In your `CatalogController`, you can register document actions that display in various places within the default Blacklight UI: - `add_show_tools_partial`: displays on the `catalog#show` page, using the `render_show_doc_actions` helper - `add_results_document_tool`: displays on every search result, using the `render_index_doc_actions` helper - `add_results_collection_tool`: displays at the top of a search result page, using the `render_results_collection_tools` helper - `add_nav_action`: displays in the top application navbar, using the `render_nav_actions` helper All types of actions take the same parameters, e.g.: ```ruby ## # Add a partial to the tools for rendering a document # @param partial [String] the name of the document partial # @param opts [Hash] # @option opts [String] :partial render this action using the provided partial # @option opts [Symbol,Proc] :if render this action if the method identified by the symbol or the proc evaluates to true. # The proc will receive the action configuration and the document or documents for the action. # @option opts [Symbol,Proc] :unless render this action unless the method identified by the symbol or the proc evaluates to true # The proc will receive the action configuration and the document or documents for the action. def add_show_tools_partial name, opts = {} ``` Examples: ``` class CatalogController ... # only show patron information if a user is logged in. Note that `current_user?` has to be defined as a helper method add_nav_action :patron_information, if: :current_user? # In Rails 4+, this can also be defined using an inline proc: add_nav_action :patron_information, if: { |context, config, options| context.current_user? } # Actions can also trigger based on properties of the document: add_show_tools_partial :download_image_widget, if: { |context, config, options| options[:document].image? } ... end ``` ## Show Tools You can register an action that displays on the document show page using the `add_show_tools_partial` controller method. In addition to the functionality offered by the other types of tools and actions, show tools also offer conventional defaults. Here is a trivial example of registering a new type of action: ```ruby # app/controllers/catalog_controller.rb class CatalogController add_show_tools_partial :my_custom_action ## OPTIONAL # def my_custom_action # # render some content.. # # by default, Blacklight will try to render the partial of the same name (i.e. `app/views/catalog/my_custom_action.html.erb`) # end end # config/routes Rails.application.routes.draw do ... get '/catalog/:id/my_custom_action' => 'catalog#my_custom_action', as: 'my_custom_action_catalog' end ``` If the action will receive form data from a `POST` request, you can also register a callback for handling that request. Optionally, the `POST` params can be validated using a helper method. ```ruby class CatalogController include Blacklight::Catalog ... # Register a new action called "email". # On a POST request, validate the params using the `#validate_email_params` method # and process the request using `#email_action`. add_show_tools_partial :email, callback: :email_action, validator: :validate_email_params def validate_email_params # validate that the posted params are suitable for the action end def email_action documents # send an email with the attached documents end ... end ``` By convention, the action name is used to determine the route name for the action. For this email action, Blacklight will link to `email_catalog_path`. The action will render the template [`catalog/email.html.erb`]( template when the action is selected. This template provides a form, which, when submitted, will trigger the `email_action` method and will render the [`catalog/email_success.html.erb`]( template.