module Numerals # Formatted input implementation module Format::Input def read(text, options={}) # 1. Obtain destination type selector = options[:context] || options[:type] conversion = Conversions[selector, options[:type_options]] if conversion type = conversion.type else type = options[:type] if type != Numeral raise Format::InvalidNumericType, "Invalid type #{selector.inspect}" end end # if conversion.is_a?(ContextConversion) # context = conversion.context # end # 2. dissassemble (parse notation): text notation => text parts text_parts = Format.disassemble(@notation, self, text) # 3. Convert text parts to values and generate a Numeral numeral = partition_in(text_parts) # 4. Convert to requested type: if type == Numeral return numeral else conversion_in(numeral, options) end end def partition_in(text_parts) if text_parts.special? # Read special number nan = /#{@symbols.regexp(:nan, case_sensitivity: true)}/ inf = / #{@symbols.regexp(:plus, :minus, case_sensitivity: true)}? \s* #{@symbols.regexp(:infinity, case_sensitivity: true)} /x minus = /#{@symbols.regexp(:minus, case_sensitivity: true)}/ if nan.match(text_parts.special) numeral = Numeral[:nan] elsif match = inf.match(text_parts.special) if match[1] && match[1] =~ minus sign = -1 else sign = +1 end numeral = Numeral[:infinity, sign: sign] else raise Format::InvaludNumberFormat, "Invalid number" end else # Parse and convert text parts to values input_rounding = @input_rounding || @rounding input_base = significand_base if !@symbols.repeating && (text_parts.repeat || text_parts.detect_repeat) raise Format::InvalidRepeatingNumeral, "Invalid format: unexpected repeating numeral" end minus = /#{@symbols.regexp(:minus, case_sensitivity: true)}/ if text_parts.sign? && text_parts.sign =~ minus sign = -1 else sign = +1 end integer_digits = [] if text_parts.integer? integer_digits = @symbols.digits_values(text_parts.integer, base: input_base) end fractional_digits = [] if text_parts.fractional? fractional_digits = @symbols.digits_values(text_parts.fractional, base: input_base) end exponent_value = 0 if text_parts.exponent? exponent_value = text_parts.exponent.to_i end point = integer_digits.size if text_parts.detect_repeat? # repeat_suffix found digits = integer_digits + fractional_digits digits, repeat = RepeatDetector.detect(digits, @symbols.repeat_count - 1) elsif text_parts.repeat? repeat_digits = @symbols.digits_values(text_parts.repeat, base: input_base) digits = integer_digits + fractional_digits repeat = digits.size digits += repeat_digits else digits = integer_digits + fractional_digits repeat = nil end if @mode.base_scale > 1 # De-scale the significand base digits = Format::BaseScaler.ugrouped_digits(digits, base, @mode.base_scale) point *= @mode.base_scale repeat *= @mode.base_scale if repeat end point += exponent_value # Generate Numeral if repeat || @exact_input normalization = :exact else normalization = :approximate end numeral = Numeral[digits, sign: sign, point: point, repeat: repeat, base: base, normalize: normalization] end end def conversion_in(numeral, options) options = options.merge( exact: numeral.exact?, # @exact_input, Also: if we want to force :fixed format simplify: @rounding.simplifying?, # applies to approx input only => :short ) type_options = { input_rounding: @input_rounding || @rounding } if options[:type_options] options[:type_options] = type_options.merge(options[:type_options]) else options[:type_options] = type_options end, options) end end end