require 'thor' require 'yaml' YAML::ENGINE.yamler = 'syck' if defined? Syck require 'abbrev' require 'base64' require 'fileutils' require 'json' require 'filewatcher' require 'launchy' require 'mimemagic' module ShopifyTheme EXTENSIONS = [ {mimetype: 'application/x-liquid', extensions: %w(liquid), parents: 'text/plain'}, {mimetype: 'application/json', extensions: %w(json), parents: 'text/plain'}, {mimetype: 'application/js', extensions: %w(map), parents: 'text/plain'}, {mimetype: 'application/', extensions: %w(eot)}, {mimetype: 'image/svg+xml', extensions: %w(svg svgz)} ] def self.configureMimeMagic ShopifyTheme::EXTENSIONS.each do |extension| MimeMagic.add(extension.delete(:mimetype), extension) end end class Cli < Thor include Thor::Actions IGNORE = %w(config.yml) DEFAULT_WHITELIST = %w(layout/ assets/ config/ snippets/ templates/ locales/) TIMEFORMAT = "%H:%M:%S" tasks.keys.abbrev.each do |shortcut, command| map shortcut => command.to_sym end desc "check", "check configuration" def check(exit_on_failure=false) result = if result.api_down? say("Cannot connect to Shopify. API appears to be down", :red) say("Visit for more details", :yello) elsif result.invalid_config? say("Cannot connect to Shopify. Configuration is invalid.", :red) say("Verify that your API key, password and domain are correct.", :yellow) say("Visit for more details", :yellow) say("If your shop domain is correct, the following URL should take you to the Private Apps page for the shop:", :yellow) say(" https://#{config[:store]}/admin/apps/private", :yellow) else say("Shopify API is accessible and configuration is valid", :green) unless exit_on_failure end exit(1) if result.cannot_access_api? && exit_on_failure end desc "configure API_KEY PASSWORD STORE THEME_ID", "generate a config file for the store to connect to" def configure(api_key=nil, password=nil, store=nil, theme_id=nil) config = {:api_key => api_key, :password => password, :store => store, :theme_id => theme_id} create_file('config.yml', config.to_yaml) check(true) end desc "configure_oauth ACCESS_TOKEN STORE THEME_ID", "generate a config file for the store to connect to using an OAuth access token" def configure_oauth(access_token=nil, store=nil, theme_id=nil) config = {:access_token => access_token, :store => store, :theme_id => theme_id} create_file('config.yml', config.to_yaml) end desc "bootstrap API_KEY PASSWORD STORE THEME_NAME", "bootstrap with Timber to shop and configure local directory." method_option :master, :type => :boolean, :default => false method_option :version, :type => :string, :default => "latest" def bootstrap(api_key=nil, password=nil, store=nil, theme_name=nil) ShopifyTheme.config = {:api_key => api_key, :password => password, :store => store} check(true) theme_name ||= 'Timber' say("Registering #{theme_name} theme on #{store}", :green) theme = ShopifyTheme.upload_timber(theme_name, options[:version]) say("Creating directory named #{theme_name}", :green) empty_directory(theme_name) say("Saving configuration to #{theme_name}", :green) ShopifyTheme.config.merge!(theme_id: theme['id']) create_file("#{theme_name}/config.yml", ShopifyTheme.config.to_yaml) say("Downloading #{theme_name} assets from Shopify") Dir.chdir(theme_name) download() rescue Releases::VersionError => e say(e.message, :red) end desc "download FILE", "download the shops current theme assets" method_option :quiet, :type => :boolean, :default => false method_option :exclude def download(*keys) check(true) assets = keys.empty? ? ShopifyTheme.asset_list : keys if options['exclude'] assets = assets.delete_if { |asset| asset =~['exclude']) } end assets.each do |asset| download_asset(asset) say("#{ShopifyTheme.api_usage} Downloaded: #{asset}", :green) unless options['quiet'] end say("Done.", :green) unless options['quiet'] end desc "open", "open the store in your browser" def open(*keys) if shop_theme_url say("Done.", :green) end end desc "upload FILE", "upload all theme assets to shop" method_option :quiet, :type => :boolean, :default => false def upload(*keys) check(true) assets = keys.empty? ? local_assets_list : keys assets.each do |asset| send_asset(asset, options['quiet']) end say("Done.", :green) unless options['quiet'] end desc "replace FILE", "completely replace shop theme assets with local theme assets" method_option :quiet, :type => :boolean, :default => false def replace(*keys) check(true) say("Are you sure you want to completely replace your shop theme assets? This is not undoable.", :yellow) if ask("Continue? (Y/N): ") == "Y" # only delete files on remote that are not present locally # files present on remote and present locally get overridden anyway remote_assets = keys.empty? ? (ShopifyTheme.asset_list - local_assets_list) : keys remote_assets.each do |asset| delete_asset(asset, options['quiet']) unless ShopifyTheme.ignore_files.any? { |regex| regex =~ asset } end local_assets = keys.empty? ? local_assets_list : keys local_assets.each do |asset| send_asset(asset, options['quiet']) end say("Done.", :green) unless options['quiet'] end end desc "remove FILE", "remove theme asset" method_option :quiet, :type => :boolean, :default => false def remove(*keys) check(true) keys.each do |key| delete_asset(key, options['quiet']) end say("Done.", :green) unless options['quiet'] end desc "watch", "upload and delete individual theme assets as they change, use the --keep_files flag to disable remote file deletion" method_option :quiet, :type => :boolean, :default => false method_option :keep_files, :type => :boolean, :default => false def watch check(true) puts "Watching current folder: #{Dir.pwd}" watcher do |filename, event| filename = filename.gsub("#{Dir.pwd}/", '') action = if [:changed, :new].include?(event) && local_assets_list.include?(filename) :send_asset elsif event == :delete && !options['keep_files'] :delete_asset else raise NotImplementedError, "Unknown event -- #{event} -- #{filename}" end send(action, filename, options['quiet']) end end desc "systeminfo", "print out system information and actively loaded libraries for aiding in submitting bug reports" def systeminfo ruby_version = "#{RUBY_VERSION}" ruby_version += "-p#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL}" if RUBY_PATCHLEVEL puts "Ruby: v#{ruby_version}" puts "Operating System: #{RUBY_PLATFORM}" %w(Thor Listen HTTParty Launchy).each do |lib| require "#{lib.downcase}/version" puts "#{lib}: v" + Kernel.const_get("#{lib}::VERSION") end end protected def config @config ||= YAML.load_file 'config.yml' end def shop_theme_url url = config[:store] url += "?preview_theme_id=#{config[:theme_id]}" if config[:theme_id] && config[:theme_id].to_i > 0 url end private def watcher do |filename, event| yield(filename, event) end end def local_assets_list local_files.reject do |p| @permitted_files ||= (DEFAULT_WHITELIST | ShopifyTheme.whitelist_files).map{|pattern|} @permitted_files.none? { |regex| regex =~ p } || ShopifyTheme.ignore_files.any? { |regex| regex =~ p } end end def local_files Dir.glob(File.join('**', '*')).reject do |f| end end def download_asset(key) return unless valid?(key) notify_and_sleep("Approaching limit of API permits. Naptime until more permits become available!") if ShopifyTheme.needs_sleep? asset = ShopifyTheme.get_asset(key) if asset['value'] # For CRLF line endings content = asset['value'].gsub("\r", "") format = "w" elsif asset['attachment'] content = Base64.decode64(asset['attachment']) format = "w+b" end FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(key)), format) {|f| f.write content} if content end def send_asset(asset, quiet=false) return unless valid?(asset) data = {:key => asset} content = if binary_file?(asset) || ShopifyTheme.is_binary_data?(content) content =, "rb") { |io| } data.merge!(:attachment => Base64.encode64(content)) else data.merge!(:value => content) end response = show_during("[#{timestamp}] Uploading: #{asset}", quiet) do ShopifyTheme.send_asset(data) end if response.success? say("[#{timestamp}] Uploaded: #{asset}", :green) unless quiet else report_error(, "Could not upload #{asset}", response) end end def delete_asset(key, quiet=false) return unless valid?(key) response = show_during("[#{timestamp}] Removing: #{key}", quiet) do ShopifyTheme.delete_asset(key) end if response.success? say("[#{timestamp}] Removed: #{key}", :green) unless quiet else report_error(, "Could not remove #{key}", response) end end def notify_and_sleep(message) say(message, :red) ShopifyTheme.sleep end def valid?(key) return true if DEFAULT_WHITELIST.include?(key.split('/').first + "/") say("'#{key}' is not in a valid file for theme uploads", :yellow) say("Files need to be in one of the following subdirectories: #{DEFAULT_WHITELIST.join(' ')}", :yellow) false end def binary_file?(path) mime = MimeMagic.by_path(path) say("'#{path}' is an unknown file-type, uploading asset as binary", :yellow) if mime.nil? && ENV['TEST'] != 'true' mime.nil? || !mime.text? end def report_error(time, message, response) say("[#{timestamp(time)}] Error: #{message}", :red) say("Error Details: #{errors_from_response(response)}", :yellow) end def errors_from_response(response) object = {status: response.headers['status'], request_id: response.headers['x-request-id']} errors = response.parsed_response ? response.parsed_response["errors"] : response.body object[:errors] = case errors when NilClass '' when String errors.strip else errors.values.join(", ") end object.delete(:errors) if object[:errors].length <= 0 object end def show_during(message = '', quiet = false, &block) print(message) unless quiet result = yield print("\r#{' ' * message.length}\r") unless quiet result end def timestamp(time = time.strftime(TIMEFORMAT) end end end ShopifyTheme.configureMimeMagic