require 'thor/group' module Natra module Generators class AppGenerator < Thor::Group include Thor::Actions desc 'Creates a new Sinatra application' argument :name, type: :string, desc: 'The name of the new application' class_option :capistrano, type: :boolean, desc: 'Include Capistrano configuration' class_option :redis, type: :boolean, desc: 'Include Redis configuration' class_option :rvm, type: :boolean, desc: 'Create .ruby-version (ruby-2.1.0) and .ruby-gemset' class_option :bundle, type: :boolean, desc: 'Run bundle after generating the app' class_option :git, type: :boolean, desc: 'Initialize a Git repository' def setup @app_path = name.directory_name @name = name.file_name options.each { |key, value| instance_variable_set "@#{key}".to_sym, value } end def self.source_root File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'templates')) end def create_empty_directories %w[config/initializers lib spec].each {|dir| empty_directory File.join(@app_path, dir)} empty_directory File.join(@app_path, 'db/migrate') create_file File.join(@app_path, 'lib', '.keep') template 'config/environment.rb', File.join(@app_path, 'config/environment.rb') end def create_seeds_file create_file File.join(@app_path, 'db', 'seeds.rb') end def initialize_db copy_file('bin/setup', File.join(@app_path, 'bin/setup')) end def uuid_setup template 'db/migrate/add_extensions.rb', File.join(@app_path, "db/migrate/#{'%Y%m%d')}0000_add_extensions.rb") end def create_public_directory template 'public/favicon.ico', File.join(@app_path, 'public/favicon.ico') end def create_app_directory %w[app/controllers app/views app/models].each {|dir| directory dir, File.join(@app_path, dir)} end def create_app_spec template 'spec/application_controller_spec.rb', File.join(@app_path, 'spec/application_controller_spec.rb') end def create_spec_helper template 'spec/spec_helper.rb', File.join(@app_path, 'spec/spec_helper.rb') end def create_config template '', File.join(@app_path, '') end def create_gemfile template 'Gemfile', File.join(@app_path, 'Gemfile') end def create_rakefile template 'Rakefile', File.join(@app_path, 'Rakefile') end def create_readme template('', File.join(@app_path, '')) end def create_db_config template('config/database.yml', File.join(@app_path, 'config/database.yml')) end def create_redis_config copy_file('config/redis.yml', File.join(@app_path, 'config/redis.yml')) if @redis end def create_redis_initializer template('config/initializers/redis.rb', File.join(@app_path, 'config/initializers/redis.rb')) if @redis end def create_gitignore copy_file 'gitignore', File.join(@app_path, '.gitignore') end def create_rspec copy_file 'rspec', File.join(@app_path, '.rspec') end def create_rubocop copy_file 'rubocop.yml', File.join(@app_path, '.rubocop.yml') end def create_docker copy_file 'Dockerfile', File.join(@app_path, 'Dockerfile') end def create_docker_compose template('docker-compose.yml', File.join(@app_path, 'docker-compose.yml')) end def create_guardfile copy_file 'Guardfile', File.join(@app_path, 'Guardfile') end def create_spec_support create_file File.join(@app_path, 'spec/support/', '.keep') end def create_secrets template('secrets.env', File.join(@app_path, 'secrets.env')) end def create_capistrano_config inside(@app_path) { run('cap install') } if @capistrano end def create_rvm_gemset if @rvm create_file(File.join(@app_path, '.ruby-version'), 'ruby-2.1.0') create_file(File.join(@app_path, '.ruby-gemset'), @app_path) @bundle = false puts "You need to run 'bundle install' manually." end end def initialize_git_repo inside(@app_path) { run('git init .') if @git } end def install_dependencies inside(@app_path) { run('bundle') if @bundle } end def initialize_app system <<~SCRIPT cd #{@app_path} #{'chmod +x bin/setup'} git init git add . docker-compose build --pull docker-compose run --rm web bundle #{'nib setup web'} SCRIPT end end end end