module Bond # This is the default readline plugin for Bond. A valid plugin must be a module that defines methods setup # and line_buffer as described below. module Readline DefaultBreakCharacters = " \t\n\"\\'`><=;|&{(" # Loads the readline-like library and sets the completion_proc to the given agent. def setup(agent) require 'readline' begin require 'readline_line_buffer' rescue LoadError $stderr.puts "Failed to load readline_line_buffer extension. Falling back on RubyInline extension." require 'inline' eval %[ module ::Readline inline do |builder| %w( ).each{|h| builder.include h } builder.c_raw_singleton <<-EOC static VALUE line_buffer(VALUE self) { rb_secure(4); if (rl_line_buffer == NULL) return Qnil; return rb_tainted_str_new2(rl_line_buffer); } EOC end end ] end # Reinforcing irb defaults ::Readline.completion_append_character = nil if ::Readline.respond_to?("basic_word_break_characters=") ::Readline.basic_word_break_characters = DefaultBreakCharacters end ::Readline.completion_proc = agent if (::Readline::VERSION rescue nil).to_s[/editline/i] puts "Bond has detected EditLine and may not work with it. See the README's Limitations section." end end # Returns full line of what the user has typed. def line_buffer ::Readline.line_buffer end end end