# adapted from Geography::NationalGrid by and (c) P Kent # with reference to the Ordnance Survey guide to coordinate systems in the UK # http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/oswebsite/gps/information/coordinatesystemsinfo/guidecontents/ class Ellipsoid attr_accessor :a, :b, :e2 def initialize(a,b) @a = a @b = b end def ecc (a**2 - b**2)/(a**2) end end class GridRef OsTiles = { :a => [0,4], :b => [1,4], :c => [2,4], :d => [3,4], :e => [4,4], :f => [0,3], :g => [1,3], :h => [2,3], :j => [3,3], :k => [4,3], :l => [0,2], :m => [1,2], :n => [2,2], :o => [3,2], :p => [4,2], :q => [0,1], :r => [1,1], :s => [2,1], :t => [3,1], :u => [4,1], :v => [0,0], :w => [1,0], :x => [2,0], :y => [3,0], :z => [4,0], } FalseOrigin = [2,1] SquareSize = [nil, 10000, 1000, 100, 10, 1] # shorter grid ref = larger square. @@iteration_ceiling = 1000 @@ellipsoids = { :osgb36 => Ellipsoid.new(6377563.396, 6356256.910), :wgs84 => Ellipsoid.new(6378137.000, 6356752.3141), :ie65 => Ellipsoid.new(6377340.189, 6356034.447), :utm => Ellipsoid.new(6378388.000, 6356911.946) } @@projections = { :gb => {:scale => 0.9996012717, :Phio => 49.to_radians, :Lambdao => -2.to_radians, :Eo => 400000, :No => -100000, :ellipsoid => :osgb36}, :ie => {:scale => 1.000035, :Phio => 53.5.to_radians, :Lambdao => -8.to_radians, :Eo => 250000, :No => 250000, :ellipsoid => :ie65}, :utm29 => {:scale => 0.9996, :Phio => 0, :Lambdao => -9.to_radians, :Eo => 500000, :No => 0, :ellipsoid => :utm}, :utm30 => {:scale => 0.9996, :Phio => 0, :Lambdao => -3.to_radians, :Eo => 500000, :No => 0, :ellipsoid => :utm}, :utm31 => {:scale => 0.9996, :Phio => 0, :Lambdao => 3.to_radians, :Eo => 500000, :No => 0, :ellipsoid => :utm} } @@helmerts = { :wgs84 => { :tx => 446.448, :ty => -125.157, :tz => 542.060, :rx => 0.1502, :ry => 0.2470, :rz => 0.8421, :s => -20.4894 } } cattr_accessor :iteration_ceiling attr_accessor :gridref, :projection, :ellipsoid, :datum, :options @@defaults = { :projection => :gb, # mercator projection of input gridref. Can be any projection name: usually :ie or :gb :precision => 6 # decimal places in the output lat/long } def initialize(string, options={}) raise ArgumentError, "invalid grid reference string '#{string}'." unless string.is_gridref? @gridref = string.upcase @options = @@defaults.merge(options) @projection = @@projections[@options[:projection]] @ellipsoid = @@ellipsoids[@projection[:ellipsoid]] @datum = @options[:datum] self end def tile @tile ||= gridref[0,2] end def digits @digits ||= gridref[2,10] end def resolution digits.length / 2 end def offsets if tile major = OsTiles[tile[0,1].downcase.to_sym ] minor = OsTiles[tile[1,1].downcase.to_sym] @offset ||= { :e => (500000 * (major[0] - FalseOrigin[0])) + (100000 * minor[0]), :n => (500000 * (major[1] - FalseOrigin[1])) + (100000 * minor[1]) } else { :e => 0, :n => 0 } end end def easting @east ||= offsets[:e] + digits[0, resolution].to_i * SquareSize[resolution] end def northing @north ||= offsets[:n] + digits[resolution, resolution].to_i * SquareSize[resolution] end def lat coordinates[:lat].to_degrees.round(self.options[:precision]) end def lng coordinates[:lng].to_degrees.round(self.options[:precision]) end def to_s gridref.to_s end def to_latlng "#{lat}, #{lng}" end def coordinates unless @coordinates # variable names correspond roughly to symbols in the OS algorithm, lowercased: # n0 = northing of true origin # e0 = easting of true origin # f0 = scale factor on central meridian # phi0 = latitude of true origin # lambda0 = longitude of true origin and central meridian. # e2 = eccentricity squared # a = length of polar axis of ellipsoid # b = length of equatorial axis of ellipsoid # ning & eing are the northings and eastings of the supplied gridref # phi and lambda are the discovered latitude and longitude ning = northing eing = easting n0 = projection[:No] e0 = projection[:Eo] phi0 = projection[:Phio] l0 = projection[:Lambdao] f0 = projection[:scale] a = ellipsoid.a b = ellipsoid.b e2 = ellipsoid.ecc # the rest is taken from the OS equations with help from CPAN's Geography::NationalGrid # and only enough understanding to transliterate it, and sometimes not even that. n = (a - b) / (a + b) m = 0 phi = phi0 # iterate to within acceptable distance of solution count = 0 while ((ning - n0 - m) >= 0.001) do raise RuntimeError "Demercatorising equation has not converged. Discrepancy after #{count} cycles is #{ning - n0 - m}" if count >= @@iteration_ceiling phi = ((ning - n0 - m) / (a * f0)) + phi ma = (1 + n + (1.25 * n**2) + (1.25 * n**3)) * (phi - phi0) mb = ((3 * n) + (3 * n**2) + (2.625 * n**3)) * Math.sin(phi - phi0) * Math.cos(phi + phi0) mc = ((1.875 * n**2) + (1.875 * n**3)) * Math.sin(2 * (phi - phi0)) * Math.cos(2 * (phi + phi0)) md = (35/24) * (n**3) * Math.sin(3 * (phi - phi0)) * Math.cos(3 * (phi + phi0)) m = b * f0 * (ma - mb + mc - md) count += 1 end # engage alphabet soup nu = a * f0 * ((1-(e2) * ((Math.sin(phi)**2))) ** -0.5) rho = a * f0 * (1-(e2)) * ((1-(e2)*((Math.sin(phi)**2))) ** -1.5) eta2 = (nu/rho - 1) # fire vii = Math.tan(phi) / (2 * rho * nu) viii = (Math.tan(phi) / (24 * rho * (nu ** 3))) * (5 + (3 * (Math.tan(phi) ** 2)) + eta2 - 9 * eta2 * (Math.tan(phi) ** 2) ) ix = (Math.tan(phi) / (720 * rho * (nu ** 5))) * (61 + (90 * (Math.tan(phi) ** 2)) + (45 * (Math.tan(phi) ** 4)) ) x = sec(phi) / nu xi = (sec(phi) / (6 * nu ** 3)) * ((nu/rho) + 2 * (Math.tan(phi) ** 2)) xii = (sec(phi) / (120 * nu ** 5)) * (5 + (28 * (Math.tan(phi) ** 2)) + (24 * (Math.tan(phi) ** 4))) xiia = (sec(phi) / (5040 * nu ** 7)) * (61 + (662 * (Math.tan(phi) ** 2)) + (1320 * (Math.tan(phi) ** 4)) + (720 * (Math.tan(phi) ** 6))) d = eing-e0 # all of which was just to populate these last two equations: phi = phi - vii*(d**2) + viii*(d**4) - ix*(d**6) lambda = l0 + x*d - xi*(d**3) + xii*(d**5) - xiia*(d**7) # here coordinates are still in radians and osgb36 @coordinates = helmerted(phi, lambda) end @coordinates end def helmerted(phi, lambda) return {:lat => phi, :lng => lambda} unless @datum && @datum != :osgb36 target_datum = @@ellipsoids[@datum] t = @@helmerts[@datum] if t && target_datum # convert polar to cartesian coordinates using osgb datum a = @@ellipsoids[:osgb36].a b = @@ellipsoids[:osgb36].b e2 = @@ellipsoids[:osgb36].ecc nu = a / (Math.sqrt(1 - e2 * Math.sin(phi)**2)) h = 0 x1 = (nu + h) * Math.cos(phi) * Math.cos(lambda) y1 = (nu + h) * Math.cos(phi) * Math.sin(lambda) z1 = ((1 - e2) * nu + h) * Math.sin(phi) # parameterise helmert transformation tx = t[:tx] ty = t[:ty] tz = t[:tz] rx = (t[:rx]/3600).to_radians ry = (t[:ry]/3600).to_radians rz = (t[:rz]/3600).to_radians s1 = t[:s]/1e6 + 1 # apply helmert transformation xp = tx + x1*s1 - y1*rz + z1*ry yp = ty + x1*rz + y1*s1 - z1*rx zp = tz - x1*ry + y1*rx + z1*s1 # convert back to polar coordinates using target datum a = target_datum.a b = target_datum.b e2 = target_datum.ecc precision = 4 / a p = Math.sqrt(xp**2 + yp**2) phi = Math.atan2(zp, p*(1-e2)); phip = 2 * Math::PI count = 0 while (phi-phip).abs > precision do raise RuntimeError "Helmert transformation has not converged. Discrepancy after #{count} cycles is #{phi-phip}" if count >= @@iteration_ceiling nu = a / Math.sqrt(1 - e2 * Math.sin(phi)**2) phip = phi phi = Math.atan2(zp + e2 * nu * Math.sin(phi), p) count += 1 end lambda = Math.atan2(yp, xp) {:lat => phi, :lng => lambda} else raise RuntimeError, "Missing ellipsoid or Helmert transformation for #{@datum}" end end private def sec(radians) 1 / Math.cos(radians) end end class String def is_gridref? self.upcase =~ /^(H(P|T|U|Y|Z)|N(A|B|C|D|F|G|H|J|K|L|M|N|O|R|S|T|U|W|X|Y|Z)|OV|S(C|D|E|G|H|J|K|M|N|O|P|R|S|T|U|W|X|Y|Z)|T(A|F|G|L|M|Q|R|V)){1}\d{4}(NE|NW|SE|SW)?$|((H(P|T|U|Y|Z)|N(A|B|C|D|F|G|H|J|K|L|M|N|O|R|S|T|U|W|X|Y|Z)|OV|S(C|D|E|G|H|J|K|M|N|O|P|R|S|T|U|W|X|Y|Z)|T(A|F|G|L|M|Q|R|V)){1}(\d{4}|\d{6}|\d{8}|\d{10}))$/ end def to_latlng(options = {}) GridRef.new(self, options).to_latlng if self.is_gridref? end def to_wgs84(options = {}) GridRef.new(self, options.merge(:datum => :wgs84)).to_latlng if self.is_gridref? end end