class Spinach::Features::DefaultConfig < Spinach::FeatureSteps include API step 'I use the default hyperclient config' do @api ='') end step 'the request should have been sent with the correct JSON headers' do assert_requested :get, '', headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/hal+json', 'Accept' => 'application/hal+json,application/json' } end step 'I send some data to the API' do stub_request(:post, '') assert_equal 200, api._links.posts._post(title: 'My first blog post')._response.status end step 'it should have been encoded as JSON' do assert_requested :post, '', body: '{"title":"My first blog post"}' end step 'I get some data from the API' do @posts = api._links.posts end step 'it should have been parsed as JSON' do @posts._attributes.total_posts.to_i.must_equal 9 @posts._attributes['total_posts'].to_i.must_equal 9 end end