require 'vlad_test_case' require 'vlad' require 'vlad/git' class TestVladGit < VladTestCase def setup super @scm = set :repository, "git@myhost:/home/john/project1" end # Checkout the way the default :update task invokes the method def test_checkout cmd = @scm.checkout 'head', '/the/scm/path' assert_equal 'rm -rf /the/scm/path/repo && git clone git@myhost:/home/john/project1 /the/scm/path/repo && cd /the/scm/path/repo && git submodule update --init && git checkout -f -b deployed-HEAD HEAD && cd -', cmd end # This is not how the :update task invokes the method def test_checkout_revision # Checkout to the current directory cmd = @scm.checkout 'master', '.' assert_equal "rm -rf ./repo && git clone git@myhost:/home/john/project1 ./repo && cd ./repo && git submodule update --init && git checkout -f -b deployed-master master && cd -", cmd # Checkout to a relative path cmd = @scm.checkout 'master', 'some/relative/path' assert_equal 'rm -rf some/relative/path/repo && git clone git@myhost:/home/john/project1 some/relative/path/repo && cd some/relative/path/repo && git submodule update --init && git checkout -f -b deployed-master master && cd -', cmd end def test_export cmd = @scm.export 'master', 'the/release/path' assert_equal "mkdir -p the/release/path && cd repo && git archive --format=tar deployed-master | (cd the/release/path && tar xf -) && git submodule foreach 'git archive --format=tar \$sha1 | (cd the/release/path/\$path && tar xf -)' && cd - && cd ..", cmd end def test_revision ['head', 'HEAD'].each do |head| cmd = @scm.revision(head) expected = "`git rev-parse HEAD`" assert_equal expected, cmd end end end