Feature: Edit Page Customizing the form to edit resources Background: Given a category named "Music" exists And a user named "John Doe" exists And a post with the title "Hello World" written by "John Doe" exists And I am logged in Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do permit_params :category, :author, :title, :body, :published_at, :starred if Rails::VERSION::MAJOR == 4 end """ When I am on the index page for posts Scenario: Default form with no config Given I follow "Edit" Then the "Title" field should contain "Hello World" And the "Body" field should contain "" And the "Category" field should contain "" And the "Author" field should contain the option "John Doe" When I fill in "Title" with "Hello World from update" When I press "Update Post" Then I should see "Post was successfully updated." And I should see the attribute "Title" with "Hello World from update" And I should see the attribute "Author" with "John Doe" Scenario: Generating a custom form Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do permit_params :category, :author, :title, :body, :published_at, :starred if Rails::VERSION::MAJOR == 4 form do |f| f.inputs "Your Post" do f.input :title f.input :body end f.inputs "Publishing" do f.input :published_at end f.actions end end """ Given I follow "Edit" Then I should see a fieldset titled "Your Post" And I should see a fieldset titled "Publishing" And the "Title" field should contain "Hello World" And the "Body" field should contain "" When I fill in "Title" with "Hello World from update" When I press "Update Post" Then I should see "Post was successfully updated." And I should see the attribute "Title" with "Hello World from update" And I should see the attribute "Author" with "John Doe" Scenario: Generating a custom form with :html set, visiting the new page first (bug probing issue #109) Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do permit_params :category, :author, :title, :body, :published_at, :starred if Rails::VERSION::MAJOR == 4 form :html => {} do |f| f.inputs "Your Post" do f.input :title f.input :body end f.inputs "Publishing" do f.input :published_at end f.actions end end """ Given I follow "New" Then I follow "Posts" Then I follow "Edit" Then I should see a fieldset titled "Your Post" And I should see a fieldset titled "Publishing" And the "Title" field should contain "Hello World" And the "Body" field should contain "" When I fill in "Title" with "Hello World from update" When I press "Update Post" Then I should see "Post was successfully updated." And I should see the attribute "Title" with "Hello World from update" And I should see the attribute "Author" with "John Doe" Scenario: Generating a form from a partial Given "app/views/admin/posts/_form.html.erb" contains: """ <% url = @post.new_record? ? admin_posts_path : admin_post_path(@post) %> <%= active_admin_form_for @post, :url => url do |f| f.inputs :title, :body f.actions end %> """ Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do permit_params :category, :author, :title, :body, :published_at, :starred if Rails::VERSION::MAJOR == 4 form :partial => "form" end """ Given I follow "Edit" Then the "Title" field should contain "Hello World" And the "Body" field should contain "" When I fill in "Title" with "Hello World from update" When I press "Update Post" Then I should see "Post was successfully updated." And I should see the attribute "Title" with "Hello World from update" And I should see the attribute "Author" with "John Doe"