<%= stylesheet_link_tag "platform/platform" %> <%= stylesheet_link_tag "platform/oauth" %> <%= javascript_include_tag "platform/platform" %>
<%=trl("{application} would like permission to access your {site} account.","", :application => @client_application.name, :site => Platform::Config.site_title)%> <%= trl("Only allow access if you trust this application with your {site} Information.","", :site => Platform::Config.site_title) %>
<%= trl("This application will have access to:") %>
<%=image_tag(Platform::Config.user_mugshot, :class => "img")%> <%=tr("Your name, profile picture, gender, family, photos and any other information available through my user account.")%>
<%=tr("By proceeding, you agree to the {application} [link1: Terms of Service] and [link2: Privacy Policy].", "", :application => @client_application.name, :link1 => {:href => @client_application.terms_of_service_url}, :link2 => {:href => @client_application.privacy_policy_url})%>
<%= render :partial => "authorize_form" %>