module RubyXL::CellConvenienceMethods
Public Instance Methods
change_border(direction, weight)
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# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 676 def change_border(direction, weight) validate_worksheet self.style_index = workbook.modify_border(self.style_index, direction, weight) end
change_contents(data, formula_expression = nil)
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# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 638 def change_contents(data, formula_expression = nil) validate_worksheet if formula_expression then self.datatype = nil self.formula = => formula_expression) else self.datatype = case data when Date, Numeric then nil else RubyXL::DataType::RAW_STRING end end data = workbook.date_to_num(data) if data.is_a?(Date) self.raw_value = data end
change_horizontal_alignment(alignment = 'center')
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# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 661 def change_horizontal_alignment(alignment = 'center') validate_worksheet self.style_index = workbook.modify_alignment(self.style_index) { |a| a.horizontal = alignment } end
change_text_wrap(wrap = false)
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# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 671 def change_text_wrap(wrap = false) validate_worksheet self.style_index = workbook.modify_alignment(self.style_index) { |a| a.wrap_text = wrap } end
change_vertical_alignment(alignment = 'center')
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# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 666 def change_vertical_alignment(alignment = 'center') validate_worksheet self.style_index = workbook.modify_alignment(self.style_index) { |a| a.vertical = alignment } end
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# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 716 def fill_color() validate_worksheet return workbook.get_fill_color(get_cell_xf) end
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# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 711 def font_color() validate_worksheet get_cell_font.get_rgb_color || '000000' end
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# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 701 def font_name() validate_worksheet get_cell_font.get_name end
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# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 706 def font_size() validate_worksheet get_cell_font.get_size end
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# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 656 def get_border(direction) validate_worksheet get_cell_border.get_edge_style(direction) end
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# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 721 def horizontal_alignment() validate_worksheet xf_obj = get_cell_xf return nil if xf_obj.alignment.nil? xf_obj.alignment.horizontal end
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# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 686 def is_bolded() validate_worksheet get_cell_font.is_bold end
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# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 681 def is_italicized() validate_worksheet get_cell_font.is_italic end
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# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 696 def is_struckthrough() validate_worksheet get_cell_font.is_strikethrough end
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# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 691 def is_underlined() validate_worksheet get_cell_font.is_underlined end
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# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 742 def set_number_format(format_code) new_xf = get_cell_xf.dup new_xf.num_fmt_id = workbook.stylesheet.register_number_format(format_code) new_xf.apply_number_format = true self.style_index = workbook.register_new_xf(new_xf) end
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# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 735 def text_wrap() validate_worksheet xf_obj = get_cell_xf return nil if xf_obj.alignment.nil? xf_obj.alignment.wrap_text end
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# File lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb, line 728 def vertical_alignment() validate_worksheet xf_obj = get_cell_xf return nil if xf_obj.alignment.nil? xf_obj.alignment.vertical end