configuration = { :app_host => "", #override this in your application.yml :community_name => "Community", :community_tagline => "CommunityEngine Rocks!", :community_description => "The Best Place for People Who Love Communities", :support_email => "", :meta_description => 'A description of your community for use in META tags.', :meta_keywords => 'keywords for use in META tags', # Comment this out if you want to infer the locale # off of the http headers :community_locale => "en", :allow_anonymous_commenting => false, :allow_anonymous_forum_posting => false, :require_captcha_on_signup => false, #:recaptcha_pub_key => YOUR_PUB_KEY, #:recaptcha_priv_key => YOUR_PRIV_KEY, # uncomment these keys if you turn captcha on for commenting, forums or signup #:akismet_key => YOUR_KEY, # uncomment this if you want to use akismet for comment filtering. Go to #uncomment below to use omniauth providers for login and signup # :auth_providers => { # :twitter => {:key => 'key', :secret => 'secret'}, # :facebook => {:key => 'key', :secret => 'secret'} # }, # for SEO reasons sometimes you should control the robots on how they have to handle your content # listing of stuff which points to single posts or entries should normally not been indexed, # but the robot should follow the internal link to show the post :robots_meta_list_content => 'noindex,follow', # the post itself should be indexed; # when links are included and they point to external sites, the robot should not follow :robots_meta_show_content => 'index,nofollow', # min and max age for users to use the site :min_age => 16, :max_age => 90, :photo => { :missing_thumb => '/assets/icon_missing_thumb.gif', :missing_medium => "/assets/icon_missing_medium.gif", :paperclip_options => { :styles => { :thumb => { :geometry => "100x100#", :processors => [:cropper] }, :medium => "290x320#", :large => "465>" } }, :validation_options => { :max_size => 3, :content_type => ['image/jpg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg', 'image/gif', 'image/png', 'image/x-png'] } }, :feature => { :use_thumbs => true, :dimensions => [150, 635], :paperclip_options => { :styles => { :original => '465>', :thumb => "45x45#", :large => "635x150#" } }, :validation_options => { :max_size => 3, :content_type => ['image/jpg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg', 'image/gif', 'image/png', 'image/x-png'] } }, :clipping => { :paperclip_options => { :styles => { :thumb => "100x100#", :medium => "290x320#", :large => "465>" } }, :validation_options => { :max_size => 3, :content_type => ['image/jpg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg', 'image/gif', 'image/png', 'image/x-png'] } }, :reserved_logins => [ 'about', 'account', 'activities', 'admin', 'advertise', 'ads', 'application', 'assets', 'authorizations', 'base', 'categories', 'choices', 'clippings', 'clipping_images', 'comments', 'countries', 'css_help', 'events', 'favorites', 'faq', 'featured', 'forums', 'friendships', 'friendship_statuses', 'home', 'homepage_features', 'images', 'invitations', 'javascripts', 'login', 'logout', 'manage_photos', 'messages', 'metro_areas', 'moderatorships', 'monitorships', 'new_clipping', 'pages', 'photos', 'polls', 'popular', 'popular_rss', 'posts', 'recent', 'roles', 'rsvps', 'sb_posts', 'search', 'sessions', 'signup', 'sitemap', 'site_index', 'sb_posts', 'sitemap', 'states', 'statistics', 'stylesheets', 'tags', 'theme', 'topics', 'users', 'votes' ] } configatron.configure_from_hash(configuration)