order-id order-item-id purchase-date payments-date buyer-email buyer-name buyer-phone-number sku product-name quantity-purchased currency item-price item-tax shipping-price shipping-tax ship-service-level recipient-name ship-address-1 ship-address-2 ship-address-3 ship-city ship-state ship-postal-code ship-country ship-phone-number delivery-start-date delivery-end-date delivery-time-zone delivery-Instructions 103-26010-55904394929210114 2011-02-09T02:46:57-08:00 2011-02-09T02:46:57-08:00 0g9lx423zn5@marketplace.amazon.com Joe Customer 404-555-1212 JW-RT1-HLD9 The Structure of Aikido: Volume 1: Kenjutsu and Taijutsu Sword and Open-Hand Movement Relationships (Structure of Aikido, Vol 1) 1 USD 19.49 0.00 3.99 0.00 Standard Joe Customer 123 Main Street LAWRENCE CA 90044-2463 US 404-555-1212