# encoding: utf-8 require "logstash/filters/base" require "logstash/namespace" # A general search and replace tool which queries replacement values from a redis instance. # # This is actually a redis version of a translate plugin. # # Operationally, if the event field specified in the "field" configuration # matches the EXACT contents of a redis key, the field's value will be substituted # with the matched key's value from the redis GET command. # # By default, the redis filter will replace the contents of the # matching event field (in-place). However, by using the "destination" # configuration item, you may also specify a target event field to # populate with the new translated value. # # Alternatively, for simple string search and replacements for just a few values # you might consider using the gsub function of the mutate filter. class LogStash::Filters::Redis < LogStash::Filters::Base config_name "redis" # The hostname of your Redis server. config :host, :validate => :string, :default => "" # The port to connect on. config :port, :validate => :number, :default => 6379 # Password to authenticate with. There is no authentication by default. config :password, :validate => :password # The Redis database number. config :db, :validate => :number, :default => 0 # The name of the logstash event field containing the value to be compared for a # match by the translate filter (e.g. "message", "host", "response_code"). # # If this field is an array, only the first value will be used. config :field, :validate => :string, :required => true # If the destination (or target) field already exists, this configuration item specifies # whether the filter should skip translation (default) or overwrite the target field # value with the new translation value. config :override, :validate => :boolean, :default => false # The destination field you wish to populate with the translated code. The default # is a field named "redis". Set this to the same value as source if you want # to do a substitution, in this case filter will allways succeed. This will clobber # the old value of the source field! config :destination, :validate => :string, :default => "redis" # In case no translation occurs in the event (no matches), this will add a default # translation string, which will always populate "field", if the match failed. # # For example, if we have configured `fallback => "no match"`, using this dictionary: # # foo: bar # # Then, if logstash received an event with the field `foo` set to "bar", the destination # field would be set to "bar". However, if logstash received an event with `foo` set to "nope", # then the destination field would still be populated, but with the value of "no match". config :fallback, :validate => :string # Connection timeout config :timeout, :validate => :number, :required => false, :default => 5 public def register require 'redis' require 'json' @redis = nil end # def register public def filter(event) return unless event.include?(@field) return if event.include?(@destination) and not @override source = event[@field].is_a?(Array) ? event[@field].first.to_s : event[@field].to_s @redis ||= connect val = @redis.get(source) if val begin event[@destination] = JSON.parse(val) rescue JSON::ParserError => e event[@destination] = val end elsif @fallback event[@destination] = @fallback end # filter_matched should go in the last line of our successful code filter_matched(event) end # def filter private def connect Redis.new( :host => @host, :port => @port, :timeout => @timeout, :db => @db, :password => @password.nil? ? nil : @password.value ) end #def connect end # class LogStash::Filters::Redis