#-- # Cloud Foundry 2012.02.03 Beta # Copyright (c) [2009-2012] VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # This product is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). # You may not use this product except in compliance with the License. # # This product includes a number of subcomponents with # separate copyright notices and license terms. Your use of these # subcomponents is subject to the terms and conditions of the # subcomponent's license, as noted in the LICENSE file. #++ require 'eventmachine' require 'date' require 'logger' require 'pp' require 'erb' require 'multi_json' module Stub class StubError < RuntimeError; end class BadHeader < StubError; end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Request attr_reader :headers, :body, :path, :method def initialize; @state, @prelude = :init, "" end private def bslice(str, range) # byteslice is available in ruby 1.9.3 str.respond_to?(:byteslice) ? str.byteslice(range) : str.slice(range) end def add_lines(str) return @body << str if @state == :body processed = 0 str.each_line("\r\n") do |ln| processed += ln.bytesize unless ln.chomp!("\r\n") raise BadHeader unless ln.ascii_only? return @prelude = ln # must be partial header at end of str end if @state == :init start = ln.split(/\s+/) @method, @path, @headers, @body = start[0].downcase, start[1], {}, "" raise BadHeader unless @method.ascii_only? && @path.ascii_only? @state = :headers elsif ln.empty? @state, @content_length = :body, headers["content-length"].to_i return @body << bslice(str, processed..-1) else raise BadHeader unless ln.ascii_only? key, sep, val = ln.partition(/:\s+/) @headers[key.downcase] = val end end end public # adds data to the request, returns true if request is complete def completed?(str) str, @prelude = @prelude + str, "" unless @prelude.empty? add_lines(str) return unless @state == :body && @body.bytesize >= @content_length @prelude = bslice(@body, @content_length..-1) @body = bslice(@body, 0..@content_length) @state = :init end def cookies return {} unless chdr = @headers["cookie"] chdr.strip.split(/\s*;\s*/).each_with_object({}) do |pair, o| k, v = pair.split(/\s*=\s*/) o[k.downcase] = v end end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Reply attr_accessor :status, :headers, :body def initialize(status = 200) @status, @headers, @cookies, @body = status, {}, [], "" end def to_s reply = "HTTP/1.1 #{@status} OK\r\n" headers["server"], headers["date"] = "stub server", DateTime.now.httpdate headers["content-length"] = body.bytesize headers.each { |k, v| reply << "#{k}: #{v}\r\n" } @cookies.each { |c| reply << "Set-Cookie: #{c}\r\n" } reply << "\r\n" << body end def json(status = nil, info) info = {message: info} unless info.respond_to? :each @status = status if status headers["content-type"] = "application/json" @body = MultiJson.dump(info) nil end def text(status = nil, info) @status = status if status headers["content-type"] = "text/plain" @body = info.pretty_inspect nil end def html(status = nil, info) @status = status if status headers["content-type"] = "text/html" info = ERB::Util.html_escape(info.pretty_inspect) unless info.is_a?(String) @body = "#{info}" nil end def set_cookie(name, value, options = {}) @cookies << options.each_with_object("#{name}=#{value}") { |(k, v), o| o << (v.nil? ? "; #{k}" : "; #{k}=#{v}") } end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # request handler logic -- server is initialized with a class derived from this. # there will be one instance of this object per connection. class Base attr_accessor :request, :reply, :match, :server def self.route(http_methods, matcher, filters = {}, &handler) fail unless !EM.reactor_running? || EM.reactor_thread? matcher = Regexp.new("^#{Regexp.escape(matcher.to_s)}$") unless matcher.is_a?(Regexp) filters = filters.each_with_object({}) { |(k, v), o| o[k.downcase] = v.is_a?(Regexp) ? v : Regexp.new("^#{Regexp.escape(v.to_s)}$") } @routes ||= {} @route_number = @route_number.to_i + 1 route_name = "route_#{@route_number}".to_sym define_method(route_name, handler) [*http_methods].each do |m| m = m.to_s.downcase @routes[m] ||= [] i = @routes[m].index { |r| r[0].to_s.length < matcher.to_s.length } unless i && @routes[m][i][0] == matcher @routes[m].insert(i || -1, [matcher, filters, route_name]) end end end def self.find_route(request) fail unless EM.reactor_thread? if @routes && (rary = @routes[request.method]) rary.each { |r; m| next unless (m = r[0].match(request.path)) r[1].each { |k, v| next if v.match(request.headers[k]) return reply_in_kind(400, "header '#{k}: #{request.headers[k]}' is not accepted") } return [m, r[2]] } end [nil, :default_route] end def initialize(server) @server, @request, @reply, @match = server, Request.new, Reply.new, nil end def default_route; reply_in_kind(404, error: "path not handled") end def process @reply = Reply.new if server.root return default_route unless request.path.start_with?(server.root) request.path.slice!(0..server.root.length - 1) end @match, handler = self.class.find_route(request) server.logger.debug "processing request to path #{request.path} for route #{@match ? @match.regexp : 'default'}" send handler reply.headers['connection'] ||= request.headers['connection'] if request.headers['connection'] server.logger.debug "replying to path #{request.path} with #{reply.body.length} bytes of #{reply.headers['content-type']}" #server.logger.debug "full reply is: #{reply.body.inspect}" rescue Exception => e server.logger.debug "exception processing request: #{e.message}" server.trace { e.backtrace } reply_in_kind 500, e end def reply_in_kind(status = nil, info) case request.headers['accept'] when /application\/json/ then reply.json(status, info) when /text\/html/ then reply.html(status, info) else reply.text(status, info) end end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module Connection attr_accessor :req_handler def unbind; req_handler.server.delete_connection(self) end def receive_data(data) #req_handler.server.logger.debug "got #{data.bytesize} bytes: #{data.inspect}" return unless req_handler.request.completed? data req_handler.process send_data req_handler.reply.to_s if req_handler.reply.headers['connection'] =~ /^close$/i || req_handler.server.status != :running close_connection_after_writing end rescue Exception => e req_handler.server.logger.debug "exception from receive_data: #{e.message}" req_handler.server.trace { e.backtrace } close_connection end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Server private def done fail unless @connections.empty? EM.stop if @em_thread && EM.reactor_running? @connections, @status, @sig, @em_thread = [], :stopped, nil, nil sleep 0.1 unless EM.reactor_thread? # give EM a chance to stop logger.debug EM.reactor_running?? "server done but EM still running": "server really done" end def initialize_connection(conn) logger.debug "starting connection" fail unless EM.reactor_thread? @connections << conn conn.req_handler, conn.comm_inactivity_timeout = @req_handler.new(self), 30 end public attr_reader :host, :port, :status, :logger, :root attr_accessor :info def url; "http://#{@host}:#{@port}" end def trace(msg = nil, &blk); logger.trace(msg, &blk) if logger.respond_to?(:trace) end def initialize(req_handler, options) @req_handler = req_handler @logger = options[:logger] || Logger.new($stdout) @info = options[:info] @host = options[:host] || "localhost" @init_port = options[:port] || 0 @root = options[:root] @connections, @status, @sig, @em_thread = [], :stopped, nil, nil end def start raise ArgumentError, "attempt to start a server that's already running" unless @status == :stopped logger.debug "starting #{self.class} server #{@host}" EM.schedule do @sig = EM.start_server(@host, @init_port, Connection) { |c| initialize_connection(c) } @port = Socket.unpack_sockaddr_in(EM.get_sockname(@sig))[0] logger.info "#{self.class} server started at #{url}" end @status = :running self end def run_on_thread raise ArgumentError, "can't run on thread, EventMachine already running" if EM.reactor_running? logger.debug { "starting eventmachine on thread" } cthred = Thread.current @em_thread = Thread.new do begin EM.run { start; cthred.run } logger.debug "server thread done" rescue Exception => e logger.debug { "unhandled exception on stub server thread: #{e.message}" } trace { e.backtrace } raise end end Thread.stop logger.debug "running on thread" self end def run raise ArgumentError, "can't run, EventMachine already running" if EM.reactor_running? @em_thread = Thread.current EM.run { start } logger.debug "server and event machine done" end # if on reactor thread, start shutting down but return if connections still # in process, and let them disconnect when complete -- server is not really # done until it's status is stopped. # if not on reactor thread, wait until everything's cleaned up and stopped def stop logger.debug "stopping server" @status = :stopping EM.stop_server @sig done if @connections.empty? sleep 0.1 while @status != :stopped unless EM.reactor_thread? end def delete_connection(conn) logger.debug "deleting connection" fail unless EM.reactor_thread? @connections.delete(conn) done if @status != :running && @connections.empty? end end end