# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this # work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF # licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. require 'uri' require 'net/http' Net.autoload :HTTPS, 'net/https' # PATCH: On Windows, Net::SSH 2.0.2 attempts to load the Pageant DLLs which break on JRuby. $LOADED_FEATURES << 'net/ssh/authentication/pageant.rb' if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /java/ gem 'net-ssh' ; Net.autoload :SSH, 'net/ssh' gem 'net-sftp' ; Net.autoload :SFTP, 'net/sftp' autoload :CGI, 'cgi' require 'digest/md5' require 'digest/sha1' require 'stringio' autoload :ProgressBar, 'buildr/core/progressbar' # Not quite open-uri, but similar. Provides read and write methods for the resource represented by the URI. # Currently supports reads for URI::HTTP and writes for URI::SFTP. Also provides convenience methods for # downloads and uploads. module URI # Raised when trying to read/download a resource that doesn't exist. class NotFoundError < RuntimeError end # How many bytes to read/write at once. Do not change without checking BUILDR-214 first. RW_CHUNK_SIZE = 128 * 1024 #:nodoc: class << self # :call-seq: # read(uri, options?) => content # read(uri, options?) { |chunk| ... } # # Reads from the resource behind this URI. The first form returns the content of the resource, # the second form yields to the block with each chunk of content (usually more than one). # # For example: # File.open 'image.jpg', 'w' do |file| # URI.read('http://example.com/image.jpg') { |chunk| file.write chunk } # end # Shorter version: # File.open('image.jpg', 'w') { |file| file.write URI.read('http://example.com/image.jpg') } # # Supported options: # * :modified -- Only download if file modified since this timestamp. Returns nil if not modified. # * :progress -- Show the progress bar while reading. def read(uri, options = nil, &block) uri = URI.parse(uri.to_s) unless URI === uri uri.read options, &block end # :call-seq: # download(uri, target, options?) # # Downloads the resource to the target. # # The target may be a file name (string or task), in which case the file is created from the resource. # The target may also be any object that responds to +write+, e.g. File, StringIO, Pipe. # # Use the progress bar when running in verbose mode. def download(uri, target, options = nil) uri = URI.parse(uri.to_s) unless URI === uri uri.download target, options end # :call-seq: # write(uri, content, options?) # write(uri, options?) { |bytes| .. } # # Writes to the resource behind the URI. The first form writes the content from a string or an object # that responds to +read+ and optionally +size+. The second form writes the content by yielding to the # block. Each yield should return up to the specified number of bytes, the last yield returns nil. # # For example: # File.open 'killer-app.jar', 'rb' do |file| # write('sftp://localhost/jars/killer-app.jar') { |chunk| file.read(chunk) } # end # Or: # write 'sftp://localhost/jars/killer-app.jar', File.read('killer-app.jar') # # Supported options: # * :progress -- Show the progress bar while reading. def write(uri, *args, &block) uri = URI.parse(uri.to_s) unless URI === uri uri.write *args, &block end # :call-seq: # upload(uri, source, options?) # # Uploads from source to the resource. # # The source may be a file name (string or task), in which case the file is uploaded to the resource. # The source may also be any object that responds to +read+ (and optionally +size+), e.g. File, StringIO, Pipe. # # Use the progress bar when running in verbose mode. def upload(uri, source, options = nil) uri = URI.parse(uri.to_s) unless URI === uri uri.upload source, options end end class Generic # :call-seq: # read(options?) => content # read(options?) { |chunk| ... } # # Reads from the resource behind this URI. The first form returns the content of the resource, # the second form yields to the block with each chunk of content (usually more than one). # # For options, see URI::read. def read(options = nil, &block) fail 'This protocol doesn\'t support reading (yet, how about helping by implementing it?)' end # :call-seq: # download(target, options?) # # Downloads the resource to the target. # # The target may be a file name (string or task), in which case the file is created from the resource. # The target may also be any object that responds to +write+, e.g. File, StringIO, Pipe. # # Use the progress bar when running in verbose mode. def download(target, options = nil) case target when Rake::Task download target.name, options when String # If download breaks we end up with a partial file which is # worse than not having a file at all, so download to temporary # file and then move over. modified = File.stat(target).mtime if File.exist?(target) temp = nil Tempfile.open File.basename(target) do |temp| temp.binmode read({:progress=>verbose}.merge(options || {}).merge(:modified=>modified)) { |chunk| temp.write chunk } end mkpath File.dirname(target) mv temp.path, target when File read({:progress=>verbose}.merge(options || {}).merge(:modified=>target.mtime)) { |chunk| target.write chunk } target.flush else raise ArgumentError, 'Expecting a target that is either a file name (string, task) or object that responds to write (file, pipe).' unless target.respond_to?(:write) read({:progress=>verbose}.merge(options || {})) { |chunk| target.write chunk } target.flush end end # :call-seq: # write(content, options?) # write(options?) { |bytes| .. } # # Writes to the resource behind the URI. The first form writes the content from a string or an object # that responds to +read+ and optionally +size+. The second form writes the content by yielding to the # block. Each yield should return up to the specified number of bytes, the last yield returns nil. # # For options, see URI::write. def write(*args, &block) options = args.pop if Hash === args.last options ||= {} if String === args.first ios = StringIO.new(args.first, 'r') write(options.merge(:size=>args.first.size)) { |bytes| ios.read(bytes) } elsif args.first.respond_to?(:read) size = args.first.size rescue nil write({:size=>size}.merge(options)) { |bytes| args.first.read(bytes) } elsif args.empty? && block write_internal options, &block else raise ArgumentError, 'Either give me the content, or pass me a block, otherwise what would I upload?' end end # :call-seq: # upload(source, options?) # # Uploads from source to the resource. # # The source may be a file name (string or task), in which case the file is uploaded to the resource. # If the source is a directory, uploads all files inside the directory (including nested directories). # The source may also be any object that responds to +read+ (and optionally +size+), e.g. File, StringIO, Pipe. # # Use the progress bar when running in verbose mode. def upload(source, options = nil) source = source.name if Rake::Task === source options ||= {} if String === source raise NotFoundError, 'No source file/directory to upload.' unless File.exist?(source) if File.directory?(source) Dir.glob("#{source}/**/*").reject { |file| File.directory?(file) }.each do |file| uri = self + (File.join(self.path, file.sub(source, ''))) uri.upload file, {:digests=>[]}.merge(options) end else File.open(source, 'rb') { |input| upload input, options } end elsif source.respond_to?(:read) digests = (options[:digests] || [:md5, :sha1]). inject({}) { |hash, name| hash[name] = Digest.const_get(name.to_s.upcase).new ; hash } size = source.size rescue nil write (options).merge(:progress=>verbose && size, :size=>size) do |bytes| source.read(bytes).tap do |chunk| digests.values.each { |digest| digest << chunk } if chunk end end digests.each do |key, digest| self.merge("#{self.path}.#{key}").write "#{digest.hexdigest} #{File.basename(path)}", (options).merge(:progress=>false) end else raise ArgumentError, 'Expecting source to be a file name (string, task) or any object that responds to read (file, pipe).' end end protected # :call-seq: # with_progress_bar(show, file_name, size) { |progress| ... } # # Displays a progress bar while executing the block. The first argument must be true for the # progress bar to show (TTY output also required), as a convenient for selectively using the # progress bar from a single block. # # The second argument provides a filename to display, the third its size in bytes. # # The block is yielded with a progress object that implements a single method. # Call << for each block of bytes down/uploaded. def with_progress_bar(show, file_name, size, &block) #:nodoc: options = { :total=>size || 0, :title=>file_name } options[:hidden] = true unless show ProgressBar.start options, &block end # :call-seq: # proxy_uri => URI? # # Returns the proxy server to use. Obtains the proxy from the relevant environment variable (e.g. HTTP_PROXY). # Supports exclusions based on host name and port number from environment variable NO_PROXY. def proxy_uri proxy = ENV["#{scheme.upcase}_PROXY"] proxy = URI.parse(proxy) if String === proxy excludes = ENV['NO_PROXY'].to_s.split(/\s*,\s*/).compact excludes = excludes.map { |exclude| exclude =~ /:\d+$/ ? exclude : "#{exclude}:*" } return proxy unless excludes.any? { |exclude| File.fnmatch(exclude, "#{host}:#{port}") } end def write_internal(options, &block) #:nodoc: fail 'This protocol doesn\'t support writing (yet, how about helping by implementing it?)' end end class HTTP #:nodoc: # See URI::Generic#read def read(options = nil, &block) options ||= {} connect do |http| trace "Requesting #{self}" headers = { 'If-Modified-Since' => CGI.rfc1123_date(options[:modified].utc) } if options[:modified] request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(request_uri.empty? ? '/' : request_uri, headers) request.basic_auth self.user, self.password if self.user http.request request do |response| case response when Net::HTTPNotModified # No modification, nothing to do. trace 'Not modified since last download' return nil when Net::HTTPRedirection # Try to download from the new URI, handle relative redirects. trace "Redirected to #{response['Location']}" rself = self + URI.parse(response['Location']) rself.user, rself.password = self.user, self.password return rself.read(options, &block) when Net::HTTPOK info "Downloading #{self}" result = nil with_progress_bar options[:progress], path.split('/').last, response.content_length do |progress| if block response.read_body do |chunk| block.call chunk progress << chunk end else result = '' response.read_body do |chunk| result << chunk progress << chunk end end end return result when Net::HTTPNotFound raise NotFoundError, "Looking for #{self} and all I got was a 404!" else raise RuntimeError, "Failed to download #{self}: #{response.message}" end end end end private def write_internal(options, &block) #:nodoc: options ||= {} connect do |http| trace "Uploading to #{path}" content = StringIO.new while chunk = yield(RW_CHUNK_SIZE) content << chunk end headers = { 'Content-MD5'=>Digest::MD5.hexdigest(content.string) } request = Net::HTTP::Put.new(request_uri.empty? ? '/' : request_uri, headers) request.basic_auth self.user, self.password if self.user response = nil with_progress_bar options[:progress], path.split('/').last, content.size do |progress| request.content_length = content.size content.rewind stream = Object.new class << stream ; self ;end.send :define_method, :read do |count| bytes = content.read(count) progress << bytes if bytes bytes end request.body_stream = stream response = http.request(request) end case response when Net::HTTPRedirection # Try to download from the new URI, handle relative redirects. trace "Redirected to #{response['Location']}" content.rewind return (self + URI.parse(response['location'])).write_internal(options) { |bytes| content.read(bytes) } when Net::HTTPSuccess else raise RuntimeError, "Failed to upload #{self}: #{response.message}" end end end def connect if proxy = proxy_uri proxy = URI.parse(proxy) if String === proxy http = Net::HTTP.new(host, port, proxy.host, proxy.port, proxy.user, proxy.password) else http = Net::HTTP.new(host, port) end http.use_ssl = true if self.instance_of? URI::HTTPS yield http end end class SFTP < Generic #:nodoc: DEFAULT_PORT = 22 COMPONENT = [ :scheme, :userinfo, :host, :port, :path ].freeze class << self # Caching of passwords, so we only need to ask once. def passwords @passwords ||= {} end end def initialize(*arg) super end def read(options = {}, &block) # SSH options are based on the username/password from the URI. ssh_options = { :port=>port, :password=>password }.merge(options[:ssh_options] || {}) ssh_options[:password] ||= SFTP.passwords[host] begin trace "Connecting to #{host}" result = nil Net::SFTP.start(host, user, ssh_options) do |sftp| SFTP.passwords[host] = ssh_options[:password] trace 'connected' with_progress_bar options[:progress] && options[:size], path.split('/'), options[:size] || 0 do |progress| trace "Downloading to #{path}" sftp.file.open(path, 'r') do |file| if block while chunk = file.read(RW_CHUNK_SIZE) block.call chunk progress << chunk end else result = '' while chunk = file.read(RW_CHUNK_SIZE) result << chunk progress << chunk end end end end end return result rescue Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed=>ex # Only if running with console, prompt for password. if !ssh_options[:password] && $stdout.isatty password = ask("Password for #{host}:") { |q| q.echo = '*' } ssh_options[:password] = password retry end raise end end protected def write_internal(options, &block) #:nodoc: # SSH options are based on the username/password from the URI. ssh_options = { :port=>port, :password=>password }.merge(options[:ssh_options] || {}) ssh_options[:password] ||= SFTP.passwords[host] begin trace "Connecting to #{host}" Net::SFTP.start(host, user, ssh_options) do |sftp| SFTP.passwords[host] = ssh_options[:password] trace 'Connected' # To create a path, we need to create all its parent. We use realpath to determine if # the path already exists, otherwise mkdir fails. trace "Creating path #{path}" File.dirname(path).split('/').reject(&:empty?).inject('/') do |base, part| combined = base + part sftp.close(sftp.opendir!(combined)) rescue sftp.mkdir! combined, {} "#{combined}/" end with_progress_bar options[:progress] && options[:size], path.split('/'), options[:size] || 0 do |progress| trace "Uploading to #{path}" sftp.file.open(path, 'w') do |file| while chunk = yield(RW_CHUNK_SIZE) file.write chunk progress << chunk end sftp.setstat(path, :permissions => options[:permissions]) if options[:permissions] end end end rescue Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed=>ex # Only if running with console, prompt for password. if !ssh_options[:password] && $stdout.isatty password = ask("Password for #{host}:") { |q| q.echo = '*' } ssh_options[:password] = password retry end raise end end end @@schemes['SFTP'] = SFTP # File URL. Keep in mind that file URLs take the form of <code>file://host/path</code>, although the host # is not used, so typically all you will see are three backslashes. This methods accept common variants, # like <code>file:/path</code> but always returns a valid URL. class FILE < Generic COMPONENT = [ :host, :path ].freeze def initialize(*args) super # file:something (opaque) becomes file:///something if path.nil? set_path "/#{opaque}" unless opaque.nil? set_opaque nil warn "#{caller[2]}: We'll accept this URL, but just so you know, it needs three slashes, as in: #{to_s}" end end # Sadly, file://something really means file://something/ (something being server) set_path '/' if path.empty? # On windows, file://c:/something is not a valid URL, but people do it anyway, so if we see a drive-as-host, # we'll just be nice enough to fix it. (URI actually strips the colon here) if host =~ /^[a-zA-Z]$/ set_path "/#{host}:#{path}" set_host nil end end # See URI::Generic#read def read(options = nil, &block) options ||= {} raise ArgumentError, 'Either you\'re attempting to read a file from another host (which we don\'t support), or you used two slashes by mistake, where you should have file:///<path>.' if host path = real_path # TODO: complain about clunky URLs raise NotFoundError, "Looking for #{self} and can't find it." unless File.exists?(path) raise NotFoundError, "Looking for the file #{self}, and it happens to be a directory." if File.directory?(path) File.open path, 'rb' do |input| with_progress_bar options[:progress], path.split('/').last, input.stat.size do |progress| block ? block.call(input.read) : input.read end end end def to_s "file://#{host}#{path}" end # The URL path always starts with a backslash. On most operating systems (Linux, Darwin, BSD) it points # to the absolute path on the file system. But on Windows, it comes before the drive letter, creating an # unusable path, so real_path fixes that. Ugly but necessary hack. def real_path #:nodoc: RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /win32/ && path =~ /^\/[a-zA-Z]:\// ? path[1..-1] : path end protected def write_internal(options, &block) #:nodoc: raise ArgumentError, 'Either you\'re attempting to write a file to another host (which we don\'t support), or you used two slashes by mistake, where you should have file:///<path>.' if host temp = nil Tempfile.open File.basename(path) do |temp| temp.binmode with_progress_bar options[:progress] && options[:size], path.split('/'), options[:size] || 0 do |progress| while chunk = yield(RW_CHUNK_SIZE) temp.write chunk progress << chunk end end end real_path.tap do |path| mkpath File.dirname(path) mv temp.path, path end end @@schemes['FILE'] = FILE end end