en: catalog: "Catalog" new_category: "New Category" add_category: "Add Category" edit_category: "Edit Category" update_category: "Update Category" new_product: "New Product" add_product: "Add Product" edit_product: "Edit Product" update_product: "Update Product" create_property: "Create Property" create_option_type: "Create Option Type" new_variant: "New Variant" add_variant: "Add Variant" edit_variant: "Edit Variant" update_variant: "Update Variant" add_option_value: "Add Option Value" type_group_name_for_options_placeholder: "Type group/tag name for grouping option types..." type_group_name_for_properties_placeholder: "Type group/tag name for grouping properties..." or_select_from_list_placeholder: "... or select from list" select_option_type_from_list_placeholder: "Select option type from list" liquor_help: variables: categories: main_description: '"categories" returns collection of categories created in "Categories" section:' properties: name: 'Category name' permalink: 'Permalink for generating link to category page' description: 'Description' logo_url: 'Logo URL' children: 'Child categories' parent: 'Parent category' products: 'Products' products: main_description: '"products" returns collection of products created in "Products" section:' properties: name: 'Product name' price: 'Price' permalink: 'Permalink for generating link to product page' description: 'Description' image_url: 'Image URL' preview_image_url: 'Preview Image URL' categories: 'Categories' variants: 'Variants' properties: 'Properties' activerecord: models: kms/category: one: "Category" few: "Categories" many: "Categories" other: "Categories" kms/product: one: "Product" few: "Products" many: "Products" other: "Products" kms/property: one: "Property" few: "Properties" many: "Properties" other: "Properties" kms/option_type: one: "Option Type" few: "Option Types" many: "Option Types" other: "Option Types" kms/variant: one: "Variant" few: "Variants" many: "Variants" other: "Variants" attributes: kms/category: name: "Name" parent: "Parent category" description: "Description" logo: "Logo" seo_title: "Title" seo_keywords: "Meta Keywords" seo_description: "Meta Description" kms/product: name: "Name" description: "Description" price: "Price" categories: "Categories" preview_image: "Preview image" image: "Main image" seo_title: "Title" seo_keywords: "Meta Keywords" seo_description: "Meta Description" kms/property: tag: "Group/Tag" name: "Name" value: "Value" kms/option_type: tag: "Group/Tag" name: "Name" kms/variant: name: "Name" price: "Price" image: "Image" kms/option_value: option_type: "Option Type" value: "Value"