require 'openssl' require 'benchmark' module Resque module Plugins module Aps class Application include Resque::Plugins::Aps::Helper extend Resque::Plugins::Aps::Helper attr_accessor :name, :cert_file, :cert_passwd @queue = "apple_push_service" @@CAFile = nil def inspect "#<#{} #{name.inspect}, #{cert_passwd.inspect}, #{cert_file.inspect}>" end def self.perform(*args) app_name = args[0] @aps_retry = args[1] || false begin Resque.enqueue_aps_application(app_name) if @aps_retry count, duration, ex = Resque::Plugins::Aps::Application.perform_no_fail(app_name)"Sent #{count} #{app_name} notifications in batch over #{duration} sec.") if logger Resque.dequeue_aps_application(app_name) if @aps_retry raise ex if ex rescue Resque.dequeue_aps_application(app_name) if @aps_retry raise $! end end def self.perform_clear(app_name) while true count, duration, ex = Resque::Plugins::Aps::Application.perform_no_fail(app_name, false, true) p "Sent #{count} #{app_name} notifications in batch over #{duration} sec. Returned #{ex.inspect}" break if ex.nil? end end def self.perform_no_fail(app_name, requeue = true, read_response = false) count = 0 start = excep = nil duration = Benchmark.realtime do Resque.aps_application(app_name).socket do |socket, app| n_old = nil while true n = Resque.dequeue_aps(app_name) if n.nil? if @aps_retry && app.aps_nil_notification_retry?(count, start) next else break end end app.before_aps_write n begin n.batch_id = count + 1 n.expiry = + 3600 socket.write(n.formatted) app.after_aps_write n count += 1 if read_response resp = if resp && resp != "" # logger.error "Failure response: #{resp.inspect}" if logger logger.error "Failure response: #{{|i| i.to_s(16)}.join}" if logger break end end rescue # logger.error Application.application_exception($!, app_name) if logger app.failed_aps_write n, $!, n_old logger.error "#{$!}: Sent #{count} notifications before failure." if logger Resque.enqueue_aps(app_name, n) if requeue excep = $! break end n_old = n end end end return count, duration, excep end def self.verify_ssl_certificate(preverify_ok, ssl_context) if preverify_ok != true || ssl_context.error != 0 err_msg = "SSL Verification failed -- Preverify: #{preverify_ok}, Error: #{ssl_context.error_string} (#{ssl_context.error})" raise end true end # # Create the TCP and SSL sockets for sending the notification # def self.create_sockets(cert, passphrase, host, port) ctx = ctx.key =, passphrase) ctx.cert = if @@CAFile && File.exists?(@@CAFile) ctx.ca_file = @@CAFile end if defined?(ROOT_CA) && ROOT_CA && ctx.ca_path = ROOT_CA end ctx.verify_callback = proc do |preverify_ok, ssl_context| Resque::Plugins::Aps::Application.verify_ssl_certificate(preverify_ok, ssl_context) end s =, port) ssl =, ctx) ssl.sync = true return s, ssl end # # Close the sockets # def self.close_sockets(socket, ssl_socket) begin if ssl_socket ssl_socket.close end rescue Resque.logger.error("#{$!}: #{$!.backtrace.join("\n")}") if Resque.logger end begin if socket socket.close end rescue Resque.logger.error("#{$!}: #{$!.backtrace.join("\n")}") if Resque.logger end end def self.application_exception(exception, name) exc ="#{exception} (#{name})") exc.set_backtrace(exception.backtrace) return exc end def initialize(attributes) attributes.each do |k, v| respond_to?(:"#{k}=") ? send(:"#{k}=", v) : raise(Resque::Plugins::Aps::UnknownAttributeError, "unknown attribute: #{k}") end end def socket(cert = nil, certp = nil, host = nil, port = nil, &block) logger.debug("resque-aps: ssl_socket(#{name})") if logger exc = nil begin socket, ssl_socket = Application.create_sockets(cert ||, certp || cert_passwd, host || Resque.aps_gateway_host, port || Resque.aps_gateway_port) rescue raise Application.application_exception($!, name) end begin ssl_socket.connect yield ssl_socket, self if block_given? rescue exc = Application.application_exception($!, name) if $!.message =~ /^SSL_connect .* certificate (expired|revoked)/ || $!.message =~ /^SSL Verification failed/ notify_aps_admin exc end raise exc ensure Application.close_sockets(socket, ssl_socket) end exc end def to_hash {'name' => name, 'cert_file' => cert_file, 'cert_passwd' => cert_passwd} end def to_json to_hash.to_json end def before_aps_write(notification) logger.debug("ResqueAps[before_write]: #{notification}") if logger end def after_aps_write(notification) logger.debug("ResqueAps[after_write]: #{notification}") if logger end def failed_aps_write(notification, exception, previous_notification = nil) logger.error("ResqueAps[write_failed]: #{exception} (#{notification}): #{exception.backtrace.join("\n")}") if logger end def notify_aps_admin(exception) end def aps_nil_notification_retry?(sent_count, start_time) false end def before_aps_read logger.debug("ResqueAps[before_read]:") if logger end def after_aps_read(feedback) logger.debug("ResqueAps[after_read]: #{feedback.to_s}") if logger end def aps_read_error(exception) logger.error("ResqueAps[read_error]: #{exception} (#{name}): #{exception.backtrace.join("\n")}") if logger end def aps_read_failed logger.error("ResqueAps[read_failed]: Bad data on the socket (#{name})") if logger end end end end end