#+TITLE: Learning Exercism provides exercises and feedback but can be difficult to jump into for those learning Clojure for the first time. These resources can help you get started: * References - [[http://clojure.org][Clojure.org]] The official language website. - [[https://clojuredocs.org][ClojureDocs]] A repository of language references and examples by function or keyword. - [[http://conj.io][Grimoire]] Community combined cheatsheet and examples. * Exercises and Tutorials - [[http://www.4clojure.com][4Clojure]] A resource to help fledgling clojurians learn the language through interactive problems. - [[http://clojurekatas.org][Clojure Katas]] A set of problems to help you get your hands dirty with Clojure. - [[https://github.com/gigasquid/wonderland-clojure-katas][Wonderland Clojure Katas]] Clojure Katas inspired by Alice in Wonderland. - [[http://www.parens-of-the-dead.com][Parens of the Dead]] A screencast series of zombie-themed games written with Clojure and ClojureScript. - [[http://clojurekoans.com][Clojure Koans]] ([[http://clojurescriptkoans.com][online]]) Exercises meant to initiate you to the mysteries of the Clojure language. * Community - [[http://www.clojurebridge.org][ClojureBridge]] Aims to increase diversity within the Clojure community by offering free, beginner-friendly Clojure programming workshops for women. - [[http://planet.clojure.in][Planet Clojure]] Clojure blog aggregator. - [[http://www.clojuregazette.com][Clojure Gazette]] A free, weekly email to inspire Clojure programmers. - [[http://reborg.tumblr.com][Clojure Weekly]] A weekly collection of Clojure topics. * Books - [[http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920034292.do][Living Clojure]] by Carin Meier - [[http://www.braveclojure.com][Clojure for the Brave and True]] by Daniel Higginbotham - [[https://www.manning.com/books/the-joy-of-clojure-second-edition][The Joy of Clojure]] by Michael Fogus and Chris Houser - [[https://pragprog.com/book/vmclojeco/clojure-applied][Clojure Applied]] by Ben Vandgrift and Alex Miller