Given /^nothing in particular$/ do nil # NOP end When /^nothing happens$/ do nil # NOP end Given /^a repository with following Vendorfile:$/ do |vendorfile_contents| create_dir 'working-repository' cd 'working-repository' run_simple 'git init' # Configure Git username & email to unclutter console output run_simple 'git config Cucumber' run_simple 'git config cucumber@`hostname --fqdn`' write_file('README', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet') write_file('Vendorfile', vendorfile_contents) run_simple 'git add .' run_simple 'git commit -m "New repo"' end When /^I change Vendorfile to:$/ do |vendorfile_contents| write_file('Vendorfile', vendorfile_contents) run_simple 'git commit -m "Updated Vendorfile" Vendorfile' end