Schema error: Schematron elements in old and new namespaces found
Schema error: in the queryBinding attribute, use 'xslt'
Fail: This implementation of ISO Schematron does not work with schemas using the query language
Phase Error: no phase has been defined with name
Markup Error: no pattern attribute in <active>
Reference Error: the pattern "
" has been activated but is not declared
Markup Error: no test attribute in <assert>
Markup Error: no test attribute in <report>
Markup Error: no id attribute in <diagnostic>
Markup Error: no rule attribute in <extends>
Reference Error: the abstract rule "
" has been referenced but is not declared
Markup Error: no name attribute in <key>
Markup Error: no path or use attribute in <key>
Markup Error: no path or use attribute in <key>
Schema error: The <key> element is not in the ISO Schematron namespace. Use the XSLT namespace.
Markup Error: no name attribute in <function>
Schema error: The <function> element is not in the ISO Schematron namespace. Use the XSLT namespace.
Schema error: Empty href attribute for <include> directive.
Error: Impossible URL in Schematron <include>
Error: Unable to open referenced included file:
Schema error: Use <include> to include fragments, not a whole schema
Schema error: XSD schemas may only be imported if you are using the 'xslt2' query language binding
Schema error: The <import-schema> element is not available in the ISO Schematron namespace. Use the XSLT namespace.
Warning: Variables should not be used with the "xpath" query language binding.
Warning: Variables should not be used with the "xpath2" query language binding.
Markup Error: no uri attribute in <ns>
Markup Error: no prefix attribute in <ns>
Schema implementation error: This schema has abstract patterns, yet they are supposed to be preprocessed out already
Markup Error: no id attribute in <phase>
Markup Error: no context attribute in <rule>
Markup Error: no id attribute on abstract <rule>
Markup Error: (2) context attribute on abstract <rule>
Markup Error: context attribute on abstract <rule>
Markup Error: no select attribute in <value-of>
must not contain any child elements
Reference error: A diagnostic "
" has been referenced but is not declared
Warning: Using the XSLT namespace with a prefix other than "xsl" in Schematron rules is not supported in this processor:
Error: unrecognized element in ISO Schematron namespace: check spelling and capitalization
Warning: unrecognized element