module Fastlane module Actions class GitRemoteBranchAction < Action def Actions.git_remote_branch_name(params[:remote_name]) end ##################################################### # @!group Documentation ##################################################### def self.description "Returns the name of the current git remote default branch" end def self.details "If no default remote branch could be found, this action will return nil. This is a wrapper for the internal action Actions.git_default_remote_branch_name" end def self.available_options [ :remote_name, env_name: "FL_REMOTE_REPOSITORY_NAME", description: "The remote repository to check", optional: true) ] end def self.output [] end def self.authors ["SeanMcNeil"] end def self.is_supported?(platform) true end def self.example_code [ 'git_remote_branch # Query git for first available remote name', 'git_remote_branch(remote_name:"upstream") # Provide a remote name' ] end def self.return_type :string end def self.category :source_control end end end end