class LatexToPdf def self.config @config||={:command => 'pdflatex', :arguments => [], :parse_twice => false} end # Converts a string of LaTeX +code+ into a binary string of PDF. # # pdflatex is used to convert the file and creates the directory +#{Rails.root}/tmp/rails-latex/+ to store intermediate # files. # # The config argument defaults to LatexToPdf.config but can be overridden using @latex_config. # # The parse_twice argument is deprecated in favor of using config[:parse_twice] instead. def self.generate_pdf(code,config,parse_twice=nil) config=self.config.merge(config) parse_twice=config[:parse_twice] if parse_twice.nil? dir=File.join(Rails.root,'tmp','rails-latex',"#{}-#{Thread.current.hash}") input=File.join(dir,'input.tex') FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir),'wb') {|io| io.write(code) } Process.waitpid(fork do begin Dir.chdir dir STDOUT.reopen("input.log","a") STDERR.reopen(STDOUT) args=config[:arguments] + ['-shell-escape','-interaction','batchmode',"input.tex"] system config[:command],'-draftmode',*args if parse_twice exec config[:command],*args rescue"input.log",'a') {|io| io.write("#{$!.message}:\n#{$!.backtrace.join("\n")}\n") } ensure Process.exit! 1 end end) if File.exist?(pdf_file=input.sub(/\.tex$/,'.pdf'))\.tex$/,'.log'),File.join(dir,'..','input.log')) FileUtils.rm_rf(dir) else raise "pdflatex failed: See #{input.sub(/\.tex$/,'.log')} for details" end result end # Escapes LaTex special characters in text so that they wont be interpreted as LaTex commands. # # This method will use RedCloth to do the escaping if available. def self.escape_latex(text) # :stopdoc: unless @latex_escaper if defined?(RedCloth::Formatters::LATEX) class << ('')) include RedCloth::Formatters::LATEX end else class << ( ESCAPE_RE=/([{}_$&%#])|([\\^~|<>])/ ESC_MAP={ '\\' => 'backslash', '^' => 'asciicircum', '~' => 'asciitilde', '|' => 'bar', '<' => 'less', '>' => 'greater', } def latex_esc(text) # :nodoc: text.gsub(ESCAPE_RE) {|m| if $1 "\\#{m}" else "\\text#{ESC_MAP[m]}{}" end } end end end # :startdoc: end @latex_escaper.latex_esc(text.to_s).html_safe end end