= tomcap == DESCRIPTION: Capistrano tasks which allow you to quickly and easily deploy Java WAR files located in remote repositories (currently Artifactory repos) to a running Tomcat container. == REQUIREMENTS: * capistrano (http://capify.org) * Access to an Artifactory repository * Some Java code you want to deploy (in WAR format) hosted in your Artifactory Maven repo. * A running Tomcat container. The manager port does not need to be open from your local machine. (Otherwise you could probably deploy just as easily without using this plugin!) == INSTALLATION: $ gem sources -a http://gems.github.com/ (if you havn't already, which is unlikely) $ gem install ienders-tomcap == USAGE: = Include in capistrano In your deploy.rb, simply include this line at the top: require 'tomcap/recipes' = Set your configuration parameters set :tomcat_user, "..." set :tomcat_pass, "..." set :mvn_repo_user, "..." set :mvn_repo_pass, "..." set :mvn_repository, "libs-snapshots-local" set :mvn_war_group_id, "com.mycompany" set :mvn_war_artifact_id, "my-application" set :mvn_war_version, "1.0-SNAPSHOT" = Assign a java role to all servers hosting your app role :java, 'myhost.com' = Deploy $ cap deploy:java == AUTHOR: Ian Enders addictedtoian.com