= Apricot eats Gorilla Apricot eats Gorilla is a SOAP communication helper. It translates between SOAP response messages (XML) and Ruby Hashes and may be used to build a SOAP request envelope. It is based on CobraVsMongoose but uses Hpricot instead of REXML and doesn't follow the BadgerFish convention. == Install $ gem install smacks-apricoteatsgorilla -s http://gems.github.com == Dependencies Hpricot 0.6.164 (also available for JRuby) == Translating an XML String into a Ruby Hash xml = "Gorilla" ApricotEatsGorilla[xml] # => { :eats => "Gorilla" } == Translating a Ruby Hash into an XML String hash = { :apricot => { :eats => "Gorilla" } } ApricotEatsGorilla[hash] # => "Gorilla" == Creating a SOAP request envelope ApricotEatsGorilla.soap_envelope { "me" } # => ' # => # => me # => # => '