# Onering Facts - HAProxy Stats # provides collection of statistics from HAProxy # require 'socket' haproxy = nil Dir["/etc/haproxy/*.cfg"].each do |cfg| haproxy ||= [] pools = {} cfg_data = (File.read(cfg).lines rescue []) description = (cfg_data.select{|i| i =~ /^\s* description / }.first.strip.split(' ',2).last.gsub('"','') rescue nil) socket = (cfg_data.select{|i| i =~ /^\s* stats socket / }.first.strip.split(' ')[2] rescue nil) if not socket.nil? and File.exists?(socket) stats = UNIXSocket.new(socket) stats.puts("show stat") instance = { :name => File.basename(cfg, '.cfg'), :description => description, :pools => [] } stats.read.lines.each do |line| next if line[0].chr == '#' line = line.strip.chomp next if line.empty? line = line.split(',') begin pools[line[0]] ||= { :name => line[0], :services => [] } pools[line[0]][:services] << ({ :name => line[1], :queue => { :current => line[2].to_i, :maximum => line[3].to_i, :limit => line[25].to_i }, :sessions => { :rate => line[33].to_i, :rate_limit => line[34].to_i, :rate_maximum => line[35].to_i, :current => line[4].to_i, :maximum => line[5].to_i, :limit => line[6].to_i, :total => line[7].to_i }, :bytes => { :in => line[8].to_i, :out => line[9].to_i }, :denied => { :request => line[10].to_i, :response => line[11].to_i }, :errors => { :request => line[12].to_i, :connection => line[13].to_i, :response => line[14].to_i }, :warnings => { :retry => line[15].to_i, :redispatch => line[16].to_i }, :status => line[17].downcase, :online => (line[17].downcase == 'up'), :weight => line[18].to_i, :checks => { :status => (case line[36].upcase.to_sym when :UNK then :unknown when :INI then :initializing when :SOCKERR then :socket_error when :L4OK then :layer4_ok when :L4TMOUT then :layer4_timeout when :L4CON then :layer4_connection_failed when :L6OK then :layer6_ok when :L6TOUT then :layer6_ssl_timeout when :L6RSP then :layer6_ssl_protocol_error when :L7OK then :layer7_ok when :L7OKC then :layer7_ok when :L7TOUT then :layer7_timeout when :L7RSP then :layer7_protocol_error when :L7STS then :layer7_server_error else nil end ), :response_code => line[37].to_i, :duration => line[38].to_i, :fail_details => line[45], :failed => line[21].to_i, :downs => line[22].to_i }, :http => { :request => { :rate => line[46].to_i, :rate_maximum => line[47].to_i, :total => line[48].to_i, :client_abort => line[49].to_i, :server_abort => line[50].to_i }, :response => { '100' => line[39].to_i, '200' => line[40].to_i, '300' => line[41].to_i, '400' => line[42].to_i, '500' => line[43].to_i, 'other' => line[44].to_i } }, :last_changed_at => Time.at(Time.now.to_i - line[23].to_i).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z'), :downtime => line[24].to_i, :pid => line[26].to_i, :proxy_id => line[27].to_i, :service_id => line[28].to_i, :throttle => line[29], :selected => line[30].to_i, :tracked => line[31], :type => (case line[32].to_i when 0 then :frontend when 1 then :backend when 2 then :server when 3 then :socket else nil end ) }) rescue next end end instance[:pools] = pools.values() haproxy << instance end end if not haproxy.nil? Facter.add('haproxy') do setcode { haproxy } end end