require: - rubocop-rspec inherit_mode: merge: - Exclude RSpec: Enabled: true Include: - "**/*_spec.rb" - "**/spec/**/*" Language: ExampleGroups: Regular: - describe - context - feature - example_group Skipped: - xdescribe - xcontext - xfeature Focused: - fdescribe - fcontext - ffeature Examples: Regular: - it - specify - example - scenario - its Focused: - fit - fspecify - fexample - fscenario - focus Skipped: - xit - xspecify - xexample - xscenario - skip Pending: - pending Expectations: - expect - is_expected - expect_any_instance_of Helpers: - let - let! Hooks: - prepend_before - before - append_before - around - prepend_after - after - append_after HookScopes: - each - example - context - all - suite Includes: Examples: - it_behaves_like - it_should_behave_like - include_examples Context: - include_context Runners: - to - to_not - not_to SharedGroups: Examples: - shared_examples - shared_examples_for Context: - shared_context Subjects: - subject - subject! RSpec/AlignLeftLetBrace: Description: Checks that left braces for adjacent single line lets are aligned. Enabled: false VersionAdded: '1.16' StyleGuide: RSpec/AlignRightLetBrace: Description: Checks that right braces for adjacent single line lets are aligned. Enabled: false VersionAdded: '1.16' StyleGuide: RSpec/AnyInstance: Description: Check that instances are not being stubbed globally. Enabled: false # The example is good, but it does not work if you can not access the instance that needs to be stubbed VersionAdded: '1.4' StyleGuide: RSpec/AroundBlock: Description: Checks that around blocks actually run the test. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.11' StyleGuide: RSpec/Be: Description: Check for expectations where `be` is used without argument. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.25' StyleGuide: RSpec/BeEql: Description: Check for expectations where `be(...)` can replace `eql(...)`. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.7' StyleGuide: RSpec/BeforeAfterAll: Description: Check that before/after(:all) isn't being used. Enabled: true Exclude: - spec/spec_helper.rb - spec/rails_helper.rb - spec/support/**/*.rb VersionAdded: '1.12' StyleGuide: RSpec/ContextMethod: Description: "`context` should not be used for specifying methods." Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.36' StyleGuide: RSpec/ContextWording: Description: Checks that `context` docstring starts with an allowed prefix. Enabled: false # It is nice to follow this approach but we do not want to enforce it Prefixes: - when - with - without VersionAdded: '1.20' VersionChanged: 1.20.1 StyleGuide: RSpec/DescribeClass: Description: Check that the first argument to the top-level describe is a constant. Enabled: false # It is nice to follow this approach but we do not want to enforce it IgnoredMetadata: type: - channel - controller - helper - job - mailer - model - request - routing - view - feature - system - mailbox - aruba VersionAdded: '1.0' VersionChanged: '1.44' StyleGuide: RSpec/DescribeMethod: Description: Checks that the second argument to `describe` specifies a method. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.0' StyleGuide: RSpec/DescribeSymbol: Description: Avoid describing symbols. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.15' StyleGuide: RSpec/DescribedClass: Description: Checks that tests use `described_class`. Enabled: true SkipBlocks: false EnforcedStyle: described_class SupportedStyles: - described_class - explicit SafeAutoCorrect: false VersionAdded: '1.0' VersionChanged: '1.11' StyleGuide: RSpec/DescribedClassModuleWrapping: Description: Avoid opening modules and defining specs within them. Enabled: false VersionAdded: '1.37' StyleGuide: RSpec/Dialect: Description: This cop enforces custom RSpec dialects. Enabled: false PreferredMethods: {} VersionAdded: '1.33' StyleGuide: RSpec/EmptyExampleGroup: Description: Checks if an example group does not include any tests. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.7' VersionChanged: '2.0' StyleGuide: RSpec/EmptyHook: Description: Checks for empty before and after hooks. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.39' StyleGuide: RSpec/EmptyLineAfterExample: Description: Checks if there is an empty line after example blocks. Enabled: true AllowConsecutiveOneLiners: true VersionAdded: '1.36' StyleGuide: RSpec/EmptyLineAfterExampleGroup: Description: Checks if there is an empty line after example group blocks. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.27' StyleGuide: RSpec/EmptyLineAfterFinalLet: Description: Checks if there is an empty line after the last let block. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.14' StyleGuide: RSpec/EmptyLineAfterHook: Description: Checks if there is an empty line after hook blocks. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.27' StyleGuide: RSpec/EmptyLineAfterSubject: Description: Checks if there is an empty line after subject block. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.14' StyleGuide: RSpec/ExampleLength: Description: Checks for long examples. Enabled: false # We do not want to have such limitation Max: 5 VersionAdded: '1.5' StyleGuide: RSpec/ExampleWithoutDescription: Description: Checks for examples without a description. Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: always_allow SupportedStyles: - always_allow - single_line_only - disallow VersionAdded: '1.22' StyleGuide: RSpec/ExampleWording: Description: Checks for common mistakes in example descriptions. Enabled: true CustomTransform: be: is BE: IS have: has HAVE: HAS IgnoredWords: [] VersionAdded: '1.0' VersionChanged: '1.2' StyleGuide: RSpec/ExpectActual: Description: Checks for `expect(...)` calls containing literal values. Enabled: true Exclude: - spec/routing/**/* VersionAdded: '1.7' StyleGuide: RSpec/ExpectChange: Description: Checks for consistent style of change matcher. Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: method_call SupportedStyles: - method_call - block VersionAdded: '1.22' StyleGuide: RSpec/ExpectInHook: Description: Do not use `expect` in hooks such as `before`. Enabled: false # Maybe we want to change this in the future, currently we use this if a expectation is the same for multiple examples (e.g the response of a http response) VersionAdded: '1.16' StyleGuide: RSpec/ExpectOutput: Description: Checks for opportunities to use `expect { ... }.to output`. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.10' StyleGuide: RSpec/FilePath: Description: Checks that spec file paths are consistent and well-formed. Enabled: true Include: - "**/*_spec*rb*" - "**/spec/**/*" CustomTransform: RuboCop: rubocop RSpec: rspec IgnoreMethods: false SpecSuffixOnly: false VersionAdded: '1.2' VersionChanged: '1.40' StyleGuide: RSpec/Focus: Description: Checks if examples are focused. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.5' VersionChanged: '2.1' StyleGuide: RSpec/HookArgument: Description: Checks the arguments passed to `before`, `around`, and `after`. Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: implicit SupportedStyles: - implicit - each - example VersionAdded: '1.7' StyleGuide: RSpec/HooksBeforeExamples: Description: Checks for before/around/after hooks that come after an example. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.29' StyleGuide: RSpec/ImplicitBlockExpectation: Description: Check that implicit block expectation syntax is not used. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.35' StyleGuide: RSpec/ImplicitExpect: Description: Check that a consistent implicit expectation style is used. Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: is_expected SupportedStyles: - is_expected - should VersionAdded: '1.8' StyleGuide: RSpec/ImplicitSubject: Description: Checks for usage of implicit subject (`is_expected` / `should`). Enabled: true # Maybe we want to change this to false in the future EnforcedStyle: single_line_only SupportedStyles: - single_line_only - single_statement_only - disallow VersionAdded: '1.29' VersionChanged: '1.30' StyleGuide: RSpec/InstanceSpy: Description: Checks for `instance_double` used with `have_received`. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.12' StyleGuide: RSpec/InstanceVariable: Description: Checks for instance variable usage in specs. Enabled: false # It's good to prefer let over an instance variable. But there are legit cases for instance variables. AssignmentOnly: false VersionAdded: '1.0' VersionChanged: '1.7' StyleGuide: RSpec/ItBehavesLike: Description: Checks that only one `it_behaves_like` style is used. Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: it_behaves_like SupportedStyles: - it_behaves_like - it_should_behave_like VersionAdded: '1.13' StyleGuide: RSpec/IteratedExpectation: Description: Check that `all` matcher is used instead of iterating over an array. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.14' StyleGuide: RSpec/LeadingSubject: Description: Enforce that subject is the first definition in the test. Enabled: false # We don't do this VersionAdded: '1.7' VersionChanged: '1.14' StyleGuide: RSpec/LeakyConstantDeclaration: Description: Checks that no class, module, or constant is declared. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.35' StyleGuide: RSpec/LetBeforeExamples: Description: Checks for `let` definitions that come after an example. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.16' VersionChanged: '1.22' StyleGuide: RSpec/LetSetup: Description: Checks unreferenced `let!` calls being used for test setup. Enabled: false # It seems better to remove this cop from the default set, the reasons are weird VersionAdded: '1.7' StyleGuide: RSpec/MessageChain: Description: Check that chains of messages are not being stubbed. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.7' StyleGuide: RSpec/MessageExpectation: Description: Checks for consistent message expectation style. Enabled: false EnforcedStyle: allow SupportedStyles: - allow - expect VersionAdded: '1.7' VersionChanged: '1.8' StyleGuide: RSpec/MessageSpies: Description: Checks that message expectations are set using spies. Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: receive # We usually use receive as it is defined before the expectation line and not after SupportedStyles: - have_received - receive VersionAdded: '1.9' StyleGuide: RSpec/MissingExampleGroupArgument: Description: Checks that the first argument to an example group is not empty. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.28' StyleGuide: RSpec/MultipleDescribes: Description: Checks for multiple top-level example groups. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.0' StyleGuide: RSpec/MultipleExpectations: Description: Checks if examples contain too many `expect` calls. Enabled: false # We do not want to have such limitation Max: 1 VersionAdded: '1.7' VersionChanged: '1.21' StyleGuide: RSpec/MultipleMemoizedHelpers: Description: Checks if example groups contain too many `let` and `subject` calls. Enabled: false # We try to reduce the number of lets if possible, but no need to enforce it AllowSubject: true Max: 5 VersionAdded: '1.43' StyleGuide: RSpec/MultipleSubjects: Description: Checks if an example group defines `subject` multiple times. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.16' StyleGuide: RSpec/NamedSubject: Description: Checks for explicitly referenced test subjects. Enabled: false # - good default but not enforced IgnoreSharedExamples: true VersionAdded: 1.5.3 StyleGuide: RSpec/NestedGroups: Description: Checks for nested example groups. Enabled: false # We do not want to have such limitation Max: 3 VersionAdded: '1.7' VersionChanged: '1.10' StyleGuide: RSpec/NotToNot: Description: Checks for consistent method usage for negating expectations. Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: not_to SupportedStyles: - not_to - to_not VersionAdded: '1.4' StyleGuide: RSpec/OverwritingSetup: Description: Checks if there is a let/subject that overwrites an existing one. Enabled: true # This would break tests, but it's worth the effort VersionAdded: '1.14' StyleGuide: RSpec/Pending: Description: Checks for any pending or skipped examples. Enabled: false VersionAdded: '1.25' StyleGuide: RSpec/PredicateMatcher: Description: Prefer using predicate matcher over using predicate method directly. Enabled: true # Maybe we need to remove this in the future Strict: true EnforcedStyle: inflected AllowedExplicitMatchers: [] SupportedStyles: - inflected - explicit SafeAutoCorrect: false VersionAdded: '1.16' StyleGuide: RSpec/ReceiveCounts: Description: Check for `once` and `twice` receive counts matchers usage. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.26' StyleGuide: RSpec/ReceiveNever: Description: Prefer `not_to receive(...)` over `receive(...).never`. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.28' StyleGuide: RSpec/RepeatedDescription: Description: Check for repeated description strings in example groups. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.9' StyleGuide: RSpec/RepeatedExample: Description: Check for repeated examples within example groups. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.10' StyleGuide: RSpec/RepeatedExampleGroupBody: Description: Check for repeated describe and context block body. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.38' StyleGuide: RSpec/RepeatedExampleGroupDescription: Description: Check for repeated example group descriptions. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.38' StyleGuide: RSpec/RepeatedIncludeExample: Description: Check for repeated include of shared examples. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.44' StyleGuide: RSpec/ReturnFromStub: Description: Checks for consistent style of stub's return setting. Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: and_return SupportedStyles: - and_return - block VersionAdded: '1.16' VersionChanged: '1.22' StyleGuide: RSpec/ScatteredLet: Description: Checks for let scattered across the example group. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.14' VersionChanged: '1.39' StyleGuide: RSpec/ScatteredSetup: Description: Checks for setup scattered across multiple hooks in an example group. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.10' StyleGuide: RSpec/SharedContext: Description: Checks for proper shared_context and shared_examples usage. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.13' StyleGuide: RSpec/SharedExamples: Description: Enforces use of string to titleize shared examples. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.25' StyleGuide: RSpec/SingleArgumentMessageChain: Description: Checks that chains of messages contain more than one element. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.9' VersionChanged: '1.10' StyleGuide: RSpec/StubbedMock: Description: Checks that message expectations do not have a configured response. Enabled: false # Maybe add later, currently there are too many conflicts VersionAdded: '1.44' StyleGuide: RSpec/SubjectStub: Description: Checks for stubbed test subjects. Enabled: false # VersionAdded: '1.7' StyleGuide: RSpec/UnspecifiedException: Description: Checks for a specified error in checking raised errors. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.30' StyleGuide: RSpec/VariableDefinition: Description: Checks that memoized helpers names are symbols or strings. Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: symbols SupportedStyles: - symbols - strings VersionAdded: '1.40' StyleGuide: RSpec/VariableName: Description: Checks that memoized helper names use the configured style. Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: snake_case SupportedStyles: - snake_case - camelCase IgnoredPatterns: [] VersionAdded: '1.40' VersionChanged: '1.43' StyleGuide: RSpec/VerifiedDoubles: Description: Prefer using verifying doubles over normal doubles. Enabled: true IgnoreNameless: true IgnoreSymbolicNames: false VersionAdded: 1.2.1 VersionChanged: '1.5' StyleGuide: RSpec/VoidExpect: Description: This cop checks void `expect()`. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.16' StyleGuide: RSpec/Yield: Description: This cop checks for calling a block within a stub. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.32' StyleGuide: RSpec/Capybara/CurrentPathExpectation: Description: Checks that no expectations are set on Capybara's `current_path`. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.18' VersionChanged: '2.0' StyleGuide: RSpec/Capybara/FeatureMethods: Description: Checks for consistent method usage in feature specs. Enabled: true EnabledMethods: [] VersionAdded: '1.17' VersionChanged: '2.0' StyleGuide: RSpec/Capybara/VisibilityMatcher: Description: Checks for boolean visibility in capybara finders. Enabled: true VersionAdded: '1.39' VersionChanged: '2.0' StyleGuide: RSpec/FactoryBot/AttributeDefinedStatically: Description: Always declare attribute values as blocks. Enabled: true Include: - spec/factories.rb - spec/factories/**/*.rb - features/support/factories/**/*.rb VersionAdded: '1.28' VersionChanged: '2.0' StyleGuide: RSpec/FactoryBot/CreateList: Description: Checks for create_list usage. Enabled: true Include: - "**/*_spec.rb" - "**/spec/**/*" - spec/factories.rb - spec/factories/**/*.rb - features/support/factories/**/*.rb EnforcedStyle: create_list SupportedStyles: - create_list - n_times VersionAdded: '1.25' VersionChanged: '2.0' StyleGuide: RSpec/FactoryBot/FactoryClassName: Description: Use string value when setting the class attribute explicitly. Enabled: true Include: - spec/factories.rb - spec/factories/**/*.rb - features/support/factories/**/*.rb VersionAdded: '1.37' VersionChanged: '2.0' StyleGuide: RSpec/Rails/HttpStatus: Description: Enforces use of symbolic or numeric value to describe HTTP status. Enabled: false # This should not be enforced EnforcedStyle: symbolic SupportedStyles: - numeric - symbolic VersionAdded: '1.23' VersionChanged: '2.0' StyleGuide: