require 'fog/core/model' require 'fog/aws/models/storage/versions' module Fog module Storage class AWS class File < Fog::Model identity :key, :aliases => 'Key' attr_writer :body attribute :cache_control, :aliases => 'Cache-Control' attribute :content_disposition, :aliases => 'Content-Disposition' attribute :content_encoding, :aliases => 'Content-Encoding' attribute :content_length, :aliases => ['Content-Length', 'Size'], :type => :integer attribute :content_md5, :aliases => 'Content-MD5' attribute :content_type, :aliases => 'Content-Type' attribute :etag, :aliases => ['Etag', 'ETag'] attribute :expires, :aliases => 'Expires' attribute :last_modified, :aliases => ['Last-Modified', 'LastModified'] attribute :metadata attribute :owner, :aliases => 'Owner' attribute :storage_class, :aliases => ['x-amz-storage-class', 'StorageClass'] attribute :encryption, :aliases => 'x-amz-server-side-encryption' attribute :version, :aliases => 'x-amz-version-id' # Chunk size to use for multipart uploads # Use small chunk sizes to minimize memory # E.g. 5242880 = 5mb attr_accessor :multipart_chunk_size def acl=(new_acl) valid_acls = ['private', 'public-read', 'public-read-write', 'authenticated-read'] unless valid_acls.include?(new_acl) raise"acl must be one of [#{valid_acls.join(', ')}]") end @acl = new_acl end def body attributes[:body] ||= if last_modified && (file = collection.get(identity)) file.body else '' end end def body=(new_body) attributes[:body] = new_body end def directory @directory end def copy(target_directory_key, target_file_key, options = {}) requires :directory, :key connection.copy_object(directory.key, key, target_directory_key, target_file_key, options) target_directory = => target_directory_key) target_directory.files.head(target_file_key) end def destroy(options = {}) requires :directory, :key attributes[:body] = nil if options['versionId'] == version connection.delete_object(directory.key, key, options) true end remove_method :metadata def metadata attributes.reject {|key, value| !(key.to_s =~ /^x-amz-meta-/)} end remove_method :metadata= def metadata=(new_metadata) merge_attributes(new_metadata) end remove_method :owner= def owner=(new_owner) if new_owner attributes[:owner] = { :display_name => new_owner['DisplayName'], :id => new_owner['ID'] } end end def public=(new_public) if new_public @acl = 'public-read' else @acl = 'private' end new_public end def public_url requires :directory, :key if connection.get_object_acl(directory.key, key).body['AccessControlList'].detect {|grant| grant['Grantee']['URI'] == '' && grant['Permission'] == 'READ'} if directory.key.to_s =~ /^(?:[a-z]|\d(?!\d{0,2}(?:\.\d{1,3}){3}$))(?:[a-z0-9]|\-(?![\.])){1,61}[a-z0-9]$/ "https://#{directory.key}{Fog::AWS.escape(key)}".gsub('%2F','/') else "{directory.key}/#{Fog::AWS.escape(key)}".gsub('%2F','/') end else nil end end def save(options = {}) requires :body, :directory, :key if options != {} Fog::Logger.deprecation("options param is deprecated, use acl= instead [light_black](#{caller.first})[/]") end options['x-amz-acl'] ||= @acl if @acl options['Cache-Control'] = cache_control if cache_control options['Content-Disposition'] = content_disposition if content_disposition options['Content-Encoding'] = content_encoding if content_encoding options['Content-MD5'] = content_md5 if content_md5 options['Content-Type'] = content_type if content_type options['Expires'] = expires if expires options.merge!(metadata) options['x-amz-storage-class'] = storage_class if storage_class options['x-amz-server-side-encryption'] = encryption if encryption if multipart_chunk_size && body.respond_to?(:read) data = multipart_save(options) merge_attributes(data.body) else data = connection.put_object(directory.key, key, body, options) merge_attributes(data.headers.reject {|key, value| ['Content-Length', 'Content-Type'].include?(key)}) end self.etag.gsub!('"','') self.content_length = Fog::Storage.get_body_size(body) self.content_type ||= Fog::Storage.get_content_type(body) true end def url(expires, options = {}) requires :key collection.get_url(key, expires, options) end def versions @versions ||= begin :file => self, :connection => connection ) end end private def directory=(new_directory) @directory = new_directory end def multipart_save(options) # Initiate the upload res = connection.initiate_multipart_upload(directory.key, key, options) upload_id = res.body["UploadId"] # Store ETags of upload parts part_tags = [] # Upload each part # TODO: optionally upload chunks in parallel using threads # (may cause network performance problems with many small chunks) # TODO: Support large chunk sizes without reading the chunk into memory body.rewind if body.respond_to?(:rewind) while (chunk = do md5 = Base64.encode64(Digest::MD5.digest(chunk)).strip part_upload = connection.upload_part(directory.key, key, upload_id, part_tags.size + 1, chunk, 'Content-MD5' => md5 ) part_tags << part_upload.headers["ETag"] end rescue # Abort the upload & reraise connection.abort_multipart_upload(directory.key, key, upload_id) if upload_id raise else # Complete the upload connection.complete_multipart_upload(directory.key, key, upload_id, part_tags) end end end end end