServer({ port: dyn.port, output: 'hello ' + dyn.host }, next); }, that.callback); } else { that.callback(); } }, 200); } }; if (dynamic.drop) { dynamic.drop.forEach(function (dropHost) { context[dropHost] = exports.assertRequest({ assert: { statusCode: 404 }, request: { uri: protocol + '://' + proxyPort, headers: { host: dropHost } } }); }); } if (dynamic.add) { dynamic.add.forEach(function (dyn) { context[dyn.host] = exports.assertRequest({ assert: { body: 'hello ' + dyn.host }, request: { uri: protocol + '://' + proxyPort, headers: { host: dyn.host } } }); }); } static.pport = proxyPort; return exports.assertProxiedToRoutes(static, { "once the server has started": context }); };