# encoding: utf-8 require "amq/client/exceptions" require "amq/client/entity" require "amq/client/server_named_entity" module AMQ module Client module Async class Exchange include Entity include ServerNamedEntity extend ProtocolMethodHandlers BUILTIN_TYPES = [:fanout, :direct, :topic, :headers].freeze # # API # # Channel this exchange belongs to. attr_reader :channel # Exchange name. May be server-generated or assigned directly. # @return [String] attr_reader :name # @return [Symbol] One of :direct, :fanout, :topic, :headers attr_reader :type # @return [Hash] Additional arguments given on queue declaration. Typically used by AMQP extensions. attr_reader :arguments def initialize(connection, channel, name, type = :fanout) if !(BUILTIN_TYPES.include?(type.to_sym) || type.to_s =~ /^x-.+/i) raise UnknownExchangeTypeError.new(BUILTIN_TYPES, type) end @connection = connection @channel = channel @name = name @type = type # register pre-declared exchanges if @name == AMQ::Protocol::EMPTY_STRING || @name =~ /^amq\.(direct|fanout|topic|match|headers)/ @channel.register_exchange(self) end super(connection) end # @return [Boolean] true if this exchange is of type `fanout` # @api public def fanout? @type == :fanout end # @return [Boolean] true if this exchange is of type `direct` # @api public def direct? @type == :direct end # @return [Boolean] true if this exchange is of type `topic` # @api public def topic? @type == :topic end # @return [Boolean] true if this exchange is of type `headers` # @api public def headers? @type == :headers end # @return [Boolean] true if this exchange is of a custom type (begins with x-) # @api public def custom_type? @type.to_s =~ /^x-.+/i end # custom_type? # @return [Boolean] true if this exchange is a pre-defined one (amq.direct, amq.fanout, amq.match and so on) def predefined? @name && !!(@name =~ /^amq\.(direct|fanout|topic|headers|match)/i) end # predefined? # @group Declaration # @api public def declare(passive = false, durable = false, auto_delete = false, nowait = false, arguments = nil, &block) # for re-declaration @passive = passive @durable = durable @auto_delete = auto_delete @arguments = arguments @connection.send_frame(Protocol::Exchange::Declare.encode(@channel.id, @name, @type.to_s, passive, durable, auto_delete, false, nowait, arguments)) unless nowait self.define_callback(:declare, &block) @channel.exchanges_awaiting_declare_ok.push(self) end self end # @api public def redeclare(&block) nowait = block.nil? @connection.send_frame(Protocol::Exchange::Declare.encode(@channel.id, @name, @type.to_s, @passive, @durable, @auto_delete, false, nowait, @arguments)) unless nowait self.define_callback(:declare, &block) @channel.exchanges_awaiting_declare_ok.push(self) end self end # redeclare(&block) # @endgroup # @api public def delete(if_unused = false, nowait = false, &block) @connection.send_frame(Protocol::Exchange::Delete.encode(@channel.id, @name, if_unused, nowait)) unless nowait self.define_callback(:delete, &block) # TODO: delete itself from exchanges cache @channel.exchanges_awaiting_delete_ok.push(self) end self end # delete(if_unused = false, nowait = false) # @group Publishing Messages # @api public def publish(payload, routing_key = AMQ::Protocol::EMPTY_STRING, user_headers = {}, mandatory = false, immediate = false, frame_size = nil) headers = { :priority => 0, :delivery_mode => 2, :content_type => "application/octet-stream" }.merge(user_headers) @connection.send_frameset(Protocol::Basic::Publish.encode(@channel.id, payload, headers, @name, routing_key, mandatory, immediate, (frame_size || @connection.frame_max)), @channel) self end # @api public def on_return(&block) self.redefine_callback(:return, &block) self end # on_return(&block) # @endgroup # @group Error Handling and Recovery # Defines a callback that will be executed after TCP connection is interrupted (typically because of a network failure). # Only one callback can be defined (the one defined last replaces previously added ones). # # @api public def on_connection_interruption(&block) self.redefine_callback(:after_connection_interruption, &block) end # on_connection_interruption(&block) alias after_connection_interruption on_connection_interruption # @private def handle_connection_interruption(method = nil) self.exec_callback_yielding_self(:after_connection_interruption) end # handle_connection_interruption # Defines a callback that will be executed after TCP connection is recovered after a network failure # but before AMQP connection is re-opened. # Only one callback can be defined (the one defined last replaces previously added ones). # # @api public def before_recovery(&block) self.redefine_callback(:before_recovery, &block) end # before_recovery(&block) # @private def run_before_recovery_callbacks self.exec_callback_yielding_self(:before_recovery) end # Defines a callback that will be executed when AMQP connection is recovered after a network failure.. # Only one callback can be defined (the one defined last replaces previously added ones). # # @api public def on_recovery(&block) self.redefine_callback(:after_recovery, &block) end # on_recovery(&block) alias after_recovery on_recovery # @private def run_after_recovery_callbacks self.exec_callback_yielding_self(:after_recovery) end # Called by associated connection object when AMQP connection has been re-established # (for example, after a network failure). # # @api plugin def auto_recover self.redeclare unless predefined? end # auto_recover # @endgroup # # Implementation # def handle_declare_ok(method) @name = method.exchange if self.anonymous? @channel.register_exchange(self) self.exec_callback_once_yielding_self(:declare, method) end def handle_delete_ok(method) self.exec_callback_once(:delete, method) end # handle_delete_ok(method) self.handle(Protocol::Exchange::DeclareOk) do |connection, frame| method = frame.decode_payload channel = connection.channels[frame.channel] exchange = channel.exchanges_awaiting_declare_ok.shift exchange.handle_declare_ok(method) end # handle self.handle(Protocol::Exchange::DeleteOk) do |connection, frame| channel = connection.channels[frame.channel] exchange = channel.exchanges_awaiting_delete_ok.shift exchange.handle_delete_ok(frame.decode_payload) end # handle self.handle(Protocol::Basic::Return) do |connection, frame, content_frames| channel = connection.channels[frame.channel] method = frame.decode_payload exchange = channel.find_exchange(method.exchange) header = content_frames.shift body = content_frames.map { |frame| frame.payload }.join exchange.exec_callback(:return, method, header, body) end end # Exchange end # Async end # Client end # AMQ