--- :ro: :currencies: :ADP: :few: "pesete andorrane" :one: "pesetă andorrană" :other: "pesete andorrane" :AED: :few: "dirhami din Emiratele Arabe Unite" :one: "dirham din Emiratele Arabe Unite" :other: "dirhami Emiratele Arabe Unite" :AFA: :one: "Afghan afghani (1927–2002)" :other: "Afghan afghanis (1927–2002)" :AFN: :few: "afgani afgani" :one: "afgani afgan" :other: "afgani afgani" :ALK: :one: "Albanian lek (1946–1965)" :other: "Albanian lekë (1946–1965)" :ALL: :few: "leka albanezi" :one: "leka albanez" :other: "leka albanezi" :AMD: :few: "drami armenești" :one: "dram armenesc" :other: "drami armenești" :ANG: :few: "guldeni din Antilele Olandeze" :one: "gulden din Antilele Olandeze" :other: "guldeni Antilele Olandeze" :AOA: :few: "kwanze angoleze" :one: "kwanza angoleză" :other: "kwanze angoleze" :AOK: :one: "Angolan kwanza (1977–1991)" :other: "Angolan kwanzas (1977–1991)" :AON: :one: "Angolan new kwanza (1990–2000)" :other: "Angolan new kwanzas (1990–2000)" :AOR: :one: "Angolan readjusted kwanza (1995–1999)" :other: "Angolan readjusted kwanzas (1995–1999)" :ARA: :one: "Argentine austral" :other: "Argentine australs" :ARL: :one: "Argentine peso ley (1970–1983)" :other: "Argentine pesos ley (1970–1983)" :ARM: :one: "Argentine peso (1881–1970)" :other: "Argentine pesos (1881–1970)" :ARP: :few: "pesos argentinieni (1983–1985)" :one: "peso argentinian (1983–1985)" :other: "pesos argentinieni (1983–1985)" :ARS: :few: "pesos argentinieni" :one: "peso argentinian" :other: "pesos argentinieni" :symbol: "$" :ATS: :few: "șilingi austrieci" :one: "șiling austriac" :other: "șilingi austrieci" :AUD: :few: "dolari australieni" :one: "dolar australien" :other: "dolari australieni" :symbol: "AUD" :AWG: :few: "florini Aruba" :one: "florin Aruba" :other: "florini Aruba" :AZM: :one: "manat azer (1993–2006)" :other: "Azerbaijani manats (1993–2006)" :AZN: :few: "manați azeri" :one: "manat azer" :other: "manați Azerbaidjan" :BAD: :few: "dinari Bosnia-Herțegovina" :one: "dinar Bosnia-Herțegovina (1992–1994)" :other: "dinari Bosnia-Herțegovina (1992–1994)" :BAM: :few: "mărci convertibile bosniace" :one: "marcă convertibilă bosniacă" :other: "mărci convertibile bosniace" :BAN: :one: "Bosnia-Herzegovina new dinar (1994–1997)" :other: "Bosnia-Herzegovina new dinars (1994–1997)" :BBD: :few: "dolari Barbados" :one: "dolar Barbados" :other: "dolari Barbados" :symbol: "$" :BDT: :few: "taka din Bangladesh" :one: "taka din Bangladesh" :other: "taka din Bangladesh" :symbol: "৳" :BEC: :few: "franci belgieni (convertibili)" :one: "franc belgian (convertibil)" :other: "franci belgieni (convertibili)" :BEF: :few: "franci belgieni" :one: "franc belgian" :other: "franci belgieni" :BEL: :few: "franci belgieni (financiari)" :one: "franc belgian (financiar)" :other: "franci belgieni (financiari)" :BGL: :one: "Bulgarian hard lev" :other: "Bulgarian hard leva" :BGM: :one: "Bulgarian socialist lev" :other: "Bulgarian socialist leva" :BGN: :few: "leva bulgărești noi" :one: "leva bulgărească" :other: "leva bulgărești noi" :BGO: :one: "Bulgarian lev (1879–1952)" :other: "Bulgarian leva (1879–1952)" :BHD: :few: "dinari din Bahrain" :one: "dinar din Bahrain" :other: "dinari din Bahrain" :BIF: :few: "franci burundezi" :one: "franc burundez" :other: "franci Burundi" :BMD: :few: "dolari din Bermuda" :one: "dolar din Bermuda" :other: "dolari Bermude" :symbol: "$" :BND: :few: "dolari din Brunei" :one: "dolar din Brunei" :other: "dolari Brunei" :symbol: "$" :BOB: :few: "boliviano bolivieni" :one: "boliviano bolivian" :other: "bolivieni bolivieni" :BOL: :one: "Bolivian boliviano (1863–1963)" :other: "Bolivian bolivianos (1863–1963)" :BOP: :few: "pesos bolivieni" :one: "peso bolivian" :other: "pesos bolivieni" :BOV: :one: "mvdol bolivian" :other: "Bolivian mvdols" :BRB: :one: "Brazilian new cruzeiro (1967–1986)" :other: "Brazilian new cruzeiros (1967–1986)" :BRC: :one: "Brazilian cruzado (1986–1989)" :other: "Brazilian cruzados (1986–1989)" :BRE: :one: "cruzeiro brazilian (1990–1993)" :other: "Brazilian cruzeiros (1990–1993)" :BRL: :few: "reali brazilieni" :one: "real brazilian" :other: "reali brazilieni" :symbol: "BRL" :BRN: :one: "Brazilian new cruzado (1989–1990)" :other: "Brazilian new cruzados (1989–1990)" :BRR: :one: "cruzeiro brazilian (1993–1994)" :other: "Brazilian cruzeiros (1993–1994)" :BRZ: :one: "Brazilian cruzeiro (1942–1967)" :other: "Brazilian cruzeiros (1942–1967)" :BSD: :few: "dolari din Bahamas" :one: "dolar din Bahamas" :other: "dolari Bahamas" :symbol: "$" :BTN: :few: "ngultrum din Bhutan" :one: "ngultrum din Bhutan" :other: "ngultrum din Bhutan" :BUK: :one: "kyat birman" :other: "Burmese kyats" :BWP: :few: "pule Botswana" :one: "pulă Botswana" :other: "pule Botswana" :BYB: :one: "Belarusian new ruble (1994–1999)" :other: "Belarusian new rubles (1994–1999)" :BYR: :few: "ruble belaruse" :one: "rublă belarusă" :other: "ruble bieloruse" :symbol: "р." :BZD: :few: "dolari din Belize" :one: "dolar din Belize" :other: "dolari Belize" :symbol: "$" :CAD: :few: "dolari canadieni" :one: "dolar canadian" :other: "dolari canadieni" :symbol: "CAD" :CDF: :few: "franci congolezi" :one: "franc congolez" :other: "franci congolezi" :CHE: :one: "WIR euro" :other: "WIR euros" :CHF: :few: "franci elvețieni" :one: "franc elvețian" :other: "franci elvețieni" :CHW: :one: "WIR franc" :other: "WIR francs" :CLE: :one: "Chilean escudo" :other: "Chilean escudos" :CLF: :one: "Chilean unit of account (UF)" :other: "Chilean units of account (UF)" :CLP: :few: "pesos chilieni" :one: "peso chilian" :other: "pesos chilieni" :symbol: "$" :CNX: :one: "Chinese People’s Bank dollar" :other: "Chinese People’s Bank dollars" :CNY: :few: "yuani renminbi chinezești" :one: "yuan renminbi chinezesc" :other: "yuani renminbi chinezești" :symbol: "CNY" :COP: :few: "pesos columbieni" :one: "peso columbian" :other: "pesos columbieni" :symbol: "$" :COU: :one: "Colombian real value unit" :other: "Colombian real value units" :CRC: :few: "colóni costaricani" :one: "colón costarican" :other: "coloni costaricani" :symbol: "₡" :CSD: :few: "dinari Serbia și Muntenegru (2002–2006)" :one: "dinar Serbia și Muntenegru (2002–2006)" :other: "dinari Serbia și Muntenegru (2002–2006)" :CSK: :one: "Czechoslovak hard koruna" :other: "Czechoslovak hard korunas" :CUC: :few: "pesos cubanezi convertibili" :one: "peso cubanez convertibil" :other: "pesos cubanezi convertibili" :CUP: :few: "pesos cubanezi" :one: "peso cubanez" :other: "pesos cubanezi" :symbol: "$" :CVE: :few: "escudo din Capul Verde" :one: "escudo din Capul Verde" :other: "escudo Capul Verde" :CYP: :few: "lire cipriote" :one: "liră cipriotă" :other: "lire cipriote" :CZK: :few: "coroane cehe" :one: "coroană cehă" :other: "coroane cehe" :DDM: :few: "mărci est-germane" :one: "marcă est-germană" :other: "mărci est-germane" :DEM: :few: "mărci germane" :one: "marcă germană" :other: "mărci germane" :DJF: :few: "franci djiboutieni" :one: "franc djiboutian" :other: "franci Djibouti" :DKK: :few: "coroane daneze" :one: "coroană daneză" :other: "coroane daneze" :DOP: :few: "pesos dominicani" :one: "peso dominican" :other: "pesos dominicani" :symbol: "$" :DZD: :few: "dinari algerieni" :one: "dinar algerian" :other: "dinari algerieni" :ECS: :one: "sucre Ecuador" :other: "Ecuadorian sucres" :ECV: :one: "Ecuadorian unit of constant value" :other: "Ecuadorian units of constant value" :EEK: :few: "coroane estoniene" :one: "coroană estoniană" :other: "coroane estoniene" :EGP: :few: "lire egiptene" :one: "liră egipteană" :other: "lire egiptene" :ERN: :few: "nakfa eritreene" :one: "nakfa eritreeană" :other: "nakfa eritreene" :ESA: :one: "peseta spaniolă (cont A)" :other: "Spanish pesetas (A account)" :ESB: :one: "peseta spaniolă (cont convertibil)" :other: "Spanish pesetas (convertible account)" :ESP: :few: "pesete spaniole" :one: "pesetă spaniolă" :other: "pesete spaniole" :symbol: "₧" :ETB: :few: "birri etiopieni" :one: "birr etiopian" :other: "birr Etiopia" :EUR: :few: "euro" :one: "euro" :other: "euro" :symbol: "€" :FIM: :few: "mărci finlandeze" :one: "mărci finlandeze" :other: "mărci finlandeze" :FJD: :few: "dolari fijieni" :one: "dolar fijian" :other: "dolari Fiji" :symbol: "$" :FKP: :few: "lire din Insulele Falkland" :one: "liră din Insulele Falkland" :other: "lire Insulele Falkland" :FRF: :few: "franci francezi" :one: "franc francez" :other: "franci francezi" :GBP: :few: "lire sterline" :one: "liră sterlină" :other: "lire sterline" :symbol: "GBP" :GEK: :one: "Georgian kupon larit" :other: "Georgian kupon larits" :GEL: :few: "lari georgieni" :one: "lari georgian" :other: "lari Georgia" :GHC: :one: "cedi Ghana (1979–2007)" :other: "Ghanaian cedis (1979–2007)" :GHS: :few: "cedi ghanezi" :one: "cedi ghanez" :other: "cedi ghanezi" :symbol: "₵" :GIP: :few: "lire din Gibraltar" :one: "liră din Gibraltar" :other: "lire Gibraltar" :symbol: "£" :GMD: :few: "dalasi din Gambia" :one: "dalasi din Gambia" :other: "dalasi din Gambia" :GNF: :few: "franci guineeni" :one: "franc guineean" :other: "franci Guineea" :GNS: :one: "Guinean syli" :other: "Guinean sylis" :GQE: :one: "Equatorial Guinean ekwele" :other: "Equatorial Guinean ekwele" :GRD: :few: "drahme grecești" :one: "drahmă grecească" :other: "drahme grecești" :GTQ: :few: "quetzali guatemalezi" :one: "quetzal guatemalez" :other: "quetzali guatemalezi" :GWE: :one: "Portuguese Guinea escudo" :other: "Portuguese Guinea escudos" :GWP: :few: "pesos Guineea-Bissau" :one: "peso Guineea-Bissau" :other: "pesos Guineea-Bissau" :GYD: :few: "dolari guyanezi" :one: "dolar guyanez" :other: "dolari Guyana" :symbol: "$" :HKD: :few: "dolari din Hong Kong" :one: "dolar din Hong Kong" :other: "dolari Hong Kong" :symbol: "HKD" :HNL: :few: "lempire honduriene" :one: "lempiră honduriană" :other: "lempire honduriene" :HRD: :few: "dinari croați" :one: "dinar croat" :other: "dinari croați" :HRK: :few: "kune croate" :one: "kuna croată" :other: "kune croate" :HTG: :few: "gourde din Haiti" :one: "gourde din Haiti" :other: "gourde din Haiti" :HUF: :few: "forinți maghiari" :one: "forint maghiar" :other: "forinți maghiari" :IDR: :few: "rupii indoneziene" :one: "rupie indoneziană" :other: "rupii indoneziene" :IEP: :few: "lire irlandeze" :one: "liră irlandeză" :other: "lire irlandeze" :ILP: :few: "lire israeliene" :one: "liră israeliană" :other: "lire israeliene" :ILR: :one: "Israeli sheqel (1980–1985)" :other: "Israeli sheqels (1980–1985)" :ILS: :few: "șecheli israelieni noi" :one: "șechel israelian nou" :other: "șecheli israelieni noi" :symbol: "ILS" :INR: :few: "rupii indiene" :one: "rupie indiană" :other: "rupii indiene" :symbol: "INR" :IQD: :few: "dinari irakieni" :one: "dinar irakian" :other: "dinari irakieni" :IRR: :few: "riali iranieni" :one: "rial iranian" :other: "riali iranieni" :ISJ: :one: "Icelandic króna (1918–1981)" :other: "Icelandic krónur (1918–1981)" :ISK: :few: "coroane islandeze" :one: "coroană islandeză" :other: "coroane islandeze" :ITL: :few: "lire italiene" :one: "liră italiană" :other: "lire italiene" :JMD: :few: "dolari jamaicani" :one: "dolar jamaican" :other: "dolari jamaicani" :symbol: "$" :JOD: :few: "dinari iordanieni" :one: "dinar iordanian" :other: "dinari iordanieni" :JPY: :few: "yeni japonezi" :one: "yen japonez" :other: "yeni japonezi" :symbol: "JPY" :KES: :few: "șilingi kenyeni" :one: "șiling kenyan" :other: "șilingi kenyeni" :KGS: :few: "somi kârgâzi" :one: "som kârgâz" :other: "somi kârgâzi" :KHR: :few: "rieli cambodgieni" :one: "riel cambodgian" :other: "rieli cambodgieni" :symbol: "៛" :KMF: :few: "franci comorieni" :one: "franc comorian" :other: "franci comorieni" :KPW: :few: "woni nord-coreeni" :one: "won nord-coreean" :other: "woni nord-coreeni" :KRH: :one: "South Korean hwan (1953–1962)" :other: "South Korean hwan (1953–1962)" :KRO: :one: "South Korean won (1945–1953)" :other: "South Korean won (1945–1953)" :KRW: :few: "woni sud-coreeni" :one: "won sud-coreean" :other: "woni sud-coreeni" :symbol: "KRW" :KWD: :few: "dinari kuweitieni" :one: "dinar kuweitian" :other: "dinari kuweitieni" :KYD: :few: "dolari din Insulele Cayman" :one: "dolar din Insulele Cayman" :other: "dolari Insulele Cayman" :symbol: "$" :KZT: :few: "tenge kazahe" :one: "tenge kazahă" :other: "tenge kazahe" :symbol: "₸" :LAK: :few: "kip din Laos" :one: "kip din Laos" :other: "kip din Laos" :symbol: "₭" :LBP: :few: "lire libaneze" :one: "liră libaneză" :other: "lire libaneze" :LKR: :few: "rupii din Sri Lanka" :one: "rupie din Sri Lanka" :other: "rupii Sri Lanka" :LRD: :few: "dolari liberieni" :one: "dolar liberian" :other: "dolari liberieni" :symbol: "$" :LSL: :one: "loti lesothian" :other: "Lesotho lotis" :LTL: :few: "lite lituaniene" :one: "litas lituaniană" :other: "lite lituaniene" :LTT: :one: "Lithuanian talonas" :other: "Lithuanian talonases" :LUC: :few: "franci convertibili luxemburghezi" :one: "franc convertibil luxemburghez" :other: "franci convertibili luxemburghezi" :LUF: :few: "franci luxemburghezi" :one: "franc luxemburghez" :other: "franci luxemburghezi" :LUL: :few: "franci financiari luxemburghezi" :one: "franc financiar luxemburghez" :other: "franci financiari luxemburghezi" :LVL: :few: "lats letoni" :one: "lats leton" :other: "lats letoni" :LVR: :few: "ruble Letonia" :one: "rublă Letonia" :other: "ruble Letonia" :LYD: :few: "dinari libieni" :one: "dinar libian" :other: "dinari libieni" :MAD: :few: "dirhami marocani" :one: "dirham marocan" :other: "dirhami marocani" :MAF: :few: "franci marocani" :one: "franc marocan" :other: "franci marocani" :MCF: :one: "Monegasque franc" :other: "Monegasque francs" :MDC: :one: "Moldovan cupon" :other: "Moldovan cupon" :MDL: :few: "lei moldovenești" :one: "leu moldovenesc" :other: "lei moldovenești" :MGA: :few: "ariary malgași" :one: "ariary malgaș" :other: "ariary malgași" :MGF: :few: "franci Madagascar" :one: "franc Madagascar" :other: "franci Madagascar" :MKD: :few: "dinari macedoneni" :one: "dinar macedonean" :other: "dinari macedoneni" :MKN: :one: "Macedonian denar (1992–1993)" :other: "Macedonian denari (1992–1993)" :MLF: :few: "franci Mali" :one: "franc Mali" :other: "franci Mali" :MMK: :few: "kyați Myanmar" :one: "kyat Myanmar" :other: "kyați Myanmar" :MNT: :few: "tugrici mongoli" :one: "tugrik mongol" :other: "tugrici mongoli" :symbol: "₮" :MOP: :few: "pataca din Macao" :one: "pataca din Macao" :other: "pataca din Macao" :MRO: :few: "ouguiya mauritane" :one: "ouguiya mauritană" :other: "ouguiya mauritane" :MTL: :few: "lire malteze" :one: "liră malteză" :other: "lire malteze" :MTP: :one: "Maltese pound" :other: "Maltese pounds" :MUR: :few: "rupii mauritiene" :one: "rupie mauritiană" :other: "rupii mauritiene" :MVP: :one: "Maldivian rupee" :other: "Maldivian rupees" :MVR: :few: "rufiyaa maldiviene" :one: "rufiyaa maldiviană" :other: "rufiyaa maldiviene" :MWK: :few: "kwache malawiene" :one: "kwacha malawiană" :other: "kwache malawiene" :MXN: :few: "pesos mexicani" :one: "peso mexican" :other: "pesos mexicani" :symbol: "MXN" :MXP: :few: "pesos mexicani de argint (1861–1992" :one: "peso mexican de argint (1861–1992)" :other: "pesos mexicani de argint (1861–1992)" :MXV: :one: "Mexican investment unit" :other: "Mexican investment units" :MYR: :few: "ringgit malaiezieni" :one: "ringgit malaiezian" :other: "ringgit malaiezieni" :MZE: :one: "escudo Mozambic" :other: "Mozambican escudos" :MZM: :one: "metical Mozambic vechi" :other: "Mozambican meticals (1980–2006)" :MZN: :few: "metical mozambicani" :one: "metical mozambican" :other: "metical mozambicani" :NAD: :few: "dolari namibieni" :one: "dolar namibian" :other: "dolari namibieni" :symbol: "$" :NGN: :few: "naire nigeriene" :one: "naira nigeriană" :other: "naire nigeriene" :symbol: "₦" :NIC: :one: "cordoba nicaraguană (1988–1991)" :other: "Nicaraguan córdobas (1988–1991)" :NIO: :few: "cordobe nicaraguane" :one: "cordoba nicaraguană" :other: "cordobe nicaraguane" :NLG: :few: "guldeni olandezi" :one: "gulden olandez" :other: "guldeni olandezi" :NOK: :few: "coroane norvegiene" :one: "coroană norvegiană" :other: "coroane norvegiene" :NPR: :few: "rupii nepaleze" :one: "rupie nepaleză" :other: "rupii nepaleze" :NZD: :few: "dolari neozeelandezi" :one: "dolar neozeelandez" :other: "dolari neozeelandezi" :symbol: "NZD" :OMR: :few: "riali omanezi" :one: "rial omanez" :other: "riyali Oman" :PAB: :few: "balboa panameze" :one: "balboa panameză" :other: "balboa panameze" :PEI: :one: "inti peruvian" :other: "Peruvian intis" :PEN: :few: "soli noi peruvieni" :one: "sol nou peruvian" :other: "soli noi Peru" :PES: :few: "soli Peru (1863–1965)" :one: "sol peruvian (1863–1965)" :other: "soli Peru (1863–1965)" :PGK: :few: "kina din Papua-Noua Guinee" :one: "kina din Papua-Noua Guinee" :other: "kina din Papua-Noua Guinee" :PHP: :few: "pesos filipinezi" :one: "peso filipinez" :other: "pesos filipinezi" :symbol: "₱" :PKR: :few: "rupii pakistaneze" :one: "rupie pakistaneză" :other: "rupii pakistaneze" :PLN: :few: "zloți polonezi" :one: "zlot polonez" :other: "zloți noi polonezi" :PLZ: :few: "zloți polonezi (1950–1995)" :one: "zlot polonez (1950–1995)" :other: "zloți polonezi (1950–1995)" :PTE: :one: "Portuguese escudo" :other: "Portuguese escudos" :PYG: :few: "guarani paraguayeni" :one: "guarani paraguayan" :other: "guarani Paraguay" :symbol: "₲" :QAR: :few: "riali qatarieni" :one: "rial qatarian" :other: "riyali Qatar" :RHD: :few: "dolari rhodesieni" :one: "dolar rhodesian" :other: "dolari rhodesieni" :ROL: :few: "lei românești (1952–2006)" :one: "leu românesc (1952–2006)" :other: "lei românești (1952–2006)" :RON: :few: "lei românești" :one: "leu românesc" :other: "lei românești" :RSD: :few: "dinari sârbești" :one: "dinar sârbesc" :other: "dinari sârbești" :RUB: :few: "ruble rusești" :one: "rublă rusească" :other: "ruble rusești" :RUR: :one: "Russian ruble (1991–1998)" :other: "Russian rubles (1991–1998)" :symbol: "р." :RWF: :few: "franci rwandezi" :one: "franc rwandez" :other: "franci Rwanda" :SAR: :few: "riali saudiți" :one: "rial saudit" :other: "riyali Arabia Saudită" :SBD: :few: "dolari Insulele Solomon" :one: "dolar Insulele Solomon" :other: "dolari Insulele Solomon" :symbol: "$" :SCR: :few: "rupii din Seychelles" :one: "rupie din Seychelles" :other: "rupii Seychelles" :SDD: :few: "dinari sudanezi" :one: "dinar sudanez" :other: "dinari sudanezi" :SDG: :few: "lire sudaneze" :one: "liră sudaneză" :other: "lire Sudan" :SDP: :few: "lire sudaneze (1957–1998)" :one: "liră sudaneză (1957–1998)" :other: "lire sudaneze (1957–1998)" :SEK: :few: "coroane suedeze" :one: "coroană suedeză" :other: "coroane suedeze" :SGD: :few: "dolari Singapore" :one: "dolar Singapore" :other: "dolari Singapore" :symbol: "$" :SHP: :few: "lire Insula Sf. Elena" :one: "liră Insula Sf. Elena" :other: "lire Insula Sf. Elena" :SIT: :few: "tolari sloveni" :one: "tolar sloven" :other: "tolari sloveni" :SKK: :few: "coroane slovace" :one: "coroană slovacă" :other: "coroane slovace" :SLL: :few: "leoni Sierra Leone" :one: "leone Sierra Leone" :other: "lei Sierra Leone" :SOS: :few: "șilingi somalezi" :one: "șiling somalez" :other: "șilingi somalezi" :SRD: :few: "dolari surinamezi" :one: "dolar surinamez" :other: "dolari Surinam" :symbol: "$" :SRG: :few: "guldeni Surinam" :one: "gulden Surinam" :other: "guldeni Surinam" :SSP: :few: "lire sud-sudaneze" :one: "liră sud-sudaneză" :other: "lire sud-sudaneze" :symbol: "£" :STD: :few: "dobre Sao Tome și Principe" :one: "dobra Sao Tome și Principe" :other: "dobre Sao Tome și Principe" :SUR: :few: "ruble sovietice" :one: "rublă sovietică" :other: "ruble sovietice" :SVC: :few: "coloni El Salvador" :one: "colon El Salvador" :other: "coloni El Salvador" :SYP: :few: "lire siriene" :one: "liră siriană" :other: "lire siriene" :SZL: :few: "emalangeni din Swaziland" :one: "lilangeni din Swaziland" :other: "emalangeni din Swaziland" :THB: :few: "bahți thailandezi" :one: "baht thailandez" :other: "bahți thailandezi" :symbol: "THB" :TJR: :few: "ruble Tadjikistan" :one: "rublă Tadjikistan" :other: "ruble Tadjikistan" :TJS: :few: "somoni Tadjikistan" :one: "somoni tajdic" :other: "somoni Tadjikistan" :TMM: :few: "manat turkmeni (1993–2009)" :one: "manat turkmen (1993–2009)" :other: "manat turkmeni (1993–2009)" :TMT: :few: "manat turkmeni" :one: "manat turkmen" :other: "manat turkmeni" :TND: :few: "dinari tunisieni" :one: "dinar tunisian" :other: "dinari tunisieni" :TOP: :few: "pa’anga tongane" :one: "pa’anga tongană" :other: "pa’anga tongane" :TPE: :one: "Timorese escudo" :other: "Timorese escudos" :TRL: :few: "liră turcească (1922–2005)" :one: "liră turcească (1922–2005)" :other: "lire turcești (1922–2005)" :TRY: :few: "lire turcești" :one: "liră turcească" :other: "lire turcești" :symbol: "₺" :TTD: :few: "dolari din Trinidad-Tobago" :one: "dolar din Trinidad-Tobago" :other: "dolari Trinidad-Tobago" :symbol: "$" :TWD: :few: "dolari noi din Taiwan" :one: "dolar nou din Taiwan" :other: "dolari noi Taiwan" :symbol: "TWD" :TZS: :few: "șilingi tanzanieni" :one: "șiling tanzanian" :other: "șilingi tanzanieni" :UAH: :few: "hryvna ucrainiene" :one: "hryvna ucrainiană" :other: "hryvna ucrainiene" :symbol: "₴" :UAK: :few: "carboave ucrainiene" :one: "carboavă ucraineană" :other: "carboave ucrainiene" :UGS: :few: "șilingi ugandezi (1966–1987)" :one: "șiling ugandez (1966–1987)" :other: "șilingi ugandezi (1966–1987)" :UGX: :few: "șilingi ugandezi" :one: "șiling ugandez" :other: "șilingi ugandezi" :USD: :few: "dolari americani" :one: "dolar american" :other: "dolari americani" :symbol: "USD" :USN: :few: "dolari americani (ziua următoare)" :one: "dolar american (ziua următoare)" :other: "dolari americani (ziua următoare)" :USS: :few: "dolari americani (aceeași zi)" :one: "dolar american (aceeași zi)" :other: "dolari americani (aceeași zi)" :UYI: :one: "Uruguayan peso (indexed units)" :other: "Uruguayan pesos (indexed units)" :UYP: :few: "pesos Uruguay (1975–1993)" :one: "peso Uruguay (1975–1993)" :other: "pesos Uruguay (1975–1993)" :UYU: :few: "pesos uruguayeni" :one: "peso uruguayan" :other: "pesos noi Uruguay" :symbol: "$" :UZS: :few: "sum Uzbekistan" :one: "sum Uzbekistan" :other: "sum Uzbekistan" :VEB: :few: "bolivari Venezuela (1871–2008)" :one: "bolivar Venezuela (1871–2008)" :other: "bolivari Venezuela (1871–2008)" :VEF: :few: "bolivari venezueleni" :one: "bolivar venezuelean" :other: "bolivari venezueleni" :VND: :few: "dongi vietnamezi" :one: "dong vietnamez" :other: "dongi vietnamezi" :symbol: "VND" :VNN: :one: "Vietnamese dong (1978–1985)" :other: "Vietnamese dong (1978–1985)" :VUV: :few: "vatu din Vanuatu" :one: "vatu din Vanuatu" :other: "vatu din Vanuatu" :WST: :few: "tala samoane" :one: "tala samoană" :other: "tala samoană" :XAF: :few: "franci Comunitatea Financiară" :one: "franc CFA BEAC" :other: "franci Comunitatea Financiară" :symbol: "FCFA" :XAG: :one: "argint" :other: "troy ounces of silver" :XAU: :one: "aur" :other: "troy ounces of gold" :XBA: :one: "unitate compusă europeană" :other: "European composite units" :XBB: :one: "unitate monetară europeană" :other: "European monetary units" :XBC: :one: "unitate de cont europeană (XBC)" :other: "European units of account (XBC)" :XBD: :one: "unitate de cont europeană (XBD)" :other: "European units of account (XBD)" :XCD: :few: "dolari Caraibele de Est" :one: "dolar est-caraib" :other: "dolari Caraibele de Est" :symbol: "XCD" :XDR: :one: "drepturi speciale de tragere" :other: "special drawing rights" :XEU: :one: "unitate de monedă europeană" :other: "European currency units" :XFO: :few: "franci francezi de aur" :one: "franc francez de aur" :other: "franci francezi de aur" :XFU: :one: "franc UIC francez" :other: "French UIC-francs" :XOF: :few: "franci CFA BCEAO" :one: "franc CFA BCEAO" :other: "franci CFA BCEAO" :symbol: "CFA" :XPD: :one: "paladiu" :other: "troy ounces of palladium" :XPF: :few: "franci CFP" :one: "franc CFP" :other: "franci CFP" :symbol: "CFPF" :XPT: :one: "platină" :other: "troy ounces of platinum" :XRE: :one: "RINET Funds unit" :other: "RINET Funds units" :XSU: :one: "Sucre" :other: "Sucres" :XTS: :one: "cod monetar de test" :other: "Testing Currency units" :XUA: :one: "ADB unit of account" :other: "ADB units of account" :XXX: :few: "monede necunoscute sau nevalide" :one: "(unitate monetară necunoscută)" :other: "monede necunoscute sau nevalide" :YDD: :few: "dinari Yemen" :one: "dinar Yemen" :other: "dinari Yemen" :YER: :few: "riali yemeniți" :one: "rial yemenit" :other: "riyali Yemen" :YUD: :few: "dinari iugoslavi grei" :one: "dinar iugoslav greu" :other: "dinari iugoslavi grei" :YUM: :few: "dinari iugoslavi noi" :one: "dinar iugoslav nou" :other: "dinari iugoslavi noi" :YUN: :few: "dinari iugoslavi convertibili" :one: "dinar iugoslav convertibil" :other: "dinari iugoslavi convertibili" :YUR: :one: "Yugoslavian reformed dinar (1992–1993)" :other: "Yugoslavian reformed dinars (1992–1993)" :ZAL: :one: "rand sud-african (financiar)" :other: "South African rands (financial)" :ZAR: :few: "ranzi sud-africani" :one: "rand sud-african" :other: "ranzi sud-africani" :ZMK: :few: "kwache zambiene (1968–2012)" :one: "kwacha zambiană (1968–2012)" :other: "kwache zambiene (1968–2012)" :ZMW: :few: "kwache zambiene" :one: "kwacha zambian" :other: "kwache zambiene" :ZRN: :few: "zairi noi" :one: "zair nou" :other: "zairi noi" :ZRZ: :one: "Zairean zaire (1971–1993)" :other: "Zairean zaires (1971–1993)" :ZWD: :few: "dolari Zimbabwe (1980–2008)" :one: "dolar Zimbabwe (1980–2008)" :other: "dolari Zimbabwe (1980–2008)" :ZWL: :one: "dolar Zimbabwe (2009)" :other: "Zimbabwean dollars (2009)" :ZWR: :one: "dolar Zimbabwe (2008)" :other: "Zimbabwean dollars (2008)"