module Marvin class AbstractClient ## General IRC Functions / Actions # Sends a specified command to the server. # Takes name (e.g. :privmsg) and all of the args. # Very simply formats them as a string correctly # and calls send_data with the results. def command(name, *args) # First, get the appropriate command name = name.to_s.upcase args = args.flatten args << util.last_param(args.pop) send_line "#{name} #{args.compact.join(" ").strip}\r\n" end # Join one or more channels on the current server # e.g. # client.join "#marvin-testing" # client.join ["#marvin-testing", "#rubyonrails"] # client.join "#marvin-testing", "#rubyonrails" def join(*channels_to_join) channels_to_join = { |c| util.channel_name(c) } # If you're joining multiple channels at once, we join them together command :JOIN, channels_to_join.join(",") channels_to_join.each { |channel| dispatch :outgoing_join, :target => channel } "Sent JOIN for channels #{channels_to_join.join(", ")}" end # Parts a channel, with an optional reason # e.g. # part "#marvin-testing" # part "#marvin-testing", "Ninjas stole by felafel" def part(channel, reason = nil) channel = util.channel_name(channel) # Send the command anyway, even if we're not a # a recorded member something might of happened. command :part, channel, reason if channels.include?(channel) dispatch :outgoing_part, :target => channel, :reason => reason "Parted channel #{channel} - #{reason.present? ? reason : "Non given"}" else logger.warn "Parted channel #{channel} but wasn't recorded as member of channel" end end # Quites from a server, first parting all channels if a second # argument is passed as true # e.g. # quit # quit "Going to grab some z's" def quit(reason = nil, part_before_quit = false) @disconnect_expected = true # If the user wants to part before quitting, they should # pass a second, true, parameter if part_before_quit "Preparing to part from channels before quitting" channels.to_a.each { |chan| part(chan, reason) } "Parted from all channels, quitting" end command :quit, reason dispatch :outgoing_quit # Remove the connections from the pool connections.delete(self) "Quit from #{host_with_port}" end # Sends a message to a target (either a channel or a user) # e.g. # msg "#marvin-testing", "Hello there!" # msg "SuttoL", "Hey, I'm playing with marvin!" def msg(target, message) command :privmsg, target, message dispatch :outgoing_message, :target => target, :message => message "Message #{target} - #{message}" end # Does a CTCP action in a channel (equiv. to doing /me in most IRC clients) # e.g. # action "#marvin-testing", "is about to sleep" # action "SuttoL", "is about to sleep" def action(target, message) command :privmsg, target, "\01ACTION #{message.strip}\01" dispatch :outgoing_action, :target => target, :message => message "Action sent to #{target} - #{message}" end def pong(data) command :pong, data dispatch :outgoing_pong "PONG sent to #{host_with_port} w/ data - #{data}" end def nick(new_nick) "Changing nick to #{new_nick}" command :nick, new_nick @nickname = new_nick dispatch :outgoing_nick, :new_nick => new_nick "Nick changed to #{new_nick}" end end end