module Spree class Zone < Spree::Base with_options dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :zone do has_many :zone_members, class_name: "Spree::ZoneMember" has_many :tax_rates end with_options through: :zone_members, source: :zoneable do has_many :countries, source_type: "Spree::Country" has_many :states, source_type: "Spree::State" end has_many :shipping_method_zones, class_name: 'Spree::ShippingMethodZone' has_many :zones, through: :shipping_method_zones, class_name: 'Spree::Zone' validates :name, presence: true, uniqueness: { allow_blank: true } scope :with_default_tax, -> { where(default_tax: true) } after_save :remove_defunct_members after_save :remove_previous_default, if: [:default_tax?, :default_tax_changed?] alias :members :zone_members accepts_nested_attributes_for :zone_members, allow_destroy: true, reject_if: proc { |a| a['zoneable_id'].blank? } self.whitelisted_ransackable_attributes = ['description'] def self.default_tax find_by(default_tax: true) end def self.potential_matching_zones(zone) if # Match zones of the same kind with similar countries joins(countries: :zones). where("zone_members_spree_countries_join.zone_id = ?", uniq else # Match zones of the same kind with similar states in AND match zones # that have the states countries in joins(:zone_members).where( "(spree_zone_members.zoneable_type = 'Spree::State' AND spree_zone_members.zoneable_id IN (?)) OR (spree_zone_members.zoneable_type = 'Spree::Country' AND spree_zone_members.zoneable_id IN (?))", zone.state_ids, zone.states.pluck(:country_id) ).uniq end end # Returns the matching zone with the highest priority zone type (State, Country, Zone.) # Returns nil in the case of no matches. def self.match(address) return unless address && matches = includes(:zone_members). order('spree_zones.zone_members_count', 'spree_zones.created_at'). where("(spree_zone_members.zoneable_type = 'Spree::Country' AND " + "spree_zone_members.zoneable_id = ?) OR " + "(spree_zone_members.zoneable_type = 'Spree::State' AND " + "spree_zone_members.zoneable_id = ?)", address.country_id, address.state_id). references(:zones) ['state', 'country'].each do |zone_kind| if match = matches.detect { |zone| zone_kind == zone.kind } return match end end matches.first end def kind if kind? super else not_nil_scope = members.where.not(zoneable_type: nil) zone_type = not_nil_scope.order('created_at ASC').pluck(:zoneable_type).last zone_type.demodulize.underscore if zone_type end end def country? kind == 'country' end def state? kind == 'state' end def include?(address) return false unless address members.any? do |zone_member| case zone_member.zoneable_type when 'Spree::Country' zone_member.zoneable_id == address.country_id when 'Spree::State' zone_member.zoneable_id == address.state_id else false end end end # convenience method for returning the countries contained within a zone def country_list @countries ||= case kind when 'country' then zoneables when 'state' then zoneables.collect(&:country) else [] end.flatten.compact.uniq end def <=>(other) name <=> end # All zoneables belonging to the zone members. Will be a collection of either # countries or states depending on the zone type. def zoneables members.includes(:zoneable).collect(&:zoneable) end def country_ids if country? members.pluck(:zoneable_id) else [] end end def state_ids if state? members.pluck(:zoneable_id) else [] end end def country_ids=(ids) set_zone_members(ids, 'Spree::Country') end def state_ids=(ids) set_zone_members(ids, 'Spree::State') end # Indicates whether the specified zone falls entirely within the zone performing # the check. def contains?(target) return false if state? && return false if zone_members.empty? || target.zone_members.empty? if kind == target.kind if state? return false if (target.states.pluck(:id) - states.pluck(:id)).present? elsif country? return false if (target.countries.pluck(:id) - countries.pluck(:id)).present? end else return false if (target.states.pluck(:country_id) - countries.pluck(:id)).present? end true end private def remove_defunct_members if zone_members.any? zone_members.defunct_without_kind(kind).destroy_all end end def remove_previous_default Spree::Zone.with_default_tax.where.not(id: id).update_all(default_tax: false) end def set_zone_members(ids, type) zone_members.destroy_all ids.reject(&:blank?).map do |id| member = member.zoneable_type = type member.zoneable_id = id members << member end end end end