define("dojox/mobile/ValuePickerSlot", [ "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/event", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/window", "dojo/dom-class", "dojo/dom-construct", "dojo/touch", "dijit/_WidgetBase", "./iconUtils" ], function(array, declare, event, lang, win, domClass, domConstruct, touch, WidgetBase, iconUtils){ // module: // dojox/mobile/ValuePickerSlot return declare("", WidgetBase, { // summary: // A widget representing one slot of a ValuePicker widget. // items: Array // An array of array of key-label pairs. // (e.g. [[0,"Jan"],[1,"Feb"],...] ) If key values for each label // are not necessary, labels can be used instead. items: [], // labels: String[] // An array of labels to be displayed on the value picker. // (e.g. ["Jan","Feb",...] ) This is a simplified version of the // items property. labels: [], // labelFrom: Number // The start value of display values of the value picker. This // parameter is especially useful when value picker has serial // values. labelFrom: 0, // labelTo: Number // The end value of display values of the value picker. labelTo: 0, // zeroPad: Number // Length of zero padding numbers. // Ex. zeroPad=2 -> "00", "01", ... // Ex. zeroPad=3 -> "000", "001", ... zeroPad: 0, // value: String // The initial value of the value picker. value: "", // step: Number // The steps between labelFrom and labelTo. step: 1, // readOnly: Boolean // A flag used to indicate if the input field is readonly or not. readOnly: false, // tabIndex: String // Tabindex setting for this widget so users can hit the tab key to // focus on it. tabIndex: "0", // key: Object // The key of the currently selected value in the items array. This is a read-only property. // Warning: Do not use this property directly, make sure to call the get() method. /*===== key: null, =====*/ /* internal properties */ baseClass: "mblValuePickerSlot", buildRendering: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); this.initLabels(); if(this.labels.length > 0){ this.items = []; for(i = 0; i < this.labels.length; i++){ this.items.push([i, this.labels[i]]); } } this.plusBtnNode = domConstruct.create("div", { className: "mblValuePickerSlotPlusButton mblValuePickerSlotButton", title: "+" }, this.domNode); this.plusIconNode = domConstruct.create("div", { className: "mblValuePickerSlotIcon" }, this.plusBtnNode); iconUtils.createIcon("mblDomButtonGrayPlus", null, this.plusIconNode); this.inputAreaNode = domConstruct.create("div", { className: "mblValuePickerSlotInputArea" }, this.domNode); this.inputNode = domConstruct.create("input", { className: "mblValuePickerSlotInput", readonly: this.readOnly }, this.inputAreaNode); this.minusBtnNode = domConstruct.create("div", { className: "mblValuePickerSlotMinusButton mblValuePickerSlotButton", title: "-" }, this.domNode); this.minusIconNode = domConstruct.create("div", { className: "mblValuePickerSlotIcon" }, this.minusBtnNode); iconUtils.createIcon("mblDomButtonGrayMinus", null, this.minusIconNode); if(this.value === "" && this.items.length > 0){ this.value = this.items[0][1]; } this._initialValue = this.value; }, startup: function(){ if(this._started){ return; } this._handlers = [ this.connect(this.plusBtnNode,, "_onTouchStart"), this.connect(this.minusBtnNode,, "_onTouchStart"), this.connect(this.plusBtnNode, "onkeydown", "_onClick"), // for desktop browsers this.connect(this.minusBtnNode, "onkeydown", "_onClick"), // for desktop browsers this.connect(this.inputNode, "onchange", lang.hitch(this, function(e){ this._onChange(e); })) ]; this.inherited(arguments); }, initLabels: function(){ // summary: // Initializes the labels of this slot according to the labelFrom and labelTo properties. // tags: // private if(this.labelFrom !== this.labelTo){ var a = this.labels = [], zeros = this.zeroPad && Array(this.zeroPad).join("0"); for(var i = this.labelFrom; i <= this.labelTo; i += this.step){ a.push(this.zeroPad ? (zeros + i).slice(-this.zeroPad) : i + ""); } } }, spin: function(/*Number*/steps){ // summary: // Spins the slot as specified by steps. // find the position of the current value var pos = -1, v = this.get("value"), len = this.items.length; for(var i = 0; i < len; i++){ if(this.items[i][1] === v){ pos = i; break; } } if(v == -1){ return; } pos += steps; if(pos < 0){ // shift to positive pos += (Math.abs(Math.ceil(pos / len)) + 1) * len; } var newItem = this.items[pos % len]; this.set("value", newItem[1]); }, setInitialValue: function(){ // summary: // Sets the initial value using this.value or the first item. this.set("value", this._initialValue); }, _onClick: function(e){ // summary: // Internal handler for click events. // tags: // private if(e && e.type === "keydown" && e.keyCode !== 13){ return; } if(this.onClick(e) === false){ return; } // user's click action var node = e.currentTarget; if(node === this.plusBtnNode || node === this.minusBtnNode){ this._btn = node; } this.spin(this._btn === this.plusBtnNode ? 1 : -1); }, onClick: function(/*Event*/ /*===== e =====*/){ // summary: // User defined function to handle clicks // tags: // callback }, _onChange: function(e){ // summary: // Internal handler for the input field's value change events // tags: // callback if(this.onChange(e) === false){ return; } // user's click action var v = this.get("value"), // text in the input field a = this.validate(v); this.set("value", a.length ? a[0][1] : this.value); }, onChange: function(/*Event*/ /*===== e =====*/){ // summary: // User defined function to handle value changes // tags: // callback }, validate: function(value){ return array.filter(this.items, function(a){ return (a[1] + "").toLowerCase() == (value + "").toLowerCase(); }); }, _onTouchStart: function(e){ this._conn = [ this.connect(win.body(), touch.move, "_onTouchMove"), this.connect(win.body(), touch.release, "_onTouchEnd") ]; this.touchStartX = e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageX : e.clientX; this.touchStartY = e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageY : e.clientY; domClass.add(e.currentTarget, "mblValuePickerSlotButtonSelected"); this._btn = e.currentTarget; if(this._timer){ clearTimeout(this._timer); // fail safe this._timer = null; } if(this._interval){ clearInterval(this._interval); // fail safe this._interval = null; } this._timer = setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function(){ this._interval = setInterval(lang.hitch(this, function(){ this.spin(this._btn === this.plusBtnNode ? 1 : -1); }), 60); this._timer = null; }), 1000); event.stop(e); }, _onTouchMove: function(e){ var x = e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageX : e.clientX; var y = e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageY : e.clientY; if(Math.abs(x - this.touchStartX) >= 4 || Math.abs(y - this.touchStartY) >= 4){ // dojox/mobile/scrollable.threshold if(this._timer){ clearTimeout(this._timer); // fail safe this._timer = null; } if(this._interval){ clearInterval(this._interval); // fail safe this._interval = null; } array.forEach(this._conn, this.disconnect, this); domClass.remove(this._btn, "mblValuePickerSlotButtonSelected"); } }, _onTouchEnd: function(e){ if(this._timer){ clearTimeout(this._timer); this._timer = null; } array.forEach(this._conn, this.disconnect, this); domClass.remove(this._btn, "mblValuePickerSlotButtonSelected"); if(this._interval){ clearInterval(this._interval); this._interval = null; }else{ this._onClick(e); } }, _getKeyAttr: function(){ var val = this.get("value"); var item = array.filter(this.items, function(item){ return item[1] === val; })[0]; return item ? item[0] : null; }, _getValueAttr: function(){ // summary: // Gets the currently selected value. return this.inputNode.value; }, _setValueAttr: function(value){ // summary: // Sets a new value to this slot. this.inputNode.value = value; this._set("value", value); var parent = this.getParent(); if(parent && parent.onValueChanged){ parent.onValueChanged(this); } }, _setTabIndexAttr: function(/*String*/ tabIndex){ this.plusBtnNode.setAttribute("tabIndex", tabIndex); this.minusBtnNode.setAttribute("tabIndex", tabIndex); } }); });