package ParsCit::Controller; ### # This package is used to pull together various citation # processing modules in the ParsCit distribution, serving # as a script for handling the entire citation processing # control flow. The extractCitations subroutine should be # the only needed API element if XML output is desired; # however, the extractCitationsImpl subroutine can be used # to get direct access to the list of citation objects. # # Isaac Councill, 07/23/07 ### require ''; use strict; # Local libraries use ParsCit::Config; use ParsCit::Tr2crfpp; use ParsCit::PreProcess; use ParsCit::PostProcess; use ParsCit::CitationContext; # Omnipage libraries use Omni::Omnidoc; # Dependencies use CSXUtil::SafeText qw(cleanXML); ### # Main API method for generating an XML document including # all citation data. Returns a reference XML document and # a reference to the article body text. ### # Extract citations from text sub ExtractCitations { my ($text_file, $org_file, $is_xml) = @_; # Real works are in there my ($status, $msg, $citations, $body_text) = ExtractCitationsImpl($text_file, $org_file, $is_xml); # Check the result status if ($status > 0) { return BuildXMLResponse($citations); } else { # Return error message my $error = "Error: " . $msg; return \$error; } } ### # Huydhn # Extract citations from text # The reference section will be provided by sectlabel. # Previously, parscit find this section itself using # regular expression ### sub ExtractCitations2 { my ($all_text, $cit_lines, $is_xml, $doc, $cit_addrs) = @_; # Real works are in there my ($status, $msg, $citations, $body_text) = ExtractCitationsImpl2($all_text, $cit_lines, $is_xml, $doc, $cit_addrs); # Check the result status if ($status > 0) { return BuildXMLResponse($citations); } else { # Return error message my $error = "Error: " . $msg; return \$error; } } sub ExtractCitationsAlreadySegmented { my ($text_file) = @_; my ($status, $msg) = (1, ""); # Cannot open input file, return error message if (! open(IN, "<:utf8", $text_file)) { return (-1, "Could not open file " . $text_file . ": " . $!); } # my @raw_citations = (); my $current_citation = undef; while () { # Remove eol chomp(); # Save current citation if (m/^\s*$/ && defined $current_citation) { my $cite = new ParsCit::Citation(); $cite->setString($current_citation); push @raw_citations, $cite; $current_citation = undef; next; } # Current citation eq current line if (! defined $current_citation) { $current_citation = $_; } # Append the current line to the current citation else { $current_citation = $current_citation . " " . $_; } } # Close the input after reading close IN; # Save the last citation if (defined $current_citation) { my $cite = new ParsCit::Citation(); push @raw_citations, $cite; } my @citations = (); my @valid_citations = (); my $normalized_cite_text = ""; foreach my $citation (@raw_citations) { # Tr2cfpp needs an enclosing tag for initial class seed. my $cite_string = $citation->getString(); if (defined $cite_string && $cite_string !~ m/^\s*$/) { $normalized_cite_text .= " " . $citation->getString() . " \n"; push @citations, $citation; } } # Stop - nothing left to do. if ($#citations < 0) { return ($status, $msg, \@valid_citations); } my $tmpfile = ParsCit::Tr2crfpp::PrepData(\$normalized_cite_text, $text_file); my $outfile = $tmpfile . "_dec"; if (ParsCit::Tr2crfpp::Decode($tmpfile, $outfile)) { my ($raw_xml, $cite_info, $tstatus, $tmsg) = ParsCit::PostProcess::ReadAndNormalize($outfile); if ($tstatus <= 0) { return ($tstatus, $msg, undef, undef); } my @all_cite_info = @{ $cite_info }; if ($#citations == $#all_cite_info) { for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#citations; $i++) { my $citation = $citations[ $i ]; my %cite_hash = %{ $all_cite_info[ $i ] }; foreach my $key (keys %cite_hash) { $citation->loadDataItem($key, $cite_hash{ $key }); } my $marker = $citation->getMarker(); if (! defined $marker) { $marker = $citation->buildAuthYearMarker(); $citation->setMarker($marker); } push @valid_citations, $citation; } } else { $status = -1; $msg = "Mismatch between expected citations and cite info"; } } unlink($tmpfile); unlink($outfile); return BuildXMLResponse(\@valid_citations); } # Thang: tmp method for debugging purpose sub PrintArray { my ($filename, $tokens) = @_; open(OF, ">:utf8", $filename); foreach (@{ $tokens }) { print OF $_, "\n"; } close OF; } ### # Main script for actually walking through the steps of citation # processing. Returns a status code (0 for failure), an error # message (may be blank if no error), a reference to an array of # citation objects and a reference to the body text of the article # being processed. ### sub ExtractCitationsImpl { my ($textfile, $orgfile, $is_xml, $bwrite_split) = @_; if (! defined $bwrite_split) { $bwrite_split = $ParsCit::Config::bWriteSplit; } # Status and error message initialization my ($status, $msg) = (1, ""); # NOTE: What are their purpose? my ($citefile, $bodyfile) = ("", ""); # NOTE: What is its purpose? my @pos_array = (); # Reference text, boby text, and normalize body text my ($rcite_text, $rnorm_body_text, $rbody_text) = undef; # Reference to an array of single reference my $rraw_citations = undef; # Find and separate reference if ($is_xml) { ### # Huydhn: input is xml from Omnipage ### if (! open(IN, "<:utf8", $orgfile)) { return (-1, "Could not open xml file " . $orgfile . ": " . $!); } my $xml = do { local $/; }; close IN; ### # Huydhn # NOTE: the omnipage xml is not well constructed (concatenated multiple xml files). # This merged xml need to be fixed first before pass it to xml processing libraries, e.g. xml::twig ### # Convert to Unix format $xml =~ s/\r//g; # Remove $xml =~ s/<\?xml.+?>\n//g; # Remove $xml =~ s/<\!\-\-XML.+?>\n//g; # Declaration and root $xml = "" . "\n" . "" . "\n" . $xml . "\n" . ""; # New document my $doc = new Omni::Omnidoc(); $doc->set_raw($xml); # Extract the reference portion from the XML my ($start_ref, $end_ref, $rcite_text_from_xml, $rcit_addrs) = ParsCit::PreProcess::FindCitationTextXML($doc); # Extract the reference portion from the text. # TODO: NEED TO BE REMOVED FROM HERE my $content = $doc->get_content(); ($rcite_text, $rnorm_body_text, $rbody_text) = ParsCit::PreProcess::FindCitationText(\$content, \@pos_array); my @norm_body_tokens = split(/\s+/, $$rnorm_body_text); my @body_tokens = split(/\s+/, $$rbody_text); my $size = scalar(@norm_body_tokens); my $size1 = scalar(@pos_array); if($size != $size1) { die "ParsCit::Controller::extractCitationsImpl: normBodyText size $size != posArray size $size1\n"; } # TODO: TO HERE # Filename initialization if ($bwrite_split > 0) { ($citefile, $bodyfile) = WriteSplit($textfile, $rcite_text_from_xml, $rbody_text); } # Prepare to split unmarked reference portion my $tmp_file = ParsCit::Tr2crfpp::PrepDataUnmarked($doc, $rcit_addrs); # Extract citations from citation text $rraw_citations = ParsCit::PreProcess::SegmentCitationsXML($rcite_text_from_xml, $tmp_file); } else { if (! open(IN, "<:utf8", $textfile)) { return (-1, "Could not open text file " . $textfile . ": " . $!); } my $text = do { local $/; }; close IN; ### # Thang May 2010 # Map each position in norm_body_text to a position in body_text, scalar(@pos_array) = number of tokens in norm_body_text # TODO: Switch this function to sectlabel module ($rcite_text, $rnorm_body_text, $rbody_text) = ParsCit::PreProcess::FindCitationText(\$text, \@pos_array); my @norm_body_tokens = split(/\s+/, $$rnorm_body_text); my @body_tokens = split(/\s+/, $$rbody_text); my $size = scalar(@norm_body_tokens); my $size1 = scalar(@pos_array); if($size != $size1) { die "ParsCit::Controller::extractCitationsImpl: normBodyText size $size != posArray size $size1\n"; } # End Thang May 2010 ### # Filename initialization if ($bwrite_split > 0) { ($citefile, $bodyfile) = WriteSplit($textfile, $rcite_text, $rbody_text); } # Extract citations from citation text $rraw_citations = ParsCit::PreProcess::SegmentCitations($rcite_text); } my @citations = (); my @valid_citations = (); # Process each citation my $normalized_cite_text = ""; foreach my $citation (@{ $rraw_citations }) { # Tr2cfpp needs an enclosing tag for initial class seed. my $cite_string = $citation->getString(); if (defined $cite_string && $cite_string !~ m/^\s*$/) { $normalized_cite_text .= " " . $citation->getString() . " \n"; push @citations, $citation; } } # Stop - nothing left to do. if ($#citations < 0) { return ($status, $msg, \@valid_citations, $rnorm_body_text); } my $tmpfile = ParsCit::Tr2crfpp::PrepData(\$normalized_cite_text, $textfile); my $outfile = $tmpfile . "_dec"; if (ParsCit::Tr2crfpp::Decode($tmpfile, $outfile)) { my ($rraw_xml, $rcite_info, $tstatus, $tmsg) = ParsCit::PostProcess::ReadAndNormalize($outfile); if ($tstatus <= 0) { return ($tstatus, $msg, undef, undef); } my @cite_info = @{ $rcite_info }; if ($#citations == $#cite_info) { for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#citations; $i++) { my $citation = $citations[ $i ]; my %cite_info = %{ $cite_info[ $i ] }; foreach my $key (keys %cite_info) { $citation->loadDataItem($key, $cite_info{ $key }); } my $marker = $citation->getMarker(); if (!defined $marker) { $marker = $citation->buildAuthYearMarker(); $citation->setMarker($marker); } ### # Modified by Nick Friedrich$ref_lines->[ 0 ] ### getCitationContext returns contexts and the position of the contexts ### # Thang: Nov 2009 add $rcit_strs - in-text ciation strs ### my ($rcontexts, $rpositions, $start_word_positions, $end_word_positions, $rcit_strs) = ParsCit::CitationContext::GetCitationContext($rnorm_body_text, \@pos_array, $marker); ### # Thang May 2010: add $rWordPositions, $rBodyText to find word-based positions (0-based) according to the *.body file ### foreach my $context (@{ $rcontexts }) { # Next citation context $citation->addContext($context); # Next citation position my $position = shift @{ $rpositions }; $citation->addPosition($position); ## # Thang: Nov 2009, add $rcit_strs ### # Next citation string my $cit_str = shift @{ $rcit_strs }; $citation->addCitStr($cit_str); # End Thang: Nov 2009 # Next start and end of citation my $start_pos = shift @{ $start_word_positions }; my $end_pos = shift @{ $end_word_positions }; $citation->addStartWordPosition( $pos_array[ $start_pos ] ); $citation->addEndWordPosition( $pos_array[ $end_pos ] ); # print STDERR $cit_str, " --> ", $body_tokens[ $pos_array[ $start_pos ] ], " \t ", $pos_array[ $start_pos], " ### "; # print STDERR $pos_array[ $end_pos], " \t ", $body_tokens[ $pos_array[ $end_pos ] ], "\n"; } push @valid_citations, $citation; } } else { $status = -1; $msg = "Mismatch between expected citations and cite info"; } } unlink($tmpfile); unlink($outfile); # Our work here is done return ($status, $msg, \@valid_citations, $rbody_text, $citefile, $bodyfile); } ### # Huydhn # New function for citation extraction based on the output # of sectlabel ### sub ExtractCitationsImpl2 { my ($all_text, $cit_lines, $is_xml, $doc, $cit_addrs) = @_; # Status and error message initialization my ($status, $msg) = (1, ""); # NOTE: What is its purpose? my @pos_array = (); # Reference text, boby text, and normalize body text my ($rcite_text, $rnorm_body_text, $rbody_text) = undef; # Reference to an array of single reference my $rraw_citations = undef; # Find and separate reference if ($is_xml) { # TODO: NEED TO BE REMOVED FROM HERE ($rcite_text, $rnorm_body_text, $rbody_text) = ParsCit::PreProcess::FindCitationText2($all_text, $cit_lines, \@pos_array); my @norm_body_tokens = split(/\s+/, $$rnorm_body_text); my @body_tokens = split(/\s+/, $$rbody_text); my $size = scalar(@norm_body_tokens); my $size1 = scalar(@pos_array); if($size != $size1) { die "ParsCit::Controller::extractCitationsImpl: normBodyText size $size != posArray size $size1\n"; } # TODO: TO HERE # Prepare to split unmarked reference portion my $tmp_file = ParsCit::Tr2crfpp::PrepDataUnmarked($doc, $cit_addrs); # Extract citations from citation text $rraw_citations = ParsCit::PreProcess::SegmentCitationsXML($rcite_text, $tmp_file); } else { ### # Thang May 2010 # Map each position in norm_body_text to a position in body_text, scalar(@pos_array) = number of tokens in norm_body_text # TODO: Switch this function to sectlabel module ### ($rcite_text, $rnorm_body_text, $rbody_text) = ParsCit::PreProcess::FindCitationText2($all_text, $cit_lines, \@pos_array); my @norm_body_tokens = split(/\s+/, $$rnorm_body_text); my @body_tokens = split(/\s+/, $$rbody_text); my $size = scalar(@norm_body_tokens); my $size1 = scalar(@pos_array); if($size != $size1) { die "ParsCit::Controller::extractCitationsImpl: normBodyText size $size != posArray size $size1\n"; } # End Thang May 2010 ### # Extract citations from citation text $rraw_citations = ParsCit::PreProcess::SegmentCitations($rcite_text); } my @citations = (); my @valid_citations = (); # Process each citation my $normalized_cite_text = ""; foreach my $citation (@{ $rraw_citations }) { # Tr2cfpp needs an enclosing tag for initial class seed. my $cite_string = $citation->getString(); if (defined $cite_string && $cite_string !~ m/^\s*$/) { $normalized_cite_text .= " " . $citation->getString() . " \n"; push @citations, $citation; } } # Stop - nothing left to do. if ($#citations < 0) { return ($status, $msg, \@valid_citations, $rnorm_body_text); } my $tmpfile = ParsCit::Tr2crfpp::PrepData(\$normalized_cite_text, ""); my $outfile = $tmpfile . "_dec"; if (ParsCit::Tr2crfpp::Decode($tmpfile, $outfile)) { my ($rraw_xml, $rcite_info, $tstatus, $tmsg) = ParsCit::PostProcess::ReadAndNormalize($outfile); if ($tstatus <= 0) { return ($tstatus, $msg, undef, undef); } my @cite_info = @{ $rcite_info }; if ($#citations == $#cite_info) { for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#citations; $i++) { my $citation = $citations[ $i ]; my %cite_info = %{ $cite_info[ $i ] }; foreach my $key (keys %cite_info) { $citation->loadDataItem($key, $cite_info{ $key }); } my $marker = $citation->getMarker(); if (!defined $marker) { $marker = $citation->buildAuthYearMarker(); $citation->setMarker($marker); } ### # Modified by Nick Friedrich$ref_lines->[ 0 ] ### getCitationContext returns contexts and the position of the contexts ### # Thang: Nov 2009 add $rcit_strs - in-text ciation strs ### my ($rcontexts, $rpositions, $start_word_positions, $end_word_positions, $rcit_strs) = ParsCit::CitationContext::GetCitationContext($rnorm_body_text, \@pos_array, $marker); ### # Thang May 2010: add $rWordPositions, $rBodyText to find word-based positions (0-based) according to the *.body file ### foreach my $context (@{ $rcontexts }) { # Next citation context $citation->addContext($context); # Next citation position my $position = shift @{ $rpositions }; $citation->addPosition($position); ## # Thang: Nov 2009, add $rcit_strs ### # Next citation string my $cit_str = shift @{ $rcit_strs }; $citation->addCitStr($cit_str); # End Thang: Nov 2009 # Next start and end of citation my $start_pos = shift @{ $start_word_positions }; my $end_pos = shift @{ $end_word_positions }; $citation->addStartWordPosition( $pos_array[ $start_pos ] ); $citation->addEndWordPosition( $pos_array[ $end_pos ] ); # print STDERR $cit_str, " --> ", $body_tokens[ $pos_array[ $start_pos ] ], " \t ", $pos_array[ $start_pos], " ### "; # print STDERR $pos_array[ $end_pos], " \t ", $body_tokens[ $pos_array[ $end_pos ] ], "\n"; } push @valid_citations, $citation; } } else { $status = -1; $msg = "Mismatch between expected citations and cite info"; } } unlink($tmpfile); unlink($outfile); # Our work here is done return ($status, $msg, \@valid_citations, $rbody_text); } # Write citation list in xml format sub BuildXMLResponse { my ($rcitations) = @_; my $l_alg_name = $ParsCit::Config::algorithmName; my $l_alg_version = $ParsCit::Config::algorithmVersion; cleanXML(\$l_alg_name); cleanXML(\$l_alg_version); my $xml = "\n" . "\n"; $xml = $xml . "\n"; # Write output foreach my $citation (@$rcitations) { $xml .= $citation->toXML(); } $xml .= "\n"; $xml .= "\n"; return \$xml; } # sub WriteSplit { my ($textfile, $rcite_text, $rbody_text) = @_; my $citefile = ChangeExtension($textfile, "cite"); my $bodyfile = ChangeExtension($textfile, "body"); if (open(OUT, ">$citefile")) { binmode OUT, ":utf8"; print OUT $$rcite_text; close OUT; } else { print STDERR "Could not open .cite file for writing: $!\n"; } if (open(OUT, ">$bodyfile")) { binmode OUT, ":utf8"; print OUT $$rbody_text; close OUT; } else { print STDERR "Could not open .body file for writing: $!\n"; } # Our work here is done return ($citefile, $bodyfile); } # Support function: change the extension of a file sub ChangeExtension { my ($fn, $ext) = @_; unless ($fn =~ s/^(.*)\..*$/$1\.$ext/) { $fn .= "." . $ext; } return $fn; } 1;