# A Briefcase is a repository of markdown documents which are turned into active-record like model objects. # # Special behaviors can be built into these documents by assigning them a `type` value. Doing this is done either # by # # A Briefcase contains a query interface for different Brief::Documents. A Brief::Document takes YAML frontmatter, # and rendered markdown, and builds key / value attribute pairs for the document. Each document expects to be able # to determine its type by accessing the type field contained in the YAML frontmatter # # The Briefcase allows you to treat each markdown document as # module Brief class Briefcase include Brief::DSL include Brief::Briefcase::Documentation attr_reader :options, :model_definitions attr_accessor :asset_finder, :href_builder # Creates a new briefcase # # options: # - root: (required) the root folder of the briefcase project. will default to PWD # # - app: (optional) the name of the app this briefcase should use # # - logger: a logger instance, will default to Logger.new(STDOUT) # # - href_builder: (optional) reference to a block which will be used to post-process any generated # href values for the documents in this briefcase. This will generally be used by # apps which render the briefcase content. # - asset_finder: (optional) reference to a block which will be used to find assets when used as attachments # or when embedding inline:svg through the special image markdown syntax def initialize(options = {}) @options = options.to_mash debug "Created briefcase instance #{ object_id } at #{ root }" load_configuration use(:app, options[:app]) if options[:app] load_model_definitions if Brief.case(false).nil? Brief.case = self end @href_builder = options.fetch(:href_builder) { Brief.href_builder } @asset_finder = options.fetch(:asset_finder) { method(:find_asset) } Brief.cases[root.basename.to_s] ||= self @logger = options.fetch(:logger, nil) debug "Loading briefcase lib entries" load_briefcase_lib_entries() end def logger @logger ||= Logger.new(STDOUT) end def log message logger.info(message) end def debug message logger.debug(message) if debug? end def debug? options.fetch(:debug, nil) || ENV['BRIEF_DEBUG'] end def load_briefcase_lib_entries begin etc = Dir[briefcase_lib_path.join("**/*.rb")] etc.each {|f| require(f) } if briefcase_lib_path.exist? rescue => e debug "Error while loading briefcase entries: #{ e.message }" end end # Runs a command # # Commands are defined in the briefcase configuration. # # You define a command by passing a block. This block will # get called with the briefcase, and whatever other arguments def run_command(name, *args) if handler = Brief.commands.fetch(name.to_sym) block = handler[:handler] args.unshift(self) block.call(*args) else raise 'Command not found' end end # runs a command but does not raise an error def run_command!(name, *args) run_command(name, *args) rescue nil end # Returns a Hash object which presents some # view of the briefcase. Accepts a params hash # of options that will be passed to the presenter. # # The default presenter is Brief::Briefcase#as_default def present(style="default", params={}) style = "default" if style.nil? if respond_to?("as_#{style}") send("as_#{style}", params) elsif Brief.views.key?(style.to_sym) block = Brief.views[style.to_sym] block.call(self, params) end end def cache_key "#{slug}:#{repository.cache_key}" end def slug options.fetch(:slug) { root.basename.to_s.parameterize } end def settings @settings ||= settings! end def settings! if root.join("settings.yml").exist? y = YAML.load(root.join("settings.yml").read) rescue nil (y || {}).to_mash end end def info_hash { BRIEF_VERSION: Brief::VERSION, views: Brief.views.keys, key: folder_name.to_s.parameterize, name: folder_name.to_s.titlecase, settings: settings, cache_key: cache_key, root: root.to_s, paths:{ docs_path: docs_path.to_s, assets_path: assets_path.to_s, models_path: models_path.to_s, data_path: data_path.to_s, lib_path: briefcase_lib_path.to_s } } end def get_href_for(brief_uri) href_builder.call(brief_uri) end def get_external_url_for(asset_path) asset_finder.call(asset_path) end # TODO # The serialization of an entire briefcase at once # is important enough to be its own module def as_default(params={}) params.symbolize_keys! base = info_hash if params[:include_data] || params[:data] base[:data] = data.as_json end if params[:include_schema] || params[:schema] base[:schema] = schema_map(!!(params[:include_schema] == "full")) end if params[:include_documentation] || params[:documentation] base[:documentation] = render_documentation end if params[:include_models] || params[:models] model_settings = { docs_path: docs_path } %w(urls content rendered attachments).each do |opt| model_settings[opt.to_sym] = !!(params[opt.to_sym] || params["include_#{opt}".to_sym]) end all = all_models.compact base[:models] = all.map do |m| m.document.refresh! if params[:refresh_models] m.as_json(model_settings) end end base end def as_full_export(options={}) options.reverse_merge!(content: true, rendered: true, models: true, schema: true, documentation: true, attachments: true) as_default(options) end def use(module_type=:app, module_id) options[:app] = module_id.to_s run(app_config_path) if app_path.try(&:exist?) end def data @data ||= data! end def data! @data = Brief::Data::Wrapper.new(root: data_path) end def config(&block) Brief::Configuration.instance.tap do |cfg| cfg.instance_eval(&block) if block.respond_to?(:call) end end def server(options={}) @server ||= Brief::Server.new(self, options) end def folder_name root.basename end # Loads the configuration for this briefcase, either from the current working directory # or the configured path for the configuration file. def load_configuration config_path = options.fetch(:config_path) do root.join('brief.rb') end if config_path.is_a?(String) config_path = root.join(config_path) end run(config_path) if config_path.exist? end def run(code_or_file) code = code_or_file.is_a?(Pathname) ? code_or_file.read : code instance_eval(code) rescue nil end def uses_app? options.key?(:app) && Brief::Apps.available?(options[:app].to_s) end def app_path uses_app? && Brief::Apps.path_for(options[:app]).to_pathname end def app_config_path uses_app? && app_path.join("config.rb") end def app_models_folder uses_app? && app_path.join("models") end def app_namespace Brief::Apps.find_namespace(options[:app]) end def app_models app_namespace.constants.map {|c| app_namespace.const_get(c) } end def model_class_for(document) return generic_model_class_for(document) unless uses_app? app_models.find {|k| k.type_alias == document.document_type } || generic_model_class_for(document) end def generic_model_class_for(document) Brief::Model.for_type(document.document_type) || Brief::Model.for_folder_name(document.parent_folder_name) end def load_model_definitions if uses_app? Brief.load_modules_from(app_path.join("models")) Dir[app_path.join("lib","**/*.rb")].each {|f| require(f) } end Brief.load_modules_from(models_path) if models_path.exist? Brief::Model.finalize Brief.create_command_dispatchers() if $brief_cli end # Returns a model name by its human readable description or its type alias def model(name_or_type) table = Brief::Model.table table.fetch(name_or_type) do table.values.find do |k| k.name == name_or_type end end end def root Pathname(options.fetch(:root) { Brief.pwd }).expand_path end def find_asset(needle) found = assets_trail.find(needle) found && Pathname(found) end def assets_path root.join(options.fetch(:assets_path) { config.assets_path }).expand_path end def docs_path root.join(options.fetch(:docs_path) { config.docs_path }).expand_path end def data_path root.join(options.fetch(:data_path) { config.data_path }).expand_path end def briefcase_lib_path root.join(options.fetch(:lib_path) { config.lib_path }).expand_path end def assets_trail @assets_trail ||= Hike::Trail.new(assets_path).tap do |trail| trail.append_extensions '.svg', '.png', '.pdf', '.jpg', '.gif', '.mov' assets_path.children.select(&:directory?).each {|dir| trail.prepend_path(assets_path); trail.append_path(assets_path.join(dir)) } end end def docs_trail @docs_trail ||= Hike::Trail.new(docs_path).tap do |trail| trail.append_extensions '.md', '.html.md', '.markdown' docs_path.children.select(&:directory?).each {|dir| trail.prepend_path(docs_path); trail.append_path(docs_path.join(dir)) } end end def data_trail @docs_trail ||= Hike::Trail.new(data_path).tap do |trail| trail.append_extensions '.yaml', '.js', '.json', '.xls', '.xlsx', '.csv', '.txt' trail.append_path(data_path) end end def models_path value = options.fetch(:models_path) { config.models_path } if value.to_s.match(/\./) Pathname(Brief.pwd).join(value) elsif value.to_s.match(/\//) Pathname(value) else root.join(value) end end def repository @repository ||= Brief::Repository.new(self, options) end def method_missing(meth, *args, &block) if Brief.views.key?(meth.to_sym) block = Brief.views[meth.to_sym] block.call(self, args.extract_options!) elsif repository.respond_to?(meth) repository.send(meth, *args, &block) else super end end def self.create_new_briefcase(options={}) Brief::Briefcase::Initializer.new(options).run end end end